Please refer to Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set C with solutions below. The following CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 Social Science has been prepared as per the latest pattern and examination guidelines issued by CBSE. By practicing the Social Science Sample Paper for Class 10 students will be able to improve their understanding of the subject and get more marks.
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper for Term 2
1. Explain the role of Bretton Woods institutions in post-Second World War settlement.
Answer : Role of the Bretton Woods Institution :
(i) It inaugurated an era of unprecedented growth of trade and incomes for the western industrial nations.
(ii) World trade grew
(iii) Incomes of people in western countries grew
(iv) The growth was stable without fluctuations
(v) The unemployment rate reduced
(vi) There was world wide spread of technology and enterprise
2. “There is a pressing need to use renewable energy resources.” Justify the statement with suitable arguments.
Answer : Need to use renewable energy resources are :
(i) The growing consumption of energy has resulted in the country becoming increasingly dependent on fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.
(ii) Rising prices of oil and gas and their potential shortages have raised uncertainties about the security of energy supply in future.
(iii) Has serious repercussions on the growth of our country.
(iv) Hence, there is a pressing need to use renewable energy source like solar energy, wind, tide, biomass and energy from waste material.
3. Is it true that democratic government is less effective and not very responsive and clean ?
Answer : No, it is not true. It is right that people have this type of conception about democratic government but there is no denying the fact that this is the government of the people which is chosen by them. People can criticise this type of government which is not possible in other governments. It can be less effective, not very responsive and clean but it takes care of all the sections of the society.
4. Mention three points of difference between formal sector and informal sector loans.
Answer : Formal sector loans:
(i) Loans from bank and cooperatives need collateral
(ii) Under supervision of the Reserve Bank of India
(iii) Reasonable rates of interest
Informal sector loans :
(i) Loans from money lenders, relatives, friends, traders, etc., does not need collateral
(ii) No supervision of any institution
(iii) Very high rates of interest
5. “Manufacturing sector is considered as the backbone of economic development of a country.” Support the statement with examples.
Answer : Industrial sector provides the basic inputs to the agricultural sector such as tractors, harvesting machines, fertilizers, etc., that make the basic inputs for the sector. It helps in modernisation of the agricultural activity. The industrial sector provides employment to a large number of people and improves their economic status. These people in turn are able to buy more of the agricultural products such as food items, clothes etc. Thus the industrial sector improves employment. Because of industrial sector value is added to goods. The country can export products instead of raw materials.
6. Elaborate any three disadvantages of multinational corporations.
Explain by giving example that Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are spreading their production in different ways.
Answer : The disadvantages of MNCs are :
(i) Small manufacturers like — makers of capacitors, plastic toys, tyres, dairy products and vegetable oil became victims of competition.
(ii) Closing down of small units rendered many workers jobless.
(iii) Most employers prefer to employ workers ‘flexibly’, this mean that workers jobs are no longer secure. Small Indian companies were hard hit because of Government’s changed policies such as allowing import of the goods which were previously not allowed.
Multinational Corporations are spreading their productions in different ways.
(i) By setting up partnership with local companies.
(ii) By placing order with local companies. For example, garments, footwear, sports items, etc.
(iii) By closely competing with the local companies.
(iv) By buying local companies. To take an example, Cargill Foods, a very large American MNC has taken over smaller Indian company such as Parakh Foods.
7. How did the abundance of labour in the market affect the lives of workers in Britain?
Answer : Abundance of labour in the market affected the lives of the workers in Britain in following ways:
(i) The work available in most of the industries were seasonal. So workers had long period without work. Many returned to the countryside. But most of them looked for odd jobs.
(ii) Most of the workers had to wait for weeks or more to get job. They had to spend nights under bridges or in night shelters.
(iii) Wages had increased somewhat in the early nineteenth century. When prices rose sharply during the prolonged Napoleonic War, the real value of what the workers earned fell significantly, since the same wages could now buy fewer things.
8. How has Supreme Court tried to reduce the influence of money and criminals in the politics?
Answer : Supreme Court has tried to reduce the influence of money and criminals in the politics. It has passed an order regarding this. Now it is necessary for a candidate to fill an affidavit which includes details of his wealth and criminal cases pending against him. With this the public will come to know about those candidates to whom they are giving votes. But even after this ruling of Supreme Court, there is no system to check that the information given by the candidate is true of false.
9. What are the various challenges faced by Political Parties?
State the various functions which political parties perform in a democracy?
Answer : In any democracy, political parties are very much necessary because they are working for democracy. Political parties are actual face of democracy that what is going on in democracy. All in all they are very much necessary for democracy but these days there is a dissatisfaction among the people regarding the functioning of political parties. They have to face a lot of criticism from various quarters of society. That is why political parties need to face many challenges to remain effective and these challenges are :
(i) Lack of internal democracy : It is right that democracy goes on with the help of political parties but there is lack of internal democracy within the party. Generally the power within the party is concentrated within the hands of one or two leaders. Even they do not conduct regular elections of office bearers and they do not keep membership registers. Ordinary members are unable to get any information of inside matters of the party and members are generally dissatisfied with central leadership.
(ii) Dynastic succession : The biggest challenge which political parties are facing these days is the issue of dynastic succession. These parties do not have the transparent functioning and that is why the leaders always try to give unfair advantage to their family members especially wife or son. Political party then is controlled by one family. We can take the examples of Congress, SAD, RJD, INLD, National Conference, DMK, etc.
(iii) Money and Muscle power : Another challenge which political parties are facing is the increased role of money and muscle power especially at the time of elections. Parties, these days, try to nominate that person as their candidate who is either rich or has sufficient muscle power behind him. That is why, in some cases, criminals are being given tickets of national parties. Parties try to win majority in elections and that is why they use this type of way to win majority.
(iv) Lack of meaningful choice : Political parties generally discuss that problem which the country is facing and their policy to resolve that problem. They always try to convince the general masses that their policies are better than the other parties. But most of the parties agree on the fact that which problems are being faced by the country. Difference is only of priority of issue. All the political parties are same in one way or the other and that is why people don’t have any meaningful choice among them.
A political party is a group of people who have “the same ideology and who come closer to each other so that they can contest the elections and win over the majority to make the government. All the members of a political party agree on some policies for the welfare of the society. Political parties in democracy do a lot of functions which are given below :
(i) Political parties contest elections : Political, parties, in most of the democracies, contest the elections by ‘putting up their candidates in political arena. They select their candidates in one way or the other but in our country central leadership selects them on one basis or the other.
(ii) Put forward· policies and programmes : Political parties make some policies ·and programmes for the welfare of the people and voters choose those parties whose policies they like the most. In democracy people have different opinions but they are grouped together to provide one direction in, which policies could be formulated by the government.
(iii) Making Laws : Political parties, who are in power, make laws for the country. Actually laws are made by legislature but the party which is in power gets directions on that issue from central leadership to make any particular law.
(iv) Political parties make and run the government : Party which wins the majority gets the chance to make the government. It makes the government and runs the government according to the policies and ideology of the party.
(v) Play role of opposition : All parties cannot make the government. Those parties who are unable to make the government perform the role of opposition and try to raise and highlight vital issues. They often highlight those issues on which government seems to have failed.
(vi) Making public opinion : Political parties raise those issues in public which government is unable to handle. Thus they make a public opinion in their favour and against the government. Parties even launch movements to highlight the problems of the people.
(vii) Provides access to government machinery : Public in general don’t have access to government machinery but parties provide access to government 158 Class 10 machinery to general public. General public can easily approach any leader instead of an officer. They also are responsive to the needs of the people. These parties cannot ignore the demands of the public and that is why they are more responsive.
10. How can the benefits of globalisation be shared better? Explain.
What are demand deposits? Explain any three features of it?
Answer : The benefits of Globalisation can be shared better in the following ways :
(i) The government policy must protect the interest, not only of the rich and the powerful, but of all the people in the country.
(ii) The government can ensure that labour laws are implemented and workers get their rights.
(iii) It can support small producers to improve their performance till they becomes strong enough to compete.
(iv) It can use trade and investment barriers judiciously.
(v) It can negotiate at the WTO for ‘fairer rules’.
People save their money in banks by opening an account. The deposits in the bank accounts can be withdrawn on demand, so these deposits are called demand deposits.
(i) Banks accept the deposits and also pay an interest on the deposits. In this way people’s money is safe with the banks and it earns interest.
(ii) The facility of cheques against demand deposits makes it possible to directly settle payments without the use of cash. Since, demand deposits, can be used as a means of payment, along with currency, they constitute money in the modern economy.
(iii) The depositor can withdraw the money as and when he/she needs the money.
11. Read the given text and answer the following questions :
The exchange of goods among people, states and countries is referred to as trade. Trade between two countries is called international trade. It may take place through sea, air or land routes.
Advancement of international trade of a country is an index to its economic prosperity. As the resources are space bound, no country can survive without international trade. Export and import are the components of trade. The balance of trade of a country is the difference between its export and import. When the value of export exceeds the value of imports, it is called a favourable balance of trade. On the contrary, if the value of imports exceeds the value of exports, it is termed as unfavourable balance of trade.
11.1 What is trade?
Answer : The exchange of goods among people, states and countries is referred to as trade.
11.2 What is taken as a measure of economic prosperity of a country?
Answer : Advancement of international trade is a measure of economic prosperity of a country.
11.3 What is favourable balance of trade?
Answer : When the value of export exceeds the value of imports, it is called a favorable balance of trade.
12. Read the given text and answer the following questions :
Factories needed workers. With the expansion of factories, this demand increased. In 1901, there was 584,000 workers in Indian factories. By 1946 the number was over 2,436,000. But getting jobs was always difficult, even when mills multiplied and the demand for workers increased. The numbers seeking work were always more than the jobs available. Entry into the mills was also restricted. Industrialists usually employed a jobber to get new recruits. Very often the jobber was an old and trusted worker. He got people from his village, ensured them jobs, helped them settle in the city and provided them money in time of crisis. The jobber therefore became a person with some authority and power. He began demanding money and gifts for his favour and controlling the lives of workers.
12.1 Who were jobbers?
Answer : Jobbers were employed by British industrialists to get new recruits.
12.2 Why the demand for workers increased with the expansion of factories?
Answer : Workers demand increased because factories needed workers.
12.3 Why getting job was difficult, even when mills multiplied and demand for workers increased?
Answer : Because the numbers seeking work were always more than the jobs available. Also entry into the mills was also restricted. Recruitment was done through jobbers.
13. 13.1 On the given outline Political Map of India, identify the place marked as A with the help of following information and write its correct name on the line marked near it.
(A) The place where the Cotton Mill Workers Satyagraha took place in 1918.
13.2 On the same given map of India locate the following.
(I) Neyveli Coal Mine
Tarapur Nuclear Power Plant
(II) Haldia Seaport
Answer :