Please refer to Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set F with solutions below. The following CBSE Sample Paper for Class 10 Social Science has been prepared as per the latest pattern and examination guidelines issued by CBSE. By practicing the Social Science Sample Paper for Class 10 students will be able to improve their understanding of the subject and get more marks.
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper for Term 2
1. How did the Non-Cooperation Movement unfold in the cities and towns of India?
Answer : (i) The movement started with middle-class participation in the cities.
(ii) Thousands of students left government-controlled schools and college.
(iii) Many teachers resigned.
(iv) Lawyers gave up their legal practices.
(v) The council elections were boycotted in most provinces except Madras.
(vi) Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops picketed, and foreign cloth burnt in huge bonfires.
2. Why is tourism considered as a trade?
Answer : (i) Foreign tourist’s arrival in the country contributing to foreign exchange.
(ii) Many people are directly engaged in the tourism industry.
(iii) Tourism provides support to local handicrafts.
(iv) Tourists visit India for medical tourism, eco-tourism, adventure tourism, cultural tourism and business tourism.
3. Differentiate between one party and two party system.
Answer : A. One Party System
(i) Countries where only one party is allowed to control and run the government are called one party system.
(ii) Eg. In China only Communist Party is allowed to rule.
B. Two Party System
(i) Countries where only two main parties contest elections are called Two Party System.
(ii) The United States of America and United Kingdom are examples of Two Party System.
4. State the role of Reserve Bank of India.
Answer : (i) In India, the Reserve Bank of India issues currency notes on behalf of the Central Government.
(ii) The RBI supervises the functioning of formal sources of loans.
(iii) The RBI monitors the banks in actually maintaining cash balance.
(iv) The RBI sees that the banks give loans not just to profit-making businesses and traders but also to small cultivators.
5. Read the data in the table given below and answer the questions that follow:

5.1 Compare the 2015-2016 and 2019-2020 data and give any one reason for the reduction of production of steel in 2019-2020.
Answer : (i) High costs
(ii) Limited availability of coking coal
5.2 Why is production and consumption of steel considered as an index of a country’s development?
Answer : (i) The steel products are used as a raw material in different industries.
(ii) It is required for export.
Section – B
6. Why do most of the rural households still remain dependent on the informal sources of credit? Explain.
Answer : (i) Limited availability of Banks in rural areas.
(ii) People in the rural areas face problem with regard to documentation.
(iii) Absence of collateral is one of the major reasons which prevents the poor from getting bank loans.
(iv) Rural people get easy loans from the richer households through informal ways.
How do Self Help Groups help borrowers to overcome the problem of lack of collateral? Explain.
Answer : (i) People can get timely loans for a variety of purposes and at a reasonable interest rate.
(ii) SHGs are regular in their savings which can be used as monetary help.
(iii) Members can take small loans without collateral to meet their needs.
(iv) Due to timely repayment banks also lend loans to SHGs.
7. “Tribal peasants interpreted the message of Mahatma Gandhi and the idea of swaraj in another way and participated in the Non-Cooperation Movement differently.” Justify the statement.
Answer : (i) Spread of militant guerrilla movement in the Gudem Hills of Andhra Pradesh.
(ii) They were against colonial policies.
(iii) Their livelihood was affected and their traditional rights were denied.
(iv) Their leader Alluri Sitaram Raju was inspired by the Non Cooperation Movement and persuaded people to wear khadi and give up drinking.
(v) He wanted liberation by the use of force.
(vi) The rebels attacked police stations and carried on guerrilla warfare for achieving swaraj.
8. Examine the role of Political Parties in a democratic country.
Answer : (i) Parties form and run governments.
(ii) Parties play a decisive role in making policies for the country.
(iii) They recruit leaders and train them.
(iv) Parties that lose the election form the opposition.
(v) Parties shape public opinion.
(vi) Parties provide the common man access to government machinery and welfare schemes.
Section – C
9. Democracy’s ability to generate its own support is itself an outcome that cannot be ignored.’ Support the statement with examples.
Answer : (i) Democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms and procedure.
(ii) Every citizen has the right and means to examine the process of decision making.
(iii) Democratic governments are accountable, legitimate and transparent governments.
(iv) People have the right to choose their rulers.
(v) Democracy gives its citizens the right to information about the government and its functioning.
(vi) A democratic government is the people’s own government and it is run by the people.
‘There is an overwhelming support for the idea of democracy in South Asia.’ Support the statement with examples.
Answer : (i) Democratic government is peoples own government.
(ii) Countries from South Asia want democratic rights for people.
(iii) Countries want to elect their representatives by themselves.
(iv) Democracy provides dignity and freedom to its citizens.
(v) Democracy accommodates social diversity.
(vi) Democracy is based on the idea of discussion and negotiation.
(vi) Eg. India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan.
10. Examine the role of Information Technology in stimulating the process of globalization.
Answer : (i) Technology has been changing rapidly.
(ii) Telecommunication facilities (telegraph, telephone including mobile phones, fax) are used to contact and access information
(iii) Helps to communicate from remote areas.
(iv) Development of satellite communication devices.
(v) Computers have now entered almost every field of activity.
(vi) One can obtain and share information through internet.
(vii) Electronic mail (e-mail) and talk (voice-mail) across the world at negligible costs.
(viii) Has played a major role in spreading out production of services across countries.
Assess the impact of globalization on India and its people.
Answer : (i) Globalization has resulted in more choices for the consumers
(ii) This has improved the standard of living of people
(iii) MNCs have increased their investments in industries such as cell-phones, automobiles, electronics, soft drinks, etc.
(iv) New jobs have been created.
(v) Some local companies that supply raw materials to MNCs have also benefited.
(vi) Some local companies have been able to invest in newer technology and production methods.
(vii) Globalisation has enabled some large companies such as Tata Motors, Infosys to emerge as multi-national companies.
11. Read the given text and answer the following questions:
‘It is said of “passive resistance” that it is the weapon of the weak, but the power which is the subject of this article can be used only by the strong. This power is not passive resistance; indeed, it calls for intense activity. The movement in South Africa was not passive but active …
‘Satyagraha is not physical force. A satyagrahi does not inflict pain on the adversary; he does not seek his destruction … In the use of satyagraha, there is no ill-will whatever.
‘Satyagraha is pure soul-force. Truth is the very substance of the soul. That is why this force is called satyagraha. The soul is informed with knowledge. In it burns the flame of love. … Nonviolence is the supreme dharma …‘It is certain that India cannot rival Britain or Europe in force of arms. The British worship the war-god and they can all of them become, as they are becoming, bearers of arms. The hundreds of millions in India can never carry arms. They have made the religion of non-violence their own…
11.1. Why did Gandhiji consider nonviolence as supreme dharma?
Answer : Gandhiji adopted nonviolence as a philosophy and an ideal way of life. According to him philosophy of nonviolence is not a weapon of the weak; it is a weapon, which can be tried by all.
11.2 How was Gandhian satyagraha taken by the people who believed in his philosophy?
Answer : A satyagrahi does not inflict pain on the adversary; he does not seek his destruction. In the use of satyagraha, there is no ill-will.
11.3 Why was Gandhian satyagraha considered as a novel way to resist injustice?
Answer : (i) One could win the battle through nonviolence.
(ii) This could be done by appealing to the conscience of the oppressor.
(iii) People – including the oppressors – had to be persuaded to see the truth, instead of being forced to accept truth through the use of violence.
12. Read the given text and answer the following questions:
Ever since humans appeared on the earth, they have used different means of communication. But, the pace of change, has been rapid in modern times. Long distance communication is far easier without physical movement of the communicator or receiver. Personal communication and mass communication including television, radio, press, films, etc. are the major means of communication in the country. The Indian postal network is the largest in the world. It handles parcels as well as personal written communications. Cards and envelopes are considered first-class mail and are airlifted between stations covering both land and air. The second-class mail includes book packets, registered newspapers and periodicals. They are carried by surface mail, covering land and water transport. To facilitate quick delivery of mails in large towns and cities, six mail channels have been introduced recently. They are called Rajdhani Channel, Metro Channel, Green Channel, Business Channel, Bulk Mail Channel and Periodical Channel.
12.1 Examine the role of the Indian postal network.
Answer : (i) It has helped the country to engage in communication and social-economic development.
(ii) It provides various facilities like speed post, business post, registered post, ordinary post.
12.2 Differentiate between mass communication and personal communication.
Answer : Mass Communication is the medium which provides entertainment as well as creates awareness among the masses. It includes radio, television, newspapers, magazines, books, films etc. whereas Personal Communication is between person to person.
12.3 Analyse the significance of communication for a nation.
Answer : (i) This is the age of communication using the telephone, television, films, and the Internet.
(ii) Even books, magazines and newspapers are important means of communication.
Section – E
13. 13.1 On the given outline Political Map of India, identify the place marked as A with the help of following information and write its correct name on the line marked near it.
(A)The place where Non Cooperation Movement was called off due to violence.
13.2 On the same given map of India, locate the following:
(I) Namrup Thermal Plant
Noida Software Technology Park
(II) Raja Sansi (Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee) International Airport
Answer :

Note: The following question is for Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No.13.1.
13.1 Name the State where the session of Indian National Congress was held in 1927.
Answer : Madras
Note: The following questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No.13.2 Attempt any two questions.
13.2 Name the State where Namrup Thermal Plant is located.
Answer : Assam
13.3 Name the State where Noida Software Technology Park is located.
Answer : Uttar Pradesh
13.4 Name the city where Raja Sansi (Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee) International Airport is located.
Answer : Amritsar