Please refer to Class 11 English Sample Paper Set A with solutions below. The following CBSE Sample Paper for Class 11 English has been prepared as per the latest pattern and examination guidelines issued by CBSE. By practicing the English Sample Paper for Class 11 students will be able to improve their understanding of the subject and get more marks.
Reading Comprehension
Q 1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
It was a dark and stormy night. The Whites – Mr. and Mrs. White and their adult son Herbert – are inside enjoying a cozy evening around the fire. Soon Sergeant-Major Morris arrives for a cup of tea. He’s been in the army in India for the past 21 years. He tells the Whites stories of his adventures in that faraway orient land and shows them a monkey’s paw that has the power to grant three wishes. Mr. White wants the paw, but Morris tells him it’s cursed – people get hurt when their wishes are granted. He tries to burn the paw in the fire, but Mr. White snatches it up and buys it. After Morris leaves, Mr. White, following Herbert’s suggestion, wishes for two hundred pounds, the amount of money he would need to pay off the bank and own the house outright. The next morning, Herbert goes off to work as usual and Mrs. White watches for the two hundred pounds to show up. In the evening a man comes from Herbert’s office saying that he died in a machine accident and says that the company takes no blame for Herbert’s death but wants to give the Whites some money to help with their loss with two hundred pounds .Mrs. White screams and Mr. White faints. Full of sadness over Herbert’s death, Mr. and Mrs. White bury him in the cemetery two miles from their home. One-night Mrs. White gets a bright idea: use those other two wishes to bring Herbert back! She shares her plan with Mr. White. He thinks it’s a bad idea – he could barely look at Herbert’s mangled body when he went to identify it. His wife really turns up the heat, though, and he caves in. Mr. White pulls out the cursed monkey’s paw and wishes Herbert back to life. Nothing happens, so the Whites go back to bed. Soon after, someone – or something – starts pounding on the door. Mrs. White is sure it’s Herbert – it just took him a minute to get there from the cemetery. Mr. White is sure it’s Herbert too, and he doesn’t want his son to get in the house, so he makes his third wish on the monkey’s paw. The knocking stops.
Mr. White hears Mrs. White open the door. He hears her scream out in agony because Herbert is not there. He goes outside with her and sees that the road is completely empty. Sometimes, unreal stories hit us hard and teach us the lessons of life.
On the baisis of your reading of the above passage, answer the following questions by choosing the right alternative out of the option provided below:
1. Sergeant-Major Morris wanted to burn the monkey’s paw because………..
(a) he did not want to see the White’s grow rich
(b) the wishes when granted gave pain to the owners
(c) the wishes would change their lives
(d) he brought it from a distant land
2. The man in the evening visits the Whites……..
(a) for a cup of tea
(b) attend a condolence meet
(c) to give news of their son’s death
(d) to get some document signed
3. The story conveys a message that……………………..
(a) We should give a thought to a wise advice
(b) We should not listen to what others speak
(c) We should live in harmony
(d) We should always help each other
4. The story has a ………………………… element in it .
(a) Supernatural
(b) comedy
(c) satiric
(d) humorous
5. Find a word in the passage that means the same as ‘disfigured’
(a) caves in
(b) cemetery
(c) mangled
(d) heated
6. Find a word in the passage that is an antonym of ‘occident’
(a) cozy
(b) faraway
(c) cursed
(d) orient
7. The actual intent of the family in keeping back the monkey’s paw was to :
(a) pay the amount to bank and own the house through the first wish
(b) bring back the dead son back to life
(c) fulfilling all the desires of Mrs. White
(d) not giving it back to Mr. Morris
8. The expression from the text that tells Mr. White becomes helpless before the demands of his wife is:
(a) He hears her scream out in agony
(b) people get hurt when their wishes are granted
(c) and he caves in
(d) Mrs. White screams
Q2. Read the following case study and answer the questions given below:
In the present times of Covid -19, referring internet has gained momentum. Right from the issues of survival like, work from home to online education of children, every facility is availed online within the four walls of home. Added to this, purchase of grocery, clothes and all kinds of house-hold products is being done successfully online. Consequently major online services are receiving boom.
Mobiles/smart phones are the biggest weapons of the new normal of every common man to fight with the challenging times. With both its blessing and banes, a common man finds his life empty without these possessions.
The pie chart below illustrates how internet users aged 16+ prefer to access the internet at home and in other placesThe current graph shows the results of a survey in which people aged 16 and over were asked about their preferred devices for accessing the internet. The question referred to going online at home and in other places. Participants mentioned four main devices in their answers: a smartphone, a laptop, a tablet and a desktop computer. Since mobile and portable devices are themost popular choices, it is clear that many participants are accessing the internet outside their homes. Thedesktop computer is the least popular of the four main devices. In future, we can probably expect to see moreand more people accessing the internet with smartphones as their preferred choice.

1. Major online services are receiving a boom because:
(a) Most of the purchases are being done online
(b) Online services are convenient
(c) Online services offer discount sometimes
2. The 3% gap between the teens’ choice for internet referring device indicate that :
(a) Laptop is their first choice
(b) Laptop is their second choice
(c) Both laptop and smart phone are their first choices
3. The least popular device for referring the internet is:
(a) Desktop computer
(b) Tablet
(c) Smart phone
4. 67% of the teenagers still depend on the following devices:
(a) Laptop, smartphones, desktop, tablet and others
(b) Laptop, smartphones, desktop and others
(c) Laptop, desktop, tablet and others
5. A phrase that means the opposite of losing ‘popularity’
(a) gaining momentum
(b) being accessible
(c) a great bane
6. The expression new ‘normal’ refers to the times:
(a) before the pandemic of Corona
(b) of existence during the pandemic of Corona
(c) after the end of the pandemic Corona
Writing Skills & Grammar Section
Q3. Choose the correct alternative out of the options given below:
1. A notice is written in :
(a) 1st person
(b) 2nd person
(c) 3rd person
(d) 1st and 2nd person
2. Beginning a ‘Notice’, with greetings like HELLO , HI all, is __________ because it is a __________writing task:
(a) correct , informal
(b) incorrect , formal
(c) partially agree , formal
(d) can’t say , informal
3. We should write ‘Thank You” at the end of a notice before putting our name and signature:
(a) No
(b) Yes
(c) Partially agree
(d) Can’t say
4. Choose the correct expression used for ending any official letter:
(a) yours sincerely
(b) Your’s sincerely
(c) Yours Sincerely
(d) Yours sincerely
5. Which of the following does not fall in the letter for placing orders:
(a) Placing orders for books
(b) Placing orders for sports equipment
(c) Placing orders for eatables
(d) Placing order for computers from a firm
6. The speech begins with formal greetings to the members of the jury:
(a) No
(b) Yes
(c) Partially agree
(d) Can’t say
7. We use this before we end a speech:
(a) Thankyou
(b) Thank you
(c) Good evening
(d) See you all
8. Registering complaints is a/an ________ letter.
(a) formal
(b) informal letter
(c) enquiry
(d) reply
Q4.Choose the correct alternative form of the Verb given in brackets:
1. I shall not go to his house unless he _______(invite) me.
(a) invites
(b) invited
(c) invitation
(d) inviting
2. The police ________(catch) the thief last night.
(a) had caught
(b) caught
(c) will catch
(d) catch
3. He thanked me for what I ______(do).
(a) Did
(b) will do
(c) had done
(d) does
4. It is high time he ________(start) studying.
(a) will start
(b) started
(c) had started
(d) starts
Q5.Choose the correct alternative out of the options given below:
1. How gorgeous is the sunset ! ( Transform the sentence into assertive sentence)
(a) How is the sunset so gorgeous?
(b) The sunset is gorgeous, isn’t it?
(c) The sunset is very gorgeous.
(d) How gorgeous the sunset is!
2. No other metal is as expensive as gold. (Transform the sentence into superlative)
(a) No other metal except gold is expensive.
(b) Gold is expensive of all the metals.
(c) Isn’t gold the most expensive of all metals.
(d) Gold is the most expensive of all metals.
3. This tea is too hot for me. (Transform the given sentence by removing too)
(a) This tea is so hot that I cannot take it.
(b) This tea is very hot for me.
(c) This tea is hot for me.
(d)This tea is hot that I cannot take it
4. Buy one shirt and get one free. (Transform the sentence into a complex sentence)
(a) If you buy one shirt, you get another shirt free.
(b) If you buy one shirt, you get one free.
(c) A shirt free on purchase of a shirt.
(d) Buy one shirt to get one free.
Literature Section :
Q6. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
The whole tree trembles and thrills.
It is the engine of her family
She stokes it full, then flirts out to a branch end
Showing her barred identity mask
1. What makes the tree tremble?
(a) the lizard
(b) the poet
(c) the goldfinch
(d) the machine
2. The ‘engine’ here refers to:
(a) The nest and the little ones in it
(b) A machine lying under the tree
(c) The sleek lizard
(d) The laburnum tree
3. She stokes it full, means:
(a) she shakes the laburnum tree
(b) she feeds her young one
(c) her young ones shake the tree
(d) she enjoys sitting on the tree
Q7. Read the following extract and answer the questions given below:
The sun can beat down like a hammer this far south in Egypt, and Carter tried to use it to loosen the resins. For several hours, he set the mummy outside in blazing sunshine that heated it to 149 degrees Fahrenheit. Nothing budged. He reported with scientific detachment that ‘the consolidated material had to be chiseled away from beneath the limbs and the trunk before it was possible to raise the king’s remains.
1. What ‘resins’ are being referred to in this extract:
(a) these refer to the oils used for cooking
(b)these refer to the oils that were poured over king Tut’s body during the funeral
(c) these refer to the eatables kept in pharoah’s room
(d)these refer to the flowers kept over his body
2. Carter was…………..
(a) a king
(b) a localite of Egypt
(c) A European Archeologist
(d) King Tut’s close relative
3. The expression ‘scientific detachment’ here refers to:
(a) keeping oneself away from any sentiment
(b) detachment from loved ones
(c) detachment from nature
(d) detachment from the society
Q8. Answer the following questions by choosing the right alternative :
1. ‘Mayday calls’ refer to:
(a) Emergency calls made from the ship in danger
(b) Calls made during the month of May
(c) Calls made during any day of May
(d) blank calls
2. Howard Carter’s investigations were resented because:
(a) he was not worried about the excavation
(b) he had chiselled away the limbs and trunk of the king
(c) he had chiselled away the skull of the king
(d) he had not made use of CT Scan
3. The European view of art advocated:
(a) Daoism
(b) Conceptual space
(c) Delicate realism
(d) Shanshui
Q9. Answer the following questions by choosing the right alternative :
1. The boys returned the horse because:
(a) they were afraid of John Byro
(b) they were conscience stricken
(c) they were afraid of Uncle Khoshrove
(d) they were no longer interested in it
2 Uncle Khoshrove’s saying ‘Pay no attention to it’ was a part of his:
(a) crazy streak
(b) love for John Byro
(c) concern for the horse
(d) affection for the boys
3. The girl at the door knew that she was at the right address because:
(a) the lady inside accepted it
(b) the daughter of the lady welcomed her
(c) the lady was wearing the green cardigan of her mother
(d) the lady was wearing the brown cardigan of her mother
4. The narrator of ‘The Address’ decided to forget the address because :
(a) Her belongings in that address had lost their value
(b) It was difficult for her to visit the place again
(c) She did not like Mrs. Dorling’s attitude towards her
(d) Because she liked her daughter’s hospitality
5. Ranga’s homecoming was a big event in the village –
(a) because very few people from the village went for higher education
(b) because people wanted to see him speaking English
(c) because people wanted to observe his transformation after coming from a city
(d) because people wanted to express their resentment on his city education
6. An educated Ranga marries Ratna as the story ends. This tells that :
(a) There were shortcomings in his city education
(b) It takes time to break off from the cultural ties that binds a person
(c) Foreign education had invaded rural settings
(d) Its difficult to disobey the elders of the society