Please refer to Class 12 English Sample Paper Term 2 Set C with solutions below. The following CBSE Sample Paper for Class 12 English has been prepared as per the latest pattern and examination guidelines issued by CBSE. By practicing the English Sample Paper for Class 12 students will be able to improve their understanding of the subject and get more marks.
CBSE Class 12 English Sample Paper for Term 2
Section A – Reading
1. Read the following passage.
(1) “Who doesn’t know how to cook rice? Cooking rice hardly takes time,” said my father. So, I challenged myself. I switched from news to You Tube and typed, “How to cook rice?” I took one and a half cups of rice. Since I didn’t have access to a rice cooker, I put the rice in a big pot. Firstly, the rice has to be washed to get rid of dust and starch. I thought I won’t be able to drain the rice and that it will fall out of the pot. I observed the chef as I swirled the rice around and used my dexterous hands to drain it, not once, not twice, but three times. I looked down at the sink and saw less than 50 grains that made their way out of the pot. Suffice to say, I was up to the mark.
(2) The video stated that the key to perfect rice is equal amount of rice and water. I have heard that professionals don’t need to measure everything; they just know what the right amount is. But as this was my first time in the kitchen, I decided to experiment by not measuring the water needed for boiling the rice. I wanted the rice to be firm when bitten, just like pasta. I don’t enjoy the texture of mushy rice. It has to have that chutzpah; it has to resist my biting power just for a bit before disintegrating.
(3) After what seemed like 10 minutes, all the water disappeared. I went in to give it a good stir. To my surprise, some of the rice got stuck to the pot. I tried to scrape it off but to no avail. At the same time, there was a burning smell coming from it. I quickly turned the stove off. “What have you done to the kitchen?” My mother shouted while coming towards the kitchen. I managed to ward her off.
(4) Finally, when the time came to taste my creation, I was surprised! It wasn’t bad at all. The rice had the desired consistency. Sure, a little more salt would’ve been better, but I just added that while eating. The experience was fairly rewarding and memorable. It taught me a new sense of respect for those who cook food on a regular basis at home or are engaged in gourmet creations professionally.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT questions from the nine given below.
Question. Father’s question to the narrator about knowing how to cook rice was intended to:
Answer.make the process sound simple.
Question. “I switched from news to YouTube …”
Write a sentence in which the meaning of ‘switch(ed)’ is the same as it is in the passage.
Answer.Mom switched to reading fiction recently because she was bored with cook-books.
Question. Based on your understanding of the passage, write the correct sequence of the process.
(a) Use water to wash the rice.
(b) Repeat the process three times.
(c) Drain the water off.
(d) Put rice in a utensil.
(e) Swirl the water in and around the rice.
Answer.d, a, e, c, b
Question. The narrator says that he has dexterous hands. He would have had a problem had it been the opposite. NOT BEING dexterous means being _______________ .
Answer. clumsy
Question. According to the passage, the fact that the narrator risked experimentation, on his maiden attempt in the kitchen, shows that he was _______________ .
Question. Write a sentence showing the CORRECT use of the word ‘chutzpah’.
Answer.The speaker may not have much of a stage presence, but you’ve got to admit she’s got chutzpah.
Question. What happened after the writer checked on the rice?
Answer.Turned the stove off ; was taken aback at the condition of rice; Forgot to scrape the stuck rice
Question. What were the final feelings of the writer with reference to the cooking experience.
Answer. satisfying, enlightening
Question. The narrator’s creation was:
Answer. almost perfect to taste.
2. Read the following passage.
(1) A new dimension of women in politics emerged in recent years all over the world. More and more women have now been entering into politics. Conventional politics reflected male concerns and hence women were notably absent in politics.
(2) Welfare policies had been constructed and reinforced women’s traditional position as wives and mothers. Women have struggled over issues affecting them, especially their rights to property and vote in the 19th century.
(3) In India, reform movements before and after Independence has helped the women to gain some power in politics also. After Independence they have achieved an unprecedented political breakthrough with the reservation of seats for them in panchayats and other public bodies.
(4) It is heartening to note that Indian women were among the earliest to get their political rights (right to vote) without any political movement like in The United States and many Western countries.They were among the foremost to take active part in politics even in Pre-Independence times.
(5) Indian women have a distinction to become UNO Secretary (Vijay Laxmi Pandit), Prime Minister (Indira Gandhi), Chief Minister (Sucheta Kripalani, Jayalalitha, Uma Bharti, Mayawati and Vasundhara Raje) and even President (Pratibha Patil).
(6) A recent study was conducted to understand the status of women in politics across the world. The graph below proves that even in the 21st century, the status of women is not equal to that of men when it comes to occupying high positions in various occupations.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY SIX out of the seven questions given below.
Question. What is the theme of the passage?
Answer. Women empowerment
Question. ___________ politics reflected male concerns.
Answer. Conventional
Question. Which traditional positions of women have been reinforced?
Answer. Mother; Wife
Question. Which right of women was a question of struggle in the 19th century?
Answer. Right to vote
Question.Where have the seats been reserved for the women after the independence?
Answer. Panchayats
Question. Name the only woman Prime Minister of India.
Answer. Indira Gandhi
Question. Which prestigious post was held by Vijay Laxmi Pandit?
Answer. UNO Secretary
Section B – Writing
Question 3. You are a student of Newton Public School, Nagpur. The school is holding its annual function on Saturday, the 15th November, 20XX at 11 a.m. The HRD Minister Dr. M. M. Joshi has consented to be the chief guest. Design an invitation card to be sent to the parents and other invitees. Do not exceed 50 words.

Question 4. Attempt ANY ONE from (A) and (B) given below.
(A) Your school held a two-day Diwali Mela in the school grounds. Various food stalls were put up by the students. On the second day, there was a song and dance programme. Prizes were awarded to the participants. However, there were no fireworks. You are Amit/Amrita. Write a report on the event in 125 – 150 words for your school magazine.
(B) You are Anand/Arti of 14, Model Town, Delhi. You have seen an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of Chief Chef in a 5-Star Hotel. Apply for the job with complete bio-data. Write in 125-150 words.
— by Amrita
New Delhi,
3 November, 20XX
With Diwali round the corner, the spirit of festivity is in the air. A two day grand Diwali Mela was organised in the campus of XYZ School, New Delhi on 1st and 2nd November, 20XX. Various food stalls were put up by the students of classes X to XII. The Mela started with lamp lighting by the Honourable Chief Guest Mr. A. K. Tyagi, an IAS officer. He visited all the food stalls and game stalls as well.
There were twenty food stalls where different sorts of eatables – from Indian street food to Chinese to South Indian, were present. There were also stalls of sweets. No one could resist tasting Rava Dosa, Chilly Potatoes and Vada Pao. Most of the things were home-made. Stalls of Indian handicrafts, handmade lampshades, painted diyas and hangings were also set up. There were various games and activities (Break the Pyramid, Tear the Paper, Dart game, Coin in the bucket, Rice and Button, Roll the Dice, Tambola, Tattoo Making and Bouncy) which attracted the attention of students and their parents. The children were excited. Senior as well as junior students with their parents and friends could be seen enjoying the various stalls. A cultural programme which showcased song and dance performances was held on 2nd November in the school auditorium. The performers gave their best performance. A stage came when it was difficult to judge the winner. The cultural programme was followed by prize distribution. Rajesh Kumar of class IX C had bagged the first prize in singing, whereas the students of class XI were awarded for group dance. Their dance performance stole the show. There were no fireworks in this Diwali Mela because playing safe is always the best. The mela depicted the vibrance of this festival. The two day programme ended on a pleasant note. Everyone was cheerful and enjoyed to the maximum. It was a huge success.
14, Model Town
May 25, 20XX
The Managing Director
The Radisson Hotel
Subject: Application for the post of Chief Chef
This is with reference to the advertisement published in the esteemed daily, The Hindu, on May 20, 20XX. I have completed my MBA in hotel management from Delhi University. I intend to apply for the post of chief chef in your esteemed organisation.Please find enclosed my bio data for the said purpose. I am hardworking, honest and punctual.
I assure you that I shall work with full devotion and sincerity.
Thanking you in anticipation of an early response.
Yours truly
Encl.: Bio Data

Section C – Literature
5. Attempt ANY FIVE of the six questions given below, within 40 words each.
Question. Do you think the story reinforces a stereotype that women are more trusting, forgiving and less practical than men? Comment with reference to Edla’s actions in the story.
Answer.The peddler met the ironmaster’s daughter for the first time at the forge. She had come to request him to come over their house as her father had mistaken him to be an old acquaintance, a captain. She was able to convince him and took him home. At home, when her father realized that they had made a mistake and he was not the captain, the daughter was very polite and kept him at home as it was Christmas. The rattrap seller was greatly influenced by the ironmaster’s daughter. In fact, it was because of her that he had turned over a new leaf and returned the money that he had stolen from an old man. It was the kind nature of the girl that changed him.
Question. What kind of ordeals is Aunt Jennifer surrounded by?
Answer.Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by the constraints of married life. She was probably dominated by her husband throughout her life. She was a timid woman and could never stand up to her husband boldly. She remained a caged bird and bore her sufferings meekly. She is the embodiment of the miseries inflicted by a patriarchal society.
Question. “He was telling her something true, something she must know.” Why does the narrator make this statement? (Should Wizard hit Mommy?)
Answer.Though Jack was telling his daughter the story of an imaginary character named Roger Skunk, he was actually telling her the humiliations he had to suffer in his own childhood. And that is the reason why the narrator tells us that Jack was telling her something true. He could not tell his daughter how he had suffered and so he told it through the story of the character Roger Skunk. Jack did not want to hurry with the tale because he wanted his daughter to feel the pain that Roger Skunk had gone through.
Question. “It ate my face up. It ate me up.” Who said these words? Why? (On the face of it)
Answer.‘It ate my face up. It ate me up’. These words are uttered by Derry. He said these words because his face was eaten by acid. He had one side of his face disfigured with acid and didn’t like it. That was the main reason why he always kept to himself and did not have any friends. He was withdrawn and pessimistic.
Question.Explain the possible reasons for Gandhiji’s quick popularity among the peasants of Champaran.
Answer.Gandhiji’s persistent efforts, firm determination, and resolution led to his success in Champaran. He went to Champaran at the request of an illiterattte peasant and there he listened to the grievances of the sharecroppers and started the Civil Disobedience Movement. He became victorious and the landlords withdrew their claims over their estates and were reverted back to the farmers. They learnt courage and realised that they too, can defend. The landlords obliged to surrender part of their money and prestige. Thus, Gandhi ji broke the deadlock between farmers and landlords.
Question. What does the line, ‘Therefore, are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest?
Answer.There is so much disappointment and sadness on this earth. There is lack of noble souls. But we are still living on this earth. The poet says that our existence on the earth is possible only due to some things of beauty.
6. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120-150 words each.
Question. It was important that the recaptured Evans keep up the facade till the very last moment of his interaction with the Governor. Support this statement with a rationale.
Answer.Evans already had a well thought out plan B in case his initial plan failed. When the Governor recaptured Evans, it was important for Evans to show that his initial plan has failed and he was feeling trapped. This ensured the Governor that he was in his clutches and the Governor became a bit casual. This casualness made the Governor hand him over to the silent prison officer. The Governor was unaware that the officer as well as the driver of prison van were actually Evans’s accomplices. As Evans finally escaped, he had the last laugh at the Governor.
Question. Gandhi was a lawyer himself. Examine how his professional expertise helped in Champaran.
Answer.Terror-stricken peasants had no voice to raise and no relief in the courts against the unfair dealings of the landlords. When Gandhi ji came on scene, he viewed the entire situation and declared that there was no point in getting into litigations, as law courts would hardly be able to do justice to the peasants. He felt that it was necessary to teach these downtrodden farmers how to be courageous. Until and unless, they got over the terror of the Britishers, they would never experience any sense of relief, he realized. Therefore, he gave priority to empowering and emboldening the peasants rather than waging legal battles for them.
Question. Soon after stealing the crofter’s money, how did the peddler realise that he was himself caught in a rattrap?
After the peddler stole thirty kronors from the crofter’s house, he realized that he should not continue on the public highway, but must turn off the road into the woods. During the first few hours, this caused him no difficulty. Later in the day, it became worse, for it was a big and confusing forest which he had gotten into. He tried to be sure to walk in a definite direction, but the paths twisted back and forth so strangely. He walked on, without coming to the end of the wood and finally, he realized that he had only been walking around in the same part of the forest. All at once, he recalled his thoughts about the world and the rattrap. Now his own turn had come. He had let himself be fooled by a bait and had been caught. The whole forest, with its trunks and branches, its thickets and fallen logs, closed on him like an impenetrable prison from which he could never escape.