Please see Chapter 12 Consumer Protection Exam Questions Class 12 Business Studies below. These important questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest examination guidelines and syllabus issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. We have provided Class 12 Business Studies Questions and answers for all chapters in your NCERT Book for Class 12 Business Studies . These solved problems for Consumer Protection in Class 12 Business Studies will help you to score more marks in upcoming examinations.
Exam Questions Chapter 12 Consumer Protection Class 12 Business Studies
Question: Name any two NGO’s engaged in protecting and promoting consumer’s interest.
Answer: (i) Consumer co ordination council ,Delhi
(ii) Consumers Association, Kolkata .
Question: A co. is using sub- slandered electric wiring in its coolers. Which consumer right is being violed?
Answer: right to safety.
Question: Which consumer right entitles the consumer to get relief in case the product or service falls short of his expectations?
Answer: Right to Seek Redressal.
Question: Which consumer right gives the business firms freedom to set up their own consumer service and grievance cells?
Answer: Right to representation.
Question: Which claims can be appealable before the Supreme Court under Consumer Protection Act?
Answer: It takes appeals against Orders passed by the State National commission which has value of more than 1 crore rupees.
Question: Rita wants to buy a packet of juice .As an aware customer how can she be sure about the quality of juice she plans to buy?
Answer: Rita can check for FPO (Fruit product order 1955) certifications. She can check the date of manufacture and expiry and check the storage / display conditions.
Question: Sandeep purchased a diesel car for Rs. 7 lacs from an automobile company and found its engine defective. Despite many complaints the defect was not rectified .Suggest to him the appropriate authority where he could file a complaint under consumer protection Act.
Answer: District Forum.
Question: What is the quality mark provided to agricultural commodities and live stock products?
Answer: AGMARK.
Question: Mr. Verma who was a vegetarian went to a snack bar for having French fries and later found out that it had non-vegetarian content. Neither the advertisement nor the packing of the product displayed that the product has non-vegetarian content. Will Mr. Verma be able to claim compensation which right of the consumer is violated here?
Answer: In the given case there is violation of the consumer right to know .Acc. to the amendment of the regulations in weight and measurement Act.(2000) every product should explicitly bear a green dot for vegetarian ingredients while brown reveals that non-vegetarian ingredients have been used. It is also mandatory to show the dot on advertisements electronic or press and all posters, banners, stunts etc. hence Mr. Bharti would be able to claim the compensation.
Question: Which document serves as an evidence of purchase?
Answer: “Cash Memo.”
Question: Saroj wants to file a complaint where the value of goods or services in question along with the compensation claimed amounts to 25 lakhs.
Answer: State Commission.
Question: What is meant by right to be heard to a consumer?
Answer: Nowadays, with the emphasis on Marketing Concept, almost all the business houses have their consumer grievance cell where the complaints of the consumers can be heard and the consumers can seek justice for their exploitation by the goods or service providers. This is called Right to be heard.
Question: Mention when as a consumer you are not in a position to resolve your grievance under consumer protection act.
Answer: As a consumer we are not in a position to resolve our grievances when we have not fulfilled the responsibilities of a consumer.
Question: A shopkeeper sold you some spices, claiming that they were pure. Later a laboratory test formed that those were adulterated what precautions should you have taken before buying and what remedies are available to you for the wrong act?
Answer: We should have been conscious about quality and should obtain cash memo from the seller while purchasing goods.
The remedies available are:
- Getting the product replaced
- Getting the refund of the price
- Compensation.
Question: P rakhar purchased an ISI mark electric iron from ‘Bharat Electricals’. While using he found that it was not working properly. He approached the seller and complained for the same. The seller satisfies Prakhar by saying that he will ask the manufacturer to replace this iron.The manufacturer refused to replace and Bharat Electricals decided to file a complaint in the consumer court. Can ‘Bharat Electricals’ do this? Why? Also explain ‘who is a consumer’ as per Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Answer: (i) Bharat Electricals cannot file a complaint. This is because Bharat Electricals is not a consumer as per Consumer Protection Act, 1986 because they bought the goods for resale/commercial purpose.
(ii) A ‘consumer’ is generally understood as a person who uses or consumes goods or avails of any service. Under the Consumer Protection Act, a consumer is defined as:
- Any person who buys any goods for a consideration, which has been paid or promised, or partly paid and partly promised, or under any scheme of deferred payment. It includes any user of such goods, when such use is made with the approval of the buyer, but does not include a person who obtains goods for re-sale or any commercial purpose.
- Any person who hires or avails of any service, for a consideration which has been paid or promised, or partly paid and partly promised, or under any system of deferred payment. It includes any beneficiary of services when such services are availed of with the approval of the person concerned, but does not include a person who avails of such services for any commercial purpose.
Question: Sirajuddin purchased a car for Rs.15 lacs from an automobile company and found that its airbags were defective. After many complaints with the company that went unheard, he filed a case in the District Forum. He was not satisfied with the orders of the District Forum. He then appealed before the State Commission and on being dissatisfied with the orders of State Commission, he appealed before the National Commission. Sirajuddin was not satisfied with the orders of National Commission. Suggest him the highest authority where he could appeal against the decision of the National Commission.
Answer: Sirajuddin cannot appeal to any other higher authority. This is because only those matters which have been directly filed in the National Commission and where the value of goods and services in question along with the compensation claimed exceed Rs.1 crore are appealable before Supreme Court. Their main function centers on maintaining the trade practices that are offered by the seller to the consumers. Consumers are free to file a case against the seller if they have been exploited or harassed which in this sirajuddin has been done.
Question: Vasvi purchased a bottle of pickle from the local grocery shop. The information provided on the bottle was not clear. She fell sick on consuming it. She filed a case in the District Forum under the Consumer Protection Act and got the relief.
(i)Identify the important aspect neglected by the marketer in the above case.
(ii) Explain briefly the functions of the aspect identified in (a) above.
Answer: (i) The marketer had overlooked the Labeling as it was not done appropriately for the product. Labeling is the display of label in a product. A label contains information about a product on its container, packaging, or the product itself. It also has warnings in it. For e.g. in some products, it is written that the products contain traces of nuts and shouldn’t be consumed by a person who’s allergic to nuts. The type and extent of information that must be imparted by a label are governed by the relevant safety and shipping laws.
(ii) The functions of labeling are detailed below:
- Describe the product and specifies its contents: Labeling provides information about the core function of the product (i)e. how and why the product is likely to be beneficial to the prospective buyer. It educates them about the usage and precautions related to the product. It also gives detailed information about the ingredients of the product.
- Helps in identification of the product or brand: The label contains the logo, brand name, tagline, name and address of the manufacturer etc. of the product which helps in easy identification of the product.
Question: Prakhar purchased an ISI mark electric iron from Bharat Electricals. While using, he found that it was not working properly. He approached the seller and complained for the same. The seller satisfies Prakhar by saying that he will ask the manufacturer to replace this iron. The manufacturer refused to replace and Bharat Electricals decided to file a complaint in the consumer court. Can Bharat Electricals do this. Why? Also explain who is a consumer as per Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
Answer: Bharat Electricals cannot file a complaint. This is because Bharat Electricals is not a consumer as per Consumer Protection Act, 1986 because they bought the goods for resale or for commercial purpose. Under the Consumer Protection Act, a consumer is defined as:
- A person who buys goods for consideration which has been paid promised, or partly paid and partly promised or under any scheme of deferred payment. It includes any user of such goods, when such use is made with the approval of the buyer but does not include a person who obtains goods for resale or any commercial purpose.
- Any person who hires or avails any service for consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly promised or under any system of deferred payment. It includes any beneficiary of services when such services are availed of with the approval of the person concerned but does not include a person who avails of such services for any commercial purpose.
Question: Jolly bought an Anti-dandruff Shampoo of a reputed company which claimed to contain zinc pyrithione (ZPTO) to control dandruff. When the product did not show the promised results even after regular use for two months she discussed the problem with his aunt Dolly who is a dermatologist. Dolly told him ZPTO is an anti-fungal agent, meaning that only dandruff caused by a fungal infection could be ‘cured.’ But to Jolly’s surprise, this condition was not mentioned in the shampoo case. In the context of the above case:
(i) Identify and explain the consumer right being violated in the above case.
(ii) List any two other consumer rights.
Answer: (i) Right to information is being violated in the above case:
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 (CPA) protects the interests of the consumers in the widest range possible. According to the Right to information, the consumer has the right to get complete information about the product that he/she may propose to buy including its contents, date of manufacture and expiry, maximum retail price, quantity, directions for use etc. Moreover, as per law, it is mandatory for marketers to provide complete information about the product/service to buyers. Though CPA came into force in 1986 it had the provision empowering consumers to seek information regarding goods or services under proper legislation.
(ii)The two other consumer rights are:
1. Right to be Heard
2. Right to Seek Redressal.
Question: As a well informed consumer, what kind of quality certification marks you will look for before buying ‘products? Specify
Answer: Some of the quality certification marks are:
1. FPO (Fruit Products Order 1955): It contains specification and quality control requirements regarding the production and marketing of processed fruits and vegetables, sweetened aerated water, vinegar and synthetic syrups.
2. ISI: On consumer durable products. ISI mark is a certification mark for industrial products in India. It is the most popular and recognised certification mark in the Indian subcontinent. This mark ensures that the product conforms to the Indian standards mentioned by the Indian Standard Institute.
3. Hallmark: BIS certification scheme for gold jewellery items.
4. Earthen Pitcher: for Labelling Environment-friendly products.
5. AGMARK: It is a grade standard for agricultural commodities and like stock products.
6. Wool mark: It signifies 100% pure wool.
Question: Mr. Sony a consumer purchased medicines without noticing the date of expiry. He also did not obtain the cash memo. Do you think he will be able to protect himself by the loss caused due to expired medicines? Give reasons in support of your answer?
Answer: In the given case, Mr. sonic as a consumer was not able to fulfill his Responsibility at two fronts.
(i) He didn’t go through the packing specifications mentioned on the product at the time of purchase.
(ii) Most importantly, he did not obtain the cash memo from the surer. A Cash memo is a proof of purchase and it is must for filing any complaint. Hence, he will not be able to protect himself by the loss caused due to Expired medicines.
Question: Gaurav purchased a pack of sweets for his son from a shop in the nearby market. After consuming those sweets, the condition of his son deteriorated and he had to be hospitalized. Later on through a laboratory test, it was certified that the sweets were adulterated.
(i) State any one precaution that he should have taken while purchasing packed sweets. Name the appropriate redressal agency that he can approach in case he decides to file a case against the shopkeeper.
(ii) State any two values which are lacking in the shopkeeper.
Answer: Gaurav should have checked for the quality assurance mark like FPO /FSSAI on its label while purchasing the food product.
(i) District Forum
(ii)The two values which are lacking in the shopkeeper are:
(1) Honesty
(2) Concern for others.
Question: Ved purchased some medicines worth Rs. 1000 for his wife from a chemist in the nearby market. But, he didn’t take the cash memo for it from the chemist. After taking those medicines the condition of his wife deteriorated and she had to be hospitalized. Later on through a laboratory test it was certified that the medicines were spurious. Can he file a case against the chemist? Justify your answer with the help of a suitable reason. State any two values which are lacking in the chemist.
Answer: No, he cannot a case against the chemist as he didn’t take the cash memo for it from the chemist. A cash memo is the conclusive proof of the purchase of goods.
The two values which are lacking in the chemist are:
(i) Humanity
(ii) Trustworthiness.
Question: State any three points which highlight the importance of consumer protection from consumer’s point of view.
Answer: Importance of consumer protection from consumer’s point of view is:
1. Spreading Awareness among the Consumers: Due to widespread ignorance of consumers about their rights and reliefs available to them, they need to be made aware in this regard Consumer protection provides information to the ignorant consumers regarding their rights and reliefs available to them. With this, even the sellers who try to cheat the ignorant and illiterate consumers, become conscious and mend their ways.
2. Unorganized consumers: Consumers need to be organized for safeguarding their interests. In developing countries like India, consumers are not organized. In other words, there is a dearth of a National Level Consumer Organization. There are very few consumer organizations which are working to protect the interests of consumers. Consumer protection encourages the establishment of more consumer organizations.
3. Widespread exploitation of consumers: Consumers is exploited by unscrupulous, exploitative and unfair trade practices of sellers. They might be exploited by unfair trade practices like defective and unsafe products, adulteration, hoarding, black marketing, etc. Consumers need protection against such unfair trade practices. Consumer protection has been a support system for all such consumers to protect their interests and provide them justice.
Question: What roll can you as a student play to contribute to the cause of consumer protection?
Answer: A student can play an active role in bringing out an awareness campaign on ‘Consumer Protection’.
Special assemblies can organised to show the display of consumer rights and responsibilities e.g. right to satisfaction of basic needs, right to safety, right to be informed and protected, responsibility to be aware of the quality and safety of goods and services before purchasing, responsibility to Think Independently and make choices about well considered needs and wants etc.
- When school organises any exhibition the commerce students can put a stall and give demonstration on responsibilities of a consumer.
- The Biology and Chemistry laboratories can be used for testing adulterated goods, (e.g., milk, paneer, spices etc).
- Essay writing competitions, debate competition and quiz can be organised to promote the awareness on consumer protection.
- Encourage students to boycott goods/eatables which are adulterated or defective in school canteen.
- To set up voluntary complaint centre for consumer guidance and counselling.
Question: Reena purchased one litre of pure desi ghee from a shopkeeper. After using it, she had a doubt that it is adulterated. She sent it for a laboratory test which confirmed that the ghee is adulterated. State any six reliefs available to Reena, if she complains and the consumer court is satisfied about the genuineness of the complaint.
Answer: In case of genuineness of the complaint, the court can issue one or more directions to the opposite party. Six reliefs available to Reena, if she complains are
1. To remove defect from goods or services: If there is defect in the goods or services then the court can pass the order to remove defect from goods or services. For example, if there is defect in TV then court can pass the order to remove the defect from TV.
2. To refund the price: If the seller is failed to remove defect from the product, order can be passed to refund the customer. In above example if seller fails to remove defect from TV then court can pass order to refund the price paid by the customer.
3. To replace the defective good with a new one: If the seller is failed to remove defect from the product, order can be passed to replace the product immediately. In above example if seller fails to remove defect from TV then court can pass order to replace the TV immediately.
4. To pay a reasonable amount of compensation for any loss or injury suffered: Seller is liable to pay appropriate compensation if Loss or injury suffered from defective product.
5. To pay punitive damages: Punitive damages may be recovered from seller in some cases.
6. To discontinue the unfair/restrictive trade practices: Unfair or restrictive trade practices should be stopped immediately to save consumers.
Question: Geeta goes to a doctor to get herself treated for an injury in her hand. The doctor being her distant relative charged her nothing for the treatment. However, after a few days she develops an infection on the wound because the doctor didn’t use sterilised instruments. Later on, she is advised by the surgeon to get the infected finger removed. Therefore, she is very angry with the doctor.
In context of the above case:
Can Geeta file a case against the doctor if she decides to take a legal action? Why or why not? Give a reason in support of your answer.
Answer: No, Geeta cannot file a case against the doctor because she is not a consumer because she didn’t pay for the services.
Question: Abhishek bought a bottle of disinfectant spray from the nearby market. It had a knob which was to be opened in a particular way. However, there was no instruction on its package in this regard. Therefore, when he tried to open the knob in a casual way, some of the spray flew in his eyes. This affected his vision.
In context of the above case:
(i) Name the rights of consumer being violated by the company.
(ii) State any two directions which the consumer court can issue to the company after being satisfied with the genuineness of the complaint.
(i) The two rights of consumer being violated in the above case are Right to information and Right to safety.
(ii) The two directions which the consumer court can issue to the company after being satisfied with the genuineness of the complaint are as follows:
- Not to offer hazardous goods for sale.
- To pay a reasonable amount of compensation for any loss or injury suffered by the consumer due to the negligence of the marketer.