Students should refer to Worksheets Class 11 Biology Mineral Nutrition Chapter 12 provided below with important questions and answers. These important questions with solutions for Chapter 12 Mineral Nutrition have been prepared by expert teachers for Class 11 Biology based on the expected pattern of questions in the Class 11 exams. We have provided Worksheets for Class 11 Biology for all chapters on our website. You should carefully learn all the important examinations questions provided below as they will help you to get better marks in your class tests and exams.
Mineral Nutrition Class 11 Biology Worksheet
Question. Which of the following is correct regarding non leguminous plant Alnus?
(a) Free living nitrogen fixation by Beijernickia
(b) Free living nitrogen fixation by Frankia
(c) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by filamentous microbe
(d) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium
Question. Mn toxicity leads to Ca deficiency by :
(a) competing with Ca uptake
(b) inhibiting translocation to shoot apex
(c) competetive inhibition for enzymes
(d) All of the above
Question. Which of the following essential elements is required by plants in excess of 10 m mole kg1 of dry matter?
(a) Magnesium
(b) Manganese
(c) Molybdenum
(d) Selenium
Question. Water potential of a cell is mainly determined by which of the following element ?
(a) Mg++
(b) Ca++
(c) K+
(d) Fe2+
Question. In which of the following root tissues nodule formation is initiated after successful infection ?
(a) Epidermis
(b) Cortex
(c) Endodermis
(d) Root hairs
Question. The element is said to be deficient, when present:
(a) below critical concentration
(b) above critical concentration
(c) at critical concentration
(d) both below and above critical concentration