Please refer to the Psychology and Sports Revision Notes given below. These revision notes have been designed as per the latest NCERT, CBSE and KVS books issued for the current academic year. Students will be able to understand the entire chapter in your class 11th Physical Education book. We have provided chapter wise Notes for Class 11 Physical Education as per the latest examination pattern.
Revision Notes Chapter 10 Psychology and Sports
Students of Class 11 Physical Education will be able to revise the entire chapter and also learn all important concepts based on the topic wise notes given below. Our best teachers for Grade 11 have prepared these to help you get better marks in upcoming examinations. These revision notes cover all important topics given in this chapter.
Psychology is the study of mind and behaviour.

Sports Psychology :
Sports Psychology is an applied Psychology involving applications of psychological principles to the field of physical education and sports.
Importance of sports psychology

Growth and Development:
The term ‘growth’ means the growth of parts of the body, may be in size, height and weight.
Development can be defined as progressive series of changes in an orderly coherent pattern.
Different stages of growth and development
5 stages of growth and development :

Adolescence, Problems of Adolescence and Management of Problems of Adolescents
Adolescence : Adolescence is the period of change from childhood to adulthood

Objective Type Questions:
Question. The cuase of frustration among sports person is—
(a) Result of own performance
(b) Normally due to mismatched level of aspiration and ability
(c) Result of good performance
(d) Natural outcome of compretitive sports
Ans. (b) Normally due to mismatched level of aspiration and ability
Question. What is not come under growth?
(a) Increase in Height
(b) Increase in Weight
(c) Increase in size
(d) Increase in obestiy
Ans. (d) Increase in obestiy
Question. When catching a ball, your hand knows when to group because?
(a) Your Parasympathetic nervours system is active
(b) Alpha waves are being generated by your brain
(c) Participating muscles receive efferent signals from the brian
(d) Afferent signals inform your hand that the ball is about to make contact.
Ans. (d) Afferent signals inform your hand that the ball is about to make contact.
Question. What is the meaning of development.
(a) Change in structure of body? organ
(b) Change in size
(c) Change in maturity
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d) All of the above
Question. Who is regarded as the father of psychology?
(a) Sigmund Frend
(b) Iran Pavlor
(c) John B. Watson
(d) Wilhelm Wundt
Ans. (d) Wilhelm Wundt
Question. What is the meaning of ‘Psyche’?
(a) Soul
(b) Behaviour
(c) Environement
(d) Science
Ans. (a) Soul
Question. Adolescent age is—
(a) 12 to 18 years
(b) 13 to 18 years
(c) 9 to 18 years
(d) 10 to 18 years
Ans. (b) 13 to 18 years
Question. In the childhood, Individual’s behaviour in most influenced by—
(a) Community
(b) School
(c) Peer group
(d) family
Ans. (d) family
Short Answer Type Questions:
Question. Describe the devlopmental characteristics during early childhood.
Ans. Physical characteristics
1. It is a period of slow but steady growth in height. Bones are soft.
2. Weight increase is steady
3. Pulse rate is higher than adults
4. The heart size is smaller in comparison to the body
5. Strength is not well developed
Question. Mention the importance of sports psychology.
Ans. 1. Improve performances: The Knowledge of sports psychology helps to improve performance and personality of players by scientific ways of modifying behavior.
2. Motivation and feedback: proper motivation and proper feedback enhances the performance of players. It gives counselling to players. This can be guided by sports psychology.
3. Better selection: The knowledge of sports psychology guides the coaches for better selection of players.
Question. Highlight the differences between growth and development
Growth | Development |
(i) Growth is used in purely physical terms. It generally refers to change in size, length and weight of an individual. | (i) Development implies It changes in shape, form or structure resulting in improved functioning or working |
(ii) Growth is one of the aspect of development process | (ii) Development is a wider and comprehensive term; it refers to overall changes in the individual |
(iii) Growth does not continue | (iii) Development is a continuous process |
Question. Describe any two developmental characteristics of adolescence
Ans. Physical characteristics
(i) Gain in height, weight and ossification of bones is almost complete
(ii) Endurance is developed to a great extent
(iii) Co-ordination of muscles reaches its peak.
Mental characteristics
People of this age begin to think and feel differentially. Hormonal changes reflect in behaviour and mood. Teenagers become short tempered, moody and irritable. They also become very self conscious and extra sensitive.
Long Answer Type Questions:
Question. Explain any four problems of adolescents
Ans. 1. Aggressive and Violent Behaviour : Adolescent has aggressive behaviour and often becomes violent very fast. They easily become, irritated and repulsive when work is not of their interest.
2. Problems related to physiological growth. The physiological changes associated with adolescence present conditions and problems that the adolescence has not met upto this time and in may cases is ill prepared to meet them when they appear.
3. Confusion between adolescent’s role and status unfortunately neither the adolescent’s role nor his status is clear cut in the society. A boy may be treated like a man in many situations outside but like a child in his own home.
4. Problems related with the future : The adolescence is a period when the individual is not a child, he has emerged from the safe and protected life of childhood. He has now to decide to what course of life he has to follow.
Question. Discuss methods adopted for management of adolescent problems in details:
Ans. Management of Adolescent problems
1. Sympathetic and liberal attitude of parents : A sympathetic and liberal attitude of parents and their cooperative nature can help in solving many problems of adolescents, Parents should take note of the change take place during growth and development of children and adjust their own behaviour towards the adolescents. Liberal and sympathetic attitude of
parents develops self confidence.
2. Healthy atmosphere at home and school : Unhealthy atmosphere at home or in school or carelessness towards children can force children to fall in bad company. In orders to save children from bad habits and company, it is important to provide sufficient means for the satisfaction of their interests at home or school. Activities like music, arts or sports can
help in keeping the children busy and indulge in healthy recreation.
3. Moral and Religious Education : Religious and moral education can help adolescents to get some peace of mind and direction in their lives. Moral education should be a part of school education while home is the best institution for religious education.
4. Friendly attitude : At this stage, adolescent want to accept the friendly attitudes. So parents and teachers should act more as friends rather strict, disciplined and rigid parents. More over this friendly attitude will bring them more close instead of making gaps between them.
5. Reasonable Independence : They should be given reasonable amount of independence. They should be given the freedom to express themselves and their point of views should be discussed in reasonable manner. They should also be given freedom to go out reasonably keeping their safety in mind.