Please see The Making of a Global World Exam Questions Class 10 Social Science below. These important questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest examination guidelines and syllabus issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. We have provided Class 10 Social Science Questions and answers for all chapters in your NCERT Book for Class 10 Social Science. These solved problems for The Making of a Global World in Class 10 Social Science will help you to score more marks in upcoming examinations.
Exam Questions The Making of a Global World Class 10 Social Science
Objective Type Questions
Question. One important feature of the US economy of the 1920s was:
(a) Mass consumption
(b) Mass production
(c) Mass destruction
(d) None of these
Answer : (b) Mass production
Question. The name ‘silk routes’ points to the importance of West-bound from which of the following countries silk cargoes along this route?
(a) Indian
(b) Chinese
(c) American
(d) Portuguese
Answer : (b) Chinese
Question. Which of the following laws was referred to Corn Laws?
(a) Import restriction
(b) Export restriction
(c) Restriction on balance of trade
(d) None of these
Answer : (a) Import restriction
Question. In the US, there was a well-known pioneer of the car manufacturer:
(a) Henry Ford
(b) David James
(c) Mahindra and Mahindra
(d) Tata Power
Answer : (a) Henry Ford
Question. The Second World War was fought between the Axis powers and:
(a) the Allies
(b) the neighbouring countries
(c) the Africans
(d) the Europeans
Answer : (a) the Allies
Question. Stalingrad is in which country?
(a) China
(b) Japan
(c) Soviet Russia
(d) Vietnam
Answer : (c) Soviet Russia
Question. During the First World War, Britain borrowed large sums of money from:
(a) US banks
(b) Indian banks
(c) European banks
(d) Swiss bank
Answer : (a) US banks
Question. One of the oldest livestock markets in ______________was at Smithfield.
Answer : London
Question. The areas irrigated by the new canals were called ______________ .
Answer : the canal colonies
Question. State whether the following statements are true or false
At the end of The First World War Britain was burdened with huge external debts.
Answer : True
Question. State whether the following statements are true or false
Sicily which is an island, that is now in Italy.
Answer : True
Question. Correct the following statements and rewrite
In Rajasthan, the British Indian government built a network of irrigation canals to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands.
Answer : In West Punjab, the British Indian government built a network of irrigation canals to transform semi-desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands.
Question. Match the following
(i) Sir Henry Morton Stanley (a) Transvaal
(ii) A disease of cattle plague (b) New York Herald
(iii) Wilge river (c) Rinderpest
Answer : (i)–(b), (ii)–(c), (iii)–(a)
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Why was Britain burdened with huge external debts after the First World War?
Answer : To finance war expenditures Britain had borrowed liberally from the US. Post-war economic recovery period proved very difficult. So, at the end of war Britain was burdened with huge external debts.
Question. What does tariff mean?
Answer : Tax imposed on a country’s imports from the rest of the world are called tariffs. They are levied at the point of entry, i.e. at the border or the airport.
Question. How did higher wages lead to the purchase of more consumer goods?
Answer : Due to higher wages, the workers could now afford to purchase of more goods like
(a) refrigerators
(b) washing machines
(c) radios
(d) gramophone players.
Question. What was the main aim of the post-war international economic systems?
Answer : The main aim was to preserve economic stability and full employment in the industrial world. This framework was agreed upon at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in July 1944 at Bretton Woods.
Question. Why did people migrate from Europe to America and Australia?
Answer : Demand for food increased in Europe and there was need of capital and labour in America and Australia. Since there was unemployment in Europe, people migrated to America and Australia in search of a better future.
Question. Why was the World Bank set up?
Answer : To finance post-war reconstructions.
Question. Why were big European powers met in Berlin in 1885?
Answer : In 1885 the big European powers met in Berlin to complete the carving up of Africa between them.
Question. Name the two powerful blocs of the First World War.
Answer : (i) Allied Powers: Britain, France, Russia, later on joined by the US.
(ii) Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey.
Question. Name the countries that have affected with globalisation.
Answer : India, China and Brazil have undergone rapid economic transformations with globalisations.
Question. What was paper partition?
Answer : In 1885, the big European powers met in Berlin to divide the countries of Africa between them. The countries borders run straight as if they were drawn using a ruler. This event was called paper partition.
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Give three examples to show that the pre-modern world changed with the discovery of new sea routes to America.
Answer : Europeans were attracted towards Africa due to the following reasons. Three examples are as follows:
(i) Many common foods, e.g., potatoes, soya, tomatoes, maize, etc., were introduced to Europe from America. These crops made a difference between life and death. The poor began to eat better and live longer in England with the introduction of potatoes.
(ii) Religious dissenters from Europe fled due to the fear of persecution in Europe and migrated to America.
(iii) Slave trade was started. European traders captured where they worked on plantations. Europe became the centre of the world trade.
(iv) Precious metals, e.g., silver from mines located in present day Peru and Mexico also enhanced Europe’s wealth and financed its trade.
Question. How did the global agricultural economy take shape by 1890?
Answer : (i) Food no longer came from a nearby village or town, but from thousands of miles away.
(ii) It was not grown by a peasant tilling his own land, but by an agricultural worker.
(iii) It was transported by railways and by ships, by low paid workers from Southern Europe, Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.
(iv) In west Punjab, the British Indian government built a network of irrigation canals to transform semi desert wastes into fertile agricultural lands that could grow wheat and cotton for export. The canal colonies were settled by peasants from other parts of Punjab.
Question. Mention any three effects of the British Government’s decision for the abolition of the Corn Laws.
Answer : (i) Food could be imported into Britain at much cheaper rate than it would be produced within the country.
(ii) British agriculture was unable to compete with imports. Vast areas of land were left uncultivated and people started migrating to cities or other countries.
(iii) As food prices fell, consumption in Britain rose. Faster industrial growth in Britain also led to higher incomes and therefore more food imports.
(iv) Around the world in Eastern Europe, Russia, America and Australia–lands were cleared and food production expanded to meet the British demand.
Question. Explain any three effects of population growth in England in the late eighteenth century.
Answer : (i) Increase the demand for food grains.
(ii) Under the prssure from landed groups, the government also restricted the import of corn.
(iii) Unhappy with high food prices, industrialist and urban dwellers forced the abolition of the Corn Laws.
Question. Why did the export of Indian textile decline at the beginning of nineteenth century? Explain any three reasons.
Answer : Three reasons:
(i) With the industrialisation, British cotton manufacture began to expand and industrialists pressurised the government to restrict cotton imports and protect local industries.
(ii) Tariffs were imposed on cloth imports into Britain.
(iii) British manufactures also began to seek overseas markets for their cloth They were excluded from the tariff barriers.
Question. Why was NIEO formed?
Answer : NIEO would help the developing countries in the following ways:
(i) To control their natural resources,
(ii) More development assistance,
(iii) Fairer prices for raw material, and
(iv) Better access for their manufactured goods in developed countries’ markets.
Question. What was the role of Indian entrepreneurs abroad?
Answer : With the growth of industrialisation, the British increased their manufacture of cotton. The Indian industrialists put pressure on the government to control the imports of British manufactured imports and protect local industries.
(i) Tariffs restrictions were imposed on clothes imported into Britain.
(ii) Indian textiles now faced stiff competition in other international markets.
(iii) The exports from India declined from 30% around 1800 to below 3% by the 1870s.
Question. Explain the causes of the Great Depression.
Answer : The Great Depression was caused by a combination of several factors:
(i) Agricultural overproduction was a major factor. As a result, agricultural prices fell.
(ii) As prices fell and agricultural incomes declined, farmers tried to expand production.
(iii) This increased the volume of goods in the market. The situation got worsened in the market.
(iv) Prices fell down further. Farm produce began to rot due to the lack of buyers.
Question. Why did the industrialists and people living in cities of Britain forced the government to abolish Corn Laws in the 18th century? Give two reasons.
Answer : (i) Population growth from the late 18th century had increased the demand for food grains in Britain pushing up the prices. Under pressure from farmers, the government restricted the import of corn. These laws were commonly known as the ‘Corn Laws’.
(ii) On the other hand the industrialists and people living in cities forced the government to abolish the Corn Laws.
Question. Describe the impact of ‘Rinderpest’ on people’s livelihoods and local economy in Africa in the 1890s.
Answer : (i) Rinderpest is a fast spreading disease of cattle plague spread in Africa. It killed 90 percent of the cattle and destroyed African livelihoods.
(ii) Planters, mine owners and colonial governments now successfully monopolised to strengthen their power and to force Africans into the labour market.
(iii) Control over the scarce resource of cattle enabled European colonisers to conquer and subdue Africa.
Long Answer Type Questions
Question. What was the impact of technology on food availability? Explain.
Answer : Faster railways, lighter wagons and larger ships helped to move food more cheaply and quickly from farms to markets.
(i) Earlier, animals were shipped live from America to Europe then slaughtered when they arrived there. Meat was an expensive luxury which European poor could not afford.
(ii) Now animals were slaughtered for food then transported to Europe as frozen meat. This reduced shipping costs and lowered meat prices in Europe.
(iii) with bread and potatoes, poor could now add meat, butter, eggs to their diet.
(iv) Better living conditions promoted social peace within the country.
Question. Describe the impact of Great Depression on Indian economy.
Answer : The impact of Great Depression on Indian Economy:
(i) India’s exports and imports nearly halved between 1928 and1934.
(ii) As agricultural prices fell sharply internationally as a result of this prices plunged in India.
(iii) Despite of this, the colonial government refused to reduce revenue demands.
(iv) Peasants’ indebtedness increased. They used up their savings, mortgaged lands and sold their jewellery and precious metals.
(v) India became exporter of metal.
(vi) Town dwellers found themselves better off.
(vii) Industrial investment grew.
Question. Describe the factors that led to the end of the Bretton Woods system and the beginning of globalisation.
Answer : The rising costs of its overseas involvements weakened the finances of US and competitive strength.
(i) The US dollar now no longer commanded confidence as the world’s Principal currency.
(ii) It eventually led to the collapse of the system of fixed exchange rates and the introduction of a system of floating exchange rates.
(iii) International financial system changed and developing countries were forced to borrow from western commercial banks and private leading institutions.
(iv) Unemployment in industrial countries.
(v) Changes in China.
Question. Enumerate the importance of Silk Route.
Answer : (i) It was an ancient network of trade routes through regions of the Asian continent connecting the East and West and the stretching from the Korean Peninsula and Japan to the Mediterranean sea.
(ii) Chinese pottery, textiles and spices from India were exported to South East Asia and precious metals like gold and silver, flowed from Europe to Asia.
(iii) Christian missionaries travelled through these routes to Asia. Muslim preachers also used these routes. Buddhism too spread to other Asian countries through intersecting points on the silk routes.
Question. Explain the three types of flows within international economy in exchanges.
Mention the three types of flows within international economic exchanges during the 19th century.
Answer : (i) Flow of Trade: Trade in goods, e.g., cloth or wheat, giving shape to a global agricultural economy where food no longer came from a nearby village or town, but from thousands of miles away.
(ii) Flow of Labour: The migration of people in search of employment is called ‘Flow of Labour’. Nearly 50 million people emigrated from Europe to America and Australia in the 19th century. All over the world some 150 million are estimated to have left their homes, crossed oceans and vast distances over land in search of a better future.
(iii) Flow of Capital Investment: Long-term or short-term Investments over long distances is called flow of capital investment. Capital flowed from financial centres such as London to build railways and other buildings.
Question. Mention the two key lessons learnt from the inter-war economic experiences by the economists and politicians after the Second World War.
Answer : The two lessons learnt by the economists and politicians during the Second World War were:
First: An industrial society based on mass production needs mass consumption. For mass consumption, steady income was necessary and for stable income, full employment was necessary. For this, the government has to take step to minimise the fluctuation of price, production and minimise the fluctuation of price, production and employment. Hence, economic stability could be ensured by the government intervention.
Second: The goal of full employment could be achieved only if the government controls the flow of goods, capital and labour.
Question. How did various cultures blend with the migrants and the inhabitants?
How did the indentured labourers or migrants discover their own way of surviving?
Answer : Some migrants developed new forms of individual and collective self-expression, blending different cultural forms, old and new like–
(i) In Trinidad the annual Muharram procession was transformed into a riotous carnival called ‘Hosay’ in which workers of all races and religions joined.
(ii) The protest religion of ‘Rasta Fasionism’ also reflected social and cultural links with Indian migrants to the Caribbean.
(iii) ‘Chutney music’ a fusion became popular in Trinidad and Guyana.
(iv) These forms of cultural fusion are part of the making of the global world where things from different places get mixed and become something entirely new.
Question. Describe in brief the economic conditions of the post-First World War period.
Answer : Post-First World War period economic conditions:
(i) Britain which was world’s leading economy in the pre-war period faced a prolonged crisis.
(ii) Indian and Japanese industries were developed as Britain was occupied with war.
(iii) After the war, it was difficult for Britain to recapture its earlier position in the Indian market.
(iv) Britain was burdened with huge external debts from the US.
(v) Government reduced bloated war expenditure. This led to huge job loses and unemployment.
(vi) Grain prices witnessed a steep fall as wheat supply was disrupted during the First World War.
Picture Based Question
Study the given picture carefully and answer the question.

What does the picture depict?
(a) Image of Warriors
(b) Image of Ship
(c) Image of Traders
(d) Image of Buddha
Answer : (c) Image of Traders
Case Based Questions
Question. Read the source given below and answer the questions by choosing the most appropriate option.
The Bretton Woods conference established the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to deal with external surpluses and deficits of its member nations. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (popularly known as the World Bank) was set up to finance postwar reconstruction. The IMF and the World Bank are referred to as the Bretton Woods institutions or sometimes the Bretton Woods twins. The post-war international economic system is also often described as the Bretton Woods system. The IMF and the World Bank commenced financial operations in 1947. Decisionmaking in these institutions is controlled by the Western industrial powers. The US has an effective right of veto over key IMF and World Bank decisions. The international monetary system is the system linking national currencies and monetary system. The Bretton Woods system was based on fixed exchange rates. In this system, national currencies, for example the Indian rupee, were pegged to the dollar at a fixed exchange rate. The dollar itself was anchored to gold at a fixed price of $35 per ounce of gold.
(i) Which of the following organizations were set up during the Bretton Woods conference?
(b) UNO and ILO
(c) IMF and RBI
(d) IMF and World Bank
Answer : (d) IMF and World Bank
(ii) What was Bretton Woods system?
(a) It was the post-war international economic system.
(b) It was the post-war military system.
(c) It was the post-war political system.
(d) None of the above
Answer : (a) It was the post-war international economic system.
(iii) When did the IMF and the World Bank commence financial operations?
(a) 1950
(b) 1945
(c) 1947
(d) 1944
Answer : (c) 1947
(iv) The Bretton Woods Monetary system was a based on
(a) floating exchange rates
(b) fixed exchange rates
(c) floating as well as fixed rates
(d) the RBI rules
Answer : (b) fixed exchange rates