Students should practice questions given in Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets. These worksheets for Class 9 Science have a good collection of important questions and answers which are expected to come in your class tests and examinations. You should learn these solved worksheet questions for Science Class 9 as it will help you to understand all topics and give you more marks.
Class 9 Science Worksheets Chapter 6 Tissues
Please refer to below questions and answers for Tissues Chapter 6 Class 9 Science Worksheets. Prepared by expert teachers for Standard 9 Science
Question. Which tissue gives flexibility in plants?
Question. Where is parenchyma tissue present?
Parenchyma tissue is present below the epidermis.
Question. What is the structure of a neuron?
Building block of a nervous tissue is a neuron. It has a thread-like structure with axon and cell body.
Question. Mention the types of simple and complex tissues.
Simple : (i) Sclerenchyma, (ii) Parenchyma,
(iii) Collenchyma
Complex : (i) Phloem (ii) Xylem
Question. Where can we find apical meristem?
It is found in the growing tips of roots and stem.The length of roots and stem is increased due to the presence of apical meristem.
Question. Name the tissue which is responsible for the movement of our body?
A combination of following two tissues is responsible for the movement of our body :
(i) Muscular tissue
(ii) Nervous tissue
Question. Which tissue is present in the husk of a coconut?
Question. What do you mean by aerenchyma?
Aerenchyma is the cell with large air-filled cavities of parenchyma. It helps aquatic plants to float.
Question. Name the two types of tissues.
(i) Animal tissues
(ii) Plant tissues
Question. What will happen if ligaments are over stretched?
Sprain will occur.
Question. What will happen if apical meristem is damaged?
Growth of plant in length will stop.
Question. Define differentiation.
The process of taking up permanent size, shape and function of cell is called differentiation.
Question. Why does the growth of plants occur only in certain specific regions?
Growth of plants occurs only in certain specific region because the meristematic tissue is located only at these points.
Question. Name the connective tissue that is found between skin and muscles.
Areolar connective tissue fills the space between skin and muscles.
Question. Name the tissues which are present in the plants at the nodes.
Intercalary tissues.
Question. What is basement membrane?
It is very thin non-cellular membrane on which cells of epithelial tissue rest. It also separates the epithelial tissue from the underlying tissues.
Question.What are areolar tissues’ junctions?
Answer. Areolar tissues are connective tissue found in animals. We can find them between skin and muscles, around blood vessels and nerves, in bone marrow. These tissues fill the space inside the organs. They support internal organs and help to repair tissues.
QuestionWhat are the four important types of tissues found in animal?
Answer. The four animal tissues are :
(i) Epithelial tissues,
(ii) Connective tissues,
(iii) Muscular tissues, and
(iv) Nervous tissue.
Question.What is the main function of vascular tissue in plants?
Answer. Vascular tissue transport :
(i) Water and dissolved minerals from roots to various parts of the plant (xylem).
(ii) Prepare food material from leaves to different plant parts (phloem).
Question.Why do meristematic cells lack vacuoles?
Answer. Meristematic cells divide frequently to give rise to new cells. So, they need dense cytoplasm and soft cell wall.Vacuoles cause hindrance in cell division as they are full to cell sap and provide turgidity and rigidity to the cell.
Question.What is epithelial tissue?
Answer. Epithelial tissue : Epithelial tissue forms covering of entire surface of the body and lines the internal organs, because of this epithelial tissue is called protective tissue. It also forms a barrier to keep different body system separate. In this tissue, cells are closely associated and arranged on a very thin extracellular fibrous basement membrane. Epithelial tissue may be composed of one (simple epithelium) or more layers of cells (compound epithelium).
Question.What are muscular tissue? What is their function?
Answer. This is a specialised tissue which is composed of contractile, fibre-like cell. This tissue is responsible for movement in our body.
Function : The movement of the body or limbs is brought about by contraction and relaxation of contractile proteins present in muscle cells.
Question.What are the three types of muscle fibres (muscle cells)?
Answer. These are three types of muscle fibres :
1. Striated muscle (skeletal muscle or voluntary muscle),
2. Unstriated muscle (smooth muscle or involuntary muscle),
3. Cardiac muscle.
Question.What are protective tissues?
Answer. All parts of plants, e.g. leaves, flowers, stem, and root are covered by a single outermost protective layer called epidermis. It consists of rectangular, closely fitted relatively flat cells which lack intercellular spaces. Usually it is one cell thick and is covered with cutin. Epidermis protects internal tissues of the plant.
In old dicot plants, epidermis is replaced by secondary meristem which cuts cells toward outerside. Cork cells do not have intercellular spaces and are dead cells.
The walls of cork cells are heavily thickened due to the position of suberin. Presence of suberin makes the cells impervious to gases and water and thus prevents evaporation of water.
Question.Explain how the bark of a tree is formed. How does it act as a protective tissue?
Answer. As trees grow old, a strip of secondary meristem replaces the epidermis of the stem. Cell on the outside are cut off this layer. This forms the several layer thick cork or the bark of the tree.Bark is a mass of dead tissue lying in the peripheral region of the plant body as a hard dry covering. Its function is protection. It protects the inner tissues against the attack of fungi and insects, against loss of water by evaporation, etc.
Question.What is the .structure of a neuron?
Answer. A neuron has a cell body with a nucleus and cytoplasm.A long and thin hair-like structure arises from the body. Every neuron has one long part known as the axon, and many short and small branched structures known as dendrite. A single nerve cell is known as neuron and length of some neuron may be even a metre.

Question.What is a cardiac muscle? Mention its features too.
Answer. Cardiac muscle is an extremely specialized tissue developed to pump blood throughout the body.
Features :
(i) Cylindrical in shape
(ii) Branched and single celled
(iii) Striated muscle fibres
(iv) Involuntary in nature
Question.Differentiate between bone and cartilage.

Question.Complete the sentences.
(i) _____ conducts minerals and water.
(ii) _____ conducts food in higher plants.
(iii) Blood is a _____ type of tissue.
(iv) Bone has _____ cells.
(v) Cartilage has _____ cells.
(vi) The connective tissue where fibres are not present is _____.
(i) Xylem
(ii) Phloem
(iii) connective
(iv) osteocyte
(v) chondrocyte
(vi) blood
Question.Name the following tissues.
(i) Which tissue covers the external surface in animals?
(ii) Which tissue stores fat in animals?
(iii) Which tissue joins bone to bone?
(iv) Which tissue divides and re-divides and responsible for growth in plants?
(i) Epithelial tissue
(ii) Adipose tissue
(iii) Ligament
(iv) Meristematic tissue
Question.Write the characteristics of collenchyma.
Answer. The cells in this type of tissue are living, elongated and thickened with cellulose at the corners. There is very little intercellular space. This tissue provides flexibility and mechanical support to plants. This tissue is found in hypodermis of stems and leaf stalks.
Question.Describe the structure of sclerenchyma. Write its major functions.
Answer. Sclerenchyma is the chief mechanical tissue of plants.The cells of this tissue are usually long, narrow and pointed at both ends. Due to deposition of lignin their walls are often very highly thickened hence the lumen or cell cavity is nearly obliterated. They are usually provided with simple pits which may be oblique or straight. It provides strength to the plant parts.
Question.Describe the structure of phloem.
Answer. Structure of phloem : The main conducting part of the phloem is sieve tube which is formed of elongated cylindrical cells arranged in vertical rows. The walls between the cells have many minute pores through which food material can pass from one cell to the next. The porous walls between the cells is termed as sieve plate. Each sieve tube member is supported by a long parenchymatous cell called companion cell which helps the sieve tubes in the conduction of food material. Phloem also contains phloem fibres, which provide support. Another component of phloem is parenchyma cells which stores food.
Question.Describe the structure of cartilage and bone.
Answer. Cartilage : It is a solid but semi-rigid and flexible connective tissue. It has large bluntly angular cartilage cells called chondrocytes. They occur in clusters of 2 and 3 in small spaces (lacunae) scattered in the matrix. Cartilage smoothens bone surfaces at joints and is also present in the nose, ear, trachea and larynx.
Bone : Bone is a solid, rigid and strong connective tissue. Its matrix become hard due to the deposition of salts of calcium and phosphorous. Osteocytes or bone cells are present in irregular spaces lacunae in the matrix, interconnected by fine canals called canaliculi.
In this tissue, matrix deposits in concentric rings around narrow longitudinal cavities called haversian canals. These canals carries blood vessels and nerves.
Question.What are the two main components of blood? Why is blood considered a type of connective tissue?
(i) Blood has two main components :
(a) Fluid (liquid) matrix called plasma.
(b) Suspended red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets.
(ii) Blood is considered as connective tissue because :
(a) It has the same origin as the other connective tissues.
(b) It flows to different parts of the body and thus connects different parts of the body with one another to exchange materials and gases.
Question.Differentiate between chlorenchyma and arenchyma.
Answer.Difference between chlorenchyma and arenchyma :

Question.Draw a labelled diagram of section of a phloem.

Question.What is the difference between meristematic cells and permanent cells?
Answer. Difference between meristematic cells and permanent cells :

Question.What is xylem? Explain its structure. Which one of its component is very important and why?
Answer. Xylem is a complex plant tissue which transports water and dissolved minerals from roots to all other plant parts.
Structure : Xylem consists of four kinds of cells (also known as elements).
Tracheids : A tracheid is an elongated, hollow cell with its both ends tapering. The walls of these cells are thick by the deposition of lignin. At certain spots lignin is not present. These spots are termed as pits.
The tracheids are dead cells.
Vessels : These are tube-like structures formed by a number of cells placed end to end with their transverse walls dissolved. The side walls of these tubes also have deposition of lignin. The thickening of the walls show various kinds of patterns. They are also dead cells. Xylem Parenchyma : They are prenchymatous, thin walled, living cells. They help in lateral conduction of water and sap. They also store food.
Xylem Fibres : They are lignified dead fibres which provide mechanical support to plant.
The most important element of xylem is vessel because most of the water and minerals are carried upward through this component of xylem.
Question.Differentiate between :
(i) Xylem and phloem
(ii) Vessel and sieve tube
(iii) Tracheid and vessel
(i) Xylem and phloem

(ii) Vessel and sieve tube

(iii) Tracheids and vessel

Question.What are three main categories of connective tissue?
Answer. Categories of connective tissue are :
Connective tissue proper : There is a matrix in which generally two types of (white and yellow) fibres are present. In between these fibres some connective tissue cells are present. Example of this kind of connective tissues are aerolar tissue and adipose tissue.
Skeletal tissue : This type of tissues form the skeleton of an organism.
It is of two types : Cartilage and bone.
a. Cartilage has solid matrix called chondrin, in which fibres and cells known as chondrocytes are present. Usually cells are present in clusters of 2-3 cells in small spaces called lacunae. Cartilage is found in the regions of pinna, nose, trachea and larynx.
b. In bones, matrix is formed of a protein called ossein impregnated with phosphate and carbonates of calcium and magnesium.
Fluid tissue : Blood and lymph are examples of fluid connective tissues. These are specialized connective tissues. It consists of liquid matrix with no fibres.In liquid matrix called plasma corpuscles remain suspended. Blood transports food material, gases and other substances to the various parts of the body.
Question.Write main characteristic features of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles.
Differentiate between striated, unstriated and cardiac muscle fibres. Give three points of difference.

Question.Explain the structure of a fluid connective tissue.
Ans : Blood is a fluid connective tissue. Blood consists of :
1. Blood plasma, 2. Blood cells.
1. Blood plasma : It is the fluid matrix which contains 85 to 95% water, 7% different types of proteins,0.9% of salts, about 0.1% glucose and a very small amount of hormones, wastes, etc. In the plasma,blood corpuscles (cells) are suspended.
2. Blood cells : Three kinds of blood cells are found suspended in the blood plasma.
These are : (i) Red blood corpuscles (Erythrocytes) or RBCs (ii) White blood corpuscles (leucocytes or WBCs and (iii) Blood platelets.
(i) Red blood corpuscles (Erythrocytes) or RBCs : The red blood corpuscles are biconcave, disc-like cells which are devoid of nucleus.
They contain a substance called haemoglobin because of this they appear red in colour. The most important function of the RBCs is the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
(ii) White blood corpuscles (Leucocytes) or WBCs : These cells are comparatively large in size, colourless and irregular in appearance.
They are devoid of haemoglobin. They protect our body from diseases by destroying germs.
(iii) Blood platelets : These are small, 2-4 m in diameter. They are without nucleus. Their main function is to liberate some substances which helps in blood clotting.
Question.Differentiate between bone and cartilage.

Question.Give one function of each of the following :
(a) Stomata, (b) Root nodules, (c) Cardiac muscle fibres.
(a) Exchange of gases in plants.
(b) Root nodules are found in leguminous plants. They harbour bacteria which can fix free atmospheric nitrogen into nitrates and nitrites which plants like pulses can use for protein synthesis.
(c) Cardiac muscles show rhythmic contraction and relaxation throughout life. Because of this heart can pump the blood.
Question.Differentiate between :
(i) Meristematic cells and permanent cells
(ii) Parenchyma and collenchyma
(iii) Collenchyma and sclerenchyma
(iv) Sclerenchyma fibres and sclereids