VBQs Metals and Non-Metals Class 10 Science

VBQs for Class 10

VBQs Metals and Non-Metals Class 10 Science with solutions has been provided below for standard students. We have provided chapter wise VBQ for Class 10 Science with solutions. The following Metals and Non-Metals Class 10 Science value based questions with answers will come in your exams. Students should understand the concepts and learn the solved cased based VBQs provided below. This will help you to get better marks in class 10 examinations.

Metals and Non-Metals VBQs Class 10 Science


Question. Which among the following statements is incorrect for magnesium metal? 
(a) It burns in oxygen with a dazzling white flame
(b) It reacts with cold water to form magnesium oxide and evolves hydrogen gas
(c) It reacts with hot water to form magnesium hydroxide and evolves hydrogen gas
(d) It reacts with steam to form magnesium hydroxide and evolves hydrogen gas 



Question. What happens when calcium is treated with water?   
(i) It does not react with water.
(ii) It reacts violently with water.
(iii) It reacts less violently with water.
(iv) Bubbles of hydrogen gas formed stick to the surface of calcium.
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (ii)
(d) (iii) and (iv) 



Question. Generally, non-metals are not lustrous. Which of the following non-metal is lustrous?   
(a) Sulphur
(b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Iodine



Question. Electrical wires have a coating of an insulating material. The material, generally used is 
(a) Sulphur
(b) Graphite
(c) PVC
(d) All can be used 



Question. Which one of the following metals does not react with cold as well as hot water?   
(a) Na
(b) Ca
(c) Mg
(d) Fe 



Question. During electrolytic refining of zinc, it gets   
(a) deposited on cathode
(b) deposited on anode
(c) deposited on cathode as well as anode
(d) remains in the solution



Question. Which of the following metals exist in their native state in nature?   
(i) Cu (ii) Au
(iii) Zn (iv) Ag
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (iii) and (iv)



Question. An electrolytic cell consists of   
(i) positively charged cathode
(ii) negatively charged anode
(iii) positively charged anode
(iv) negatively charged cathode
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv) 



Question. An element A is soft and can be cut with a knife.   
This is very reactive to air and cannot be kept open in air. It reacts vigorously with water. Identify the element from the following:
(a) Mg
(b) Na
(c) P
(d) Ca 



Question. Food cans are coated with tin and not with zinc because 
(a) zinc is costlier than tin
(b) zinc has a higher melting point than tin
(c) zinc is more reactive than tin
(d) zinc is less reactive than tin 



Question. Metals are refined by using different methods. 
Which of the following metals are refined by electrolytic refining?
(i) Au (ii) Cu
(iii) Na (iv) K
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (iii) and (iv) 



Question. Galvanization is a method of protecting iron from rusting by coating with a thin layer of 
(a) Gallium
(b) Aluminium
(c) Zinc
(d) Silver



Question. Which of the following metals are obtained by electrolysis of their chlorides in molten state? 
(i) Na (ii) Ca
(iii) Fe (iv) Cu
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (ii)



Question. Which of the given metals is stored under kerosene to prevent oxidation? 
(a) Copper
(b) Potassium
(c) Magnesium
(d) Calcium 



Question. Alloys are homogeneous mixtures of a metal with a metal or non-metal. Which among the following alloys contain non-metal as one of its constituents? 
(a) Brass
(b) Bronze
(c) Amalgam
(d) Steel



Question. Which of the following are not ionic compounds? 
(i) KCl (ii) HCl
(iii) CCl4 (iv) NaCl
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iii) 



Assertion And Reason Based MCQs :

Directions : In the following questions, A statement of Assertion (a) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). Mark the correct choice as.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false and R is true.

Question. Assertion (A): A mineral is called ore, when metal is extracted from it conveniently and economically. 
Reason (R): All ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores.



Question. Assertion (A): Metals are sonorous. 
Reason (R): They are generally brittle in the solid state; they break into pieces when hammered.



Question. Assertion (A): While the extraction of copper, one of the steps involved is Cu2S + 2Cu2 O → 6Cu + SO2 
Reason (R): In this reaction Cu2S is the reducing agent whereas Cu2O is the oxidising agent.



Question. Assertion (A): When a piece of copper metal is added to dilute sulphuric acid, the solution turns blue. 
Reason (R): Copper reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to form blue copper (II) sulphate solution.



Question. Assertion (A): In alumino thermite process, the metals like iron melts due to the heat evolved in the reaction. 
Reason (R): The reaction is: Fe2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Fe



Question. Assertion (A): Gas bubbles are observed when sodium carbonate is added to dilute hydrochloric acid. 
Reason (R): Carbon dioxide is given off in the reaction.



Question. Assertion (A): Usually the sulphide ore is converted to oxide before reduction. 
Reason (R): Reduction of oxides occurs easier.



Case Based Questions :

I. Read the following and answer any four questions from Q.1. to Q.5.
A student took the samples of four metals A, B, C and D and added following solutions one by one. The results obtained have been tabulated as follows:   

VBQs Metals and Non-Metals Class 10 Science

Question. The gas produced when dil. HCl is added to a reactive metal: 
(a) Oxygen
(b) Nitrogen
(c) Hydrogen
(d) None of the above



Question. On the basis of sequence of reactions, identify the most and least reactive elements. 
A + BX ® AX + B
C + AY ® CY + A
(a) Most reactive: C; Least reactive: B
(b) Most reactive: B; Least reactive: C
(c) Most reactive: A; Least reactive: B
(d) Most reactive: B; Least reactive: A



Question. Choose the most reactive metal: 
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D



Question. Which of the following will displace Cu from its solution of sulphate: 
(a) A only
(b) B only
(c) Both A and B
(d) None of the abov



Question. Which is the correct decreasing order of reactivity? 
(a) B > A > C > D
(b) A > B > D > C
(c) D > B > A > C
(d) B > A > D > C



II. Read the following and answer any four questions from Based on this information, answer any four questions from When a silvery grey powder of a solid (a) is mixed with a powder of solid (b) no reaction occurs. But if the mixture is ignited and lighted using magnesium ribbon a reaction occurs with evolution of large amount of heat forming product (c) which settles down as liquid metal and the solid product (d) formed floats on the liquid (c). (c) in solid form reacts with moisture to form rust. The amount of heat generated during the reaction is so high that the reaction is used in welding of electric conductors, joints in railway tracks.

Question. Which of the following is amphoteric in nature ?   
(a) Both aluminium oxide and zinc oxide
(b) Only zinc oxide
(c) Only aluminium oxide
(d) Neither of them.



Question. The reaction in which heat is generated is called as:   
(a) Exothermic reaction
(b) Endothermic reaction
(c) Decomposition reaction
(d) Precipitation reaction



Question. Identify A and C? 
(a) A – Al and C – Fe
(b) A – Fe and C – Al
(c) A – Mg and C- Al
(d) A – Al and C – Cu



Question. Identify B and D which are oxides of:   
(a) B – Fe, D – Al
(b) B – Mg , D – Al
(c) B – Al, D – Cu
(d) B – Al, D – Fe



Question. Amphoteric oxides are:   
(a) Metal oxides which do not react with acids but reacts with bases.
(b) Metal oxides which reacts with both acids as well as bases.
(c) Metal oxides which reacts with acids but do not react with bases.
(d) Metal oxides which shows no reaction with either acids or bases.



III. Read the following and answer any four questions from Sohan went door to door posing as a goldsmith. He promised to bring back the glitter of old and dull gold ornaments. An unsuspecting lady gave a set of gold bangles to him which he dipped in a particular solution. The bangles sparkled like new but their weight was reduced drastically. The lady was sad but after a futile argument, the man beat a hasty retreat.

Question. Which of the following is incorrect?   
(a) Aqua regia is a strong oxidising agent.
(b) Aqua regia is a strong reducing agent.
(c) Aqua regia dissolves gold in it.
(d) Aqua regia is a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid.



Question. Aqua regia dissolves:   
(a) Gold and platinum
(b) Gold and silver
(c) Platinum and silver
(d) Only gold



Question. Examples of Noble metals are: 
(a) Gold
(b) Silver
(c) Platinum
(d) All of the above



Question. Which of the following is used for dissolution of gold? 
(a) Hydrochloric acid
(b) Sulphuric acid
(c) Nitric acid
(d) Aqua regia



Question. The composition of aqua-regia is   
(a) Dil. HCl: Conc. HNO3 3: 1
(b) Conc. HCl: Dil. HNO3 3: 1
(c) Conc. HCl: Conc. HNO3 3: 1
(d) Dil. HCl: Dil. HNO3 3: 1



IV. Read the following and answer any four questions from During extraction of metals, electrolytic refining is used to obtain pure metals. During the process, the impure metal is made the anode and a thin strip of pure metal is made the cathode. The solution of the metal salt is used as an electrolyte. On passing the current through the electrolyte, the pure metal from the anode dissolves from the electrolyte. An equivalent of pure metal from the electrolyte is deposited on the cathode.

Question. During electrolytic refining of zinc, it gets 
(a) deposited on cathode.
(b) deposited on anode.
(c) deposited on cathode as well as anode.
(d) remains in the solution.



Question. In electrolytic refining of copper, impure copper act as __________and pure copper as __________: 
(a) cathode , anode
(b) cathode, electrolyte
(c) anode , cathode
(d) electrolyte, cathode



Question. The anode is ___________ and the reaction at the anode is _________. 
(a) negative, oxidation
(b) negative, reduction
(c) positive, oxidation
(d) positive, reduction



Question. The process of purification of the metal obtained after reduction, is called: 
(a) Extraction
(b) Refining
(c) Froth floatation
(d) Electrolysis



Question. Which of the metals are refined by electrolytic refining? 
(i) Au (ii) Cu
(iii) Na (iv) K
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)



V. Read the following and answer any four questions from Metallic Character:
The ability of an atom to donate electrons and form positive ion (cation) is known as electro-positivity or metallic character. Down the group, metallic character increases due to increase in atomic size and across the period, from left to right electropositivity decreases due to decrease in atomic size.
Non-Metallic Character:
The ability of an atom to accept electrons to form a negative ion (anion) is called non-metallic character or electronegativity. The elements having high electro-negativity have a higher tendency to gain electrons and form anion.
Down the group, electronegativity decreases due to increase in atomic size and across the period, from left to right electro -negativity increases due to decrease in atomic size.   

VBQs Metals and Non-Metals Class 10 Science

Question. Hydrogen is placed along with Alkali metals in the modern periodic table though it shows non-metallic character: 
(a) as Hydrogen has one electron & readily loses electron to form negative ion.
(b) as Hydrogen can easily lose one electron like alkali metals to form positive ion.
(c) as Hydrogen can gain one electron easily like Halogens to form negative ion.
(d) as Hydrogen shows the properties of nonmetals.



Question. Which of the following has highest electronegativity? 
(a) F
(b) Cl
(c) Br
(d) I



Question. Which of the following correctly represents the decreasing order of metallic character of Alkali metals plotted in the graph?   
(a) Cs>Rb>Li>Na>K
(b) K>Rb>Li>Na>Cs
(c) Cs>Rb>K>Na>Li
(d) Cs>K>Rb>Na>Li



Question. Identify the reason for the gradual change in electronegativity in halogens down the group. 
(a) Electronegativity increases down the group due to decrease in atomic size.
(b) Electronegativity decreases down the group due to decrease in tendency to lose electrons.
(c) Electronegativity decreases down the group due to increase in atomic radius/ tendency to gain electron decreases.
(d) Electronegativity increases down the group due to increase in forces of attractions between nucleus & valence electrons.



Question. Which of the following reason correctly justifies that “Fluorine (72pm) has smaller atomic radius than Lithium (152pm)”? 
(a) F and Li are in the same group. Atomic size increases down the group
(b) F and Li are in the same period. Atomic size increases across the period due to increase in number of shells
(c) F and Li are in the same group. Atomic size decreases down the group
(d) F and Li are in the same period and across the period atomic size/radius decreases from left to right.



VI. In a thermite reaction, a compound of iron reacts with a metal.

Question. The correct equation to justify thermite reaction is: 
(a) Fe2O3 + 2Al ® 2Fe + Al2O3 – Heat.
(b) Fe2O3 + 2Al ® 2Fe + Al2O3 + Heat.
(c) Al2O3 + 2Fe ® 2Al + Fe2O3 + Heat.
(d) Fe2O3 + 2Al ® 2Fe + Al2O3.



Question. The correct name for Fe2O3 is: 
(a) Ferrous oxide
(b) Ferric oxide
(c) Ferrous hydroxide
(d) Ferric hydroxide



Question. The metal used is: 
(a) Zinc
(b) Aluminium
(c) Magnesium
(d) None of these.



Question. After completion of this reaction, a metal is obtained in the molten state. Identify the metal: 
(a) Zinc
(b) Aluminium
(c) Iron
(d) Magnesium
