VBQs Reproduction in Organisms Class 12 Biology with solutions has been provided below for standard students. We have provided chapter wise VBQ for Class 12 Biology with solutions. The following Reproduction in Organisms Class 12 Biology value based questions with answers will come in your exams. Students should understand the concepts and learn the solved cased based VBQs provided below. This will help you to get better marks in class 12 examinations.
Reproduction in Organisms VBQs Class 12 Biology
Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Identify ‘A’ in the given diagram and state its function.

Answer : ‘A’—Nodes
Function — Vegetative propagation
Question. Name an alga that reproduces asexually through zoospores. Why are these reproductive units so called ?
Answer : Asexual reproduction by zoospore formation takes place in Chlamydomonas. These reproductive units are called as zoospores because they are motile.
Question. Name the units of vegetative propagation in grasses and water hyacinth.
Answer : Grasses : Runner.
Water hyacinth : Offset.
Question. Write the name of the organism that is referred to as the ‘Terror of Bengal’.
Answer : Eichhornia crassipes put “water hyacinth under bracket remove slash. (water hyacinth).
Question. Which of the following statements is true for Bryophyllum ?
(i) Germinating bud appears from the eye of the stem tuber.
(ii) Germinating bud appears from the node of the rhizome.
(iii) Germinating bud appears from the notch of the leaf margin.
Answer : (iii) Germinating bud appears from the notch of the leaf margin.
Question. Why are living plant cells said to be totipotent ?
Answer : The living plant cells are said to be totipotent because the whole plant can be regenerated from a single cell.
Question. Name the mode of reproduction that helps in producing genetically identical offsprings.
Answer : Asexual reproduction.
Question. Which of the following organisms exhibit binary fission ?
Bacillus, Penicillium, Yeast, Amoeba.
Answer : Bacillus, Yeast and Amoeba.
Question. How does Penicillium reproduce asexually ?
Answer : Penicillium reproduces asexually through conidia formation.
Question. Name the vegetative propagules in
(i) Potato, and
(ii) Pistia. R
Answer : (i) Auxillary buds/Eye buds
(ii) Offset
Question. Write one difference between binary fission and budding.
Answer : Differences between binary fission and budding :
Binary Fission | Budding |
Cell divides into two equal halves. | The division is unequal. |
Each of the two equal halves rapidly grows into an adult. | The smaller part (bud) remains attached initially to the parent cell which eventually gets separated and matures into a new organism. |
Parent cell loses its identity. | The parent cell maintains its identity and forms a separate bud. |
Short Answer Type Questions
Question. Why is banana considered a good example of parthenocarpy?
Why is banana referred to as a parthenocarpic fruit?
Answer : Parthenocarpy can be induced through the application of growth hormones and such fruits are seedless. Since, banana produces fruit without fertilisation, it is considered a good example of parthenocarpy.
Question. Identify the picture and mention the vegetative part that helps it to propagate.

Answer : Rhizome of ginger are modified underground stem, axillary bud grows from the node.
Detailed Answer :
The given picture is of Ginger.
In ginger, vegetative propagation occurs through the underground stem called rhizome. A rhizome is a modified underground horizontal stem.
Question. Name the units of vegetative propagation in water hyacinth. Explain giving reasons why it has become the most invasive aquatic weed ?
Answer : Water hyacinth reproduces vegetatively by offsets.
It propagate, at an enormous and alarming rate.
Therefore it spreads all over the water body and fully covers it within a short period of time. Thus, it has become the most invasive aquatic weed.
Question. Plants like potato, sugarcane do not require seeds for producing new plants. How do they produce new plants? Give two other examples where new plants are produced in the same way.
Answer : New plants arise from nodes present in the modified stems of these plants, through vegetative propagation. When the nodes come in contact with damp soil or water, they produce roots and new plants e.g., Banana, Ginger, Dahlia, Bryophyllum