Worksheets for Class 12 Business Studies have been designed as per the latest pattern for CBSE, NCERT and KVS for Grade 12. Students are always suggested to solve printable worksheets for Business Studies Grade 12 as they can be really helpful to clear their concepts and improve problem solving skills. We at have provided here free PDF worksheets for students in standard 12 so that you can easily take print of these test sheets and use them daily for practice. All worksheets are easy to download and have been designed by teachers of Class 12 for benefit of students and is available for free download.
Business Studies Worksheets for Class 12
We have provided chapter-wise worksheets for class 12 Business Studies which the students can download in Pdf format for free. This is the best collection of Business Studies standard 12th worksheets with important questions and answers for each grade 12th Business Studies chapter so that the students are able to properly practice and gain more marks in Class 12 Business Studies class tests and exams.
Class 12 Business Studies Chapterwise Questions
Chapter 1 Nature and Significance of Management |
Chapter 2 Principles of Management |
Chapter 3 Business Environment |
Chapter 4 Planning |
Chapter 5 Organising |
Chapter 6 Staffing |
Chapter 7 Directing |
Chapter 8 Controlling |
Chapter 9 Financial Management |
Chapter 10 Financial Markets |
Chapter 11 Marketing Management |
Chapter 12 Consumer Protection |
Chapter-wise Class 12 Business Studies Worksheets Pdf Download
Acronyms to Remember in Class 12 Business Studies
Chapter-1 ———–Nature And Significance Of Management
My Charming Dad Is Giving Grand Party ( MCD PIG 2 )
3. Dynamic
4. Intangible
5. Group Activity
6. group Goals
Importance Of Management
GDP depends upon Efficient Society
1. Achieving Group Goals
2. Dynamic Organisation
3. Achieving Personal Objectives
4. Increases efficiency
5. Helps in Development of Society
Management As An Art
1. Based on practice and C reativity
2. Personalised A pplication
3. Existence of T heoretical knowledge
Management As Science————- Usp
1. U niversal validity
2. S ystematic Body of knowledge
3. P rinciples based on Experimentation
Nature Of Coordination————– Police Controls Drug
1. Pervasive Function
2. Continuous Process
3. Deliberate Function
4. Responsibility of All Managers
5. Unity of Action
6. Integrates Group Efforts
Importance Of Coordination
Coordination is needed when organization grows in size ,has specialization and includes functional Diffferentiation
Chapter-2—–Principles Of Management
Fayol’s Principles Of Management
Dad U C Ussr? O I See
1 Division Of Work
2. Authority And Responsibility
4. Unity Of Command
5. Centralisation And Decentralisation
6. Unity Of Direction
7. Subordination Of Individual Interest To General Interest
8. Scalar Chain
9. Remuneration Of Employees
10. Order
11. Initiative
12. Stabilityof Tenure Of Personnel
13. Equity
14. Espirit De Corpse
Principles Of Scientific Management
Science Leads To Development By Harmony And Cooperation .
- Science, not rule of Thumb
- Development of each person to his or her greatest Effeciency
- Harmony not Discord
- Cooperation, not individualism
Taylor’s Technques Of Scientific Management
My Sweet Simple Mother and Father Taught Taylor’s Different Functions
- Motion Study
- Standardization and Simplification
- Method Study
- Fatigue Study
- Time Study
- Differential Piece Wage System
- Functional foremanship
Chapter-3—–Business Environment
Features of Business Environment
Disturb C
D – Dynamic
I – Interrelated
S – Specific and general forces
T – Totality of External forces
U – Uncertainity
R – Relativity
B –
C – Complex
Dimensions of Business Environment
S – Social
T – Technological
E – Economic
P – Political
L – Legal
Process of Planning
S – Setting Objectives
P – developing Premises
I – Identify alternate course of action
C – Evaluating alternative courses
S – Selecting an alternative
D – Formulation of derivative plans
I – Implementation of plan
F – Follow up action
Features of Planning
D – decision Making
C – Continuous Process
P – Pervasive
O – Objective achievement
F – Futuristic
M – Mental Exercise
P – Primary Function
D – it provides direction
R – Reduce the risk of uncertainity
S – Establishes standard of controlling
O – Reduces overlapping
D – Decision Making
I – Promotes Innovative Ideas
N – No guarantee of success
C – Involves huge cost
R – It creates rigidity
D – Does not work in dynamic environment
T – Time consuming Process
C – Reduces Creativity
Process Of Organising Idea
1 Identification and division of work
2 Departmentisation
3 Assigning of duties
4 Establishing reporting relationships
Importance of organizing BADO-CAG
1 Benefits of specialization
2 Clarity in working relationships
3 Optimum utilization of resources
4 Adaptation to changes
5 Development of personnel
6 Expansion and growth
Delegation –AAR
Staffing process- MR SPOTPPC
1 Estimating Manpower Requirements
2 Recruitment
3 Selection
4 Placement and orientation
5 Training and development
6 Performance appraisal
7 Promotion and career planning
8 Compensation
Training methods- APP.IVI
1 Induction training
2 Vestibule training
3 Apprenticeship training
4 Internship training
Components Of Staffing- Tsr
1 Recruitment
2 Selection
3 Training
Internal Sources- Pt
1 Transfer
2 Promotion
Importance Of Staffing- Jct-Sho
1 Ensures Availability Of Competent Personnel
2 Higher Performance
3 Ensures Continuous Survival And Growth
4 Ensures Optimum Utilization Of Human Resources
5 Improves Job Satisfaction And Morale
6 Advancement Of Technology
Features Of Directing: ( Cift )
(i) Initiate’s Action:
(ii) Takes Place At Every Level Of Management:
(iii) Continuous Process:
(iv) Flows From Top To Bottom:
Importance Of Directing 🙁 Saiif )
1. Achieving Goal
2. Integrate Employees Efforts
3. Fuller Utilization Of Employees Capabilities
4. Introducing Changes
5. Stability In Organization
Importance Of Supervision ( Aadhie )
1. Act As Friend, Philosopher And Guide
2. Avoid Misunderstanding And Conflict Among Worker And Management
3. Harmony Among Workers
4. Efficient team of workers
5. Increase morale of workers
6. Develop work skill
Features of Motivation ( IPCC )
1. Internal feeling
2. Produces goal directed behavior
3. Can be either positive or negative
4. Complex process.
Motivation Process( U Tension Doge Sabko Sath Rulaaonga )
1. Unsatisfied need
2. Tension
3. Drive
4. Search behavior
5. Satisfied need
6. Reduction of Tension
Motivation Importance( N RR II )
1. Improves performance level of employee
2. Negative attitude to positive attitude
3. Reduce employee turnover
4. Reduce abseentism
5. Introducing change smoothly
Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory of motivation ( PEASS )
1. Basic P hysiological need
2. Safety and security need
3. Affiliation and belongingness need
4. Esteem need
5. Self actualization need
Techniques of motivation:
A. Financial Incentives( P lease 4 ward, BRS )
1. Pay and allowances
2. Perquisites
3. Productivity linked wage incentives
4. Profit Sharing
5. Bonus
6. Retirement benefit
7. Stock option and co partnership
B. Non-Financial Incentives( JJOCEE-SE )
1. Status
2. Organization Climate
3. Career advancement opportunities
4. Job enrichment
5. Job security
6. Employee recognition programme
7. Employee participation
8. Employee empowerment.
Features of leadership( ABC-IE )
1. Ability to influence other
2. Bring change in behavior of other
3. Interpersonal relations between leader and follower
4. Exercise for common goal
5. Continuous process .
Importance of Leadership( PCMB-I )
1. Produces good results
2. Creates congenial work environment
3. Introduction of change with minimum discontentment
4. Maintain harmonious relations
5. Build up successor and help in smooth succession process
Qualities of good leader( PCM-CSD-KII )
1. Physical Features
2. Knowledge
3. Integrity
4. Initiative
5. Communication Skill
6. Motivation skill
7. Self Confidence
8. Decisiveness
9. Social skill
Importance of Communication( CDS-ME-BP )
1. Act as a basis of c oordination
2. Act as a basis of D ecision making
3. Help in S mooth working of an enterprise
4. Increase M anagerial efficiency
5. P romotes cooperation and peace
6. E stablish effective leadership
7. B oost morale and provide motivation Barriers to communication process
A. Semantic barriers( BSF-TUB )
1. Badly expressed message
2. Symbols with different meaning
3. Faulty translation
4. Unclarified assumption
5. Technical jargon
6. Body language and gesture decoding
B. Psychological Barriers( PLLD )
1. Premature evaluation
2. Lack of attention
3. Loss by transmission and poor retention
4. Distrust
C. Organisational barriers( RS-PCC )
1. Policy
2. Rules and regulations
3. Status
4. Complexities in structures
5. Communication facilities
D. Personal Barriers( FLUU )
1. Fear of challenge to authority
2. Lack of confidence on subordinates
3. Lack of incentives
4. Unwillingness to communicate
Measures to improve communications ( BCCI FACT )
1. Clarity of message
2. Communicate according to the need of receiver
3. Consult other to develop plan for communication.
4. Beware of language, content and tone.
5. Communicate thing of value to others
6. Ensure proper feedback
7. Connect present with future
8. Follow up communication
9. Be a good listener
Chapter 8. Controlling
A. Steps in controlling process ( S ome M easurable CAT )
1. Setting up objectives
2. Measurement of actual performance
3. Comparison with standard performance
4. Analysis of deviation
5. Taking corrective action
B. Importance of controlling( F irst- I-EAT-J am)
1. A ccomplishing organization goal
2. J udging accuracy of standard
3. E fficient use of resources
4. I mproves employee motivation
5. E nsure order and discipline
6. F acilitate coordination in action
C. Limitation of controlling( RLD )
1. Difficulty in setting quantitative standard
2. Little control on external factors
3. Resistance from employee
Chapter-9 And 10 —Financial Management & Financial Market
1. Decisions – FDI
2. Trading Procedure – SOPES
I. Selection of broker
II. Opening Demat A/c
III. Placing the order
IV. Executing the order
V. Settlement
3. Methods of Floatation – POORE/RO2PE
I. Private Placement
II. Offer through Prospectus
III. Offer for sale
IV. Right Issue
4. Factors Affecting Capital Structure DISC 4
i. Debt – Service coverage ratio
ii. Interest coverage ratio
iii. Stock Market condition
iv. Cost of equity
v. Cost of Debt
vi. Cash flow position
vii. Control Consideration
Chapter -11 : Marketing Management
1. Features of Marketing
(i) N eeds and Wants
(ii) C reating a Market offering
(iii) C ustomer Value
(iv) E xchange Mechanism
2. Marketing Management – Philosophies
(i) P roduction concept
(ii) P roduct Concept
(iii) S elling concept
(iv) M arketing Concept
(v) T he Social Marketing concept
3. Elements of Marketing Mix
(i) P roduct
(ii) P rice
(iii) P lace
(iv) P romotion
4. Characteristics of a Good Brand Name
(i) S hort and Simple
(ii) S uggests the products and Qualities
(iii) D istinctive
(iv) A daptable to packing or labeling
(v) V ersatile to accommodate new products
(vi) C apable of being registered
Chapter-12—-Consumer Protection
1. Consumer rights
(i) Right to S afety
(ii) Right to be I nformed
(iii) Right to C hoose
(iv) Right to be H eard
(v) Right to S eek Redressal
(vi) Right to Consumer E ducation
2. Consumer Responsibilities
Honest CBSE: Fair SRCC
(i) B e aware about various goods and services
(ii) Buy only S tandardized goods
(iii) Learn about r isk Associated
(iv) C autious consumers
(v) Assert yourself to ensure to get a Fair deal
(vi) Be Honest in dealings
(vii) Ask for C ash Memo
(viii) Ready to file a C omplaint
(ix) Form consumer S ocieties
(x) Respect the E nvironment
3. Role of Consumer Organizations and NGOs
(i) E ducating the consumers
(ii) P ublishing periodical and other publications
(iii) C arrying and comparative testing of consumer products
(iv) E ncouraging consumer to protest
(v) Provide L egal assistance
(vi) Filling C omplaints
(vii) Taking an I nitiative in filing of case.
Worksheets for Class 12 Business Studies as per CBSE NCERT pattern
Parents and students are welcome to download as many worksheets as they want as we have provided all free. As you can see we have covered all topics which are there in your Class 12 Business Studies book designed as per CBSE, NCERT and KVS syllabus and examination pattern. These test papers have been used in various schools and have helped students to practice and improve their grades in school and have also helped them to appear in other school level exams. You can take printout of these chapter wise test sheets having questions relating to each topic and practice them daily so that you can thoroughly understand each concept and get better marks. As Business Studies for Class 12 is a very scoring subject, if you download and do these questions and answers on daily basis, this will help you to become master in this subject.
Benefits of Free Worksheets for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies
- You can improve understanding of your concepts if you solve NCERT Class 12 Business Studies Worksheet,
- These CBSE Class 12 Business Studies worksheets can help you to understand the pattern of questions expected in Business Studies exams.
- All worksheets for Business Studies Class 12 for NCERT have been organized in a manner to allow easy download in PDF format
- Parents will be easily able to understand the worksheets and give them to kids to solve
- Will help you to quickly revise all chapters of Class 12 Business Studies textbook
- CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Workbook will surely help to improve knowledge of this subject
These Printable practice worksheets are available for free download for Class 12 Business Studies. As the teachers have done extensive research for all topics and have then made these worksheets for you so that you can use them for your benefit and have also provided to you for each chapter in your ebook. The Chapter wise question bank and revision worksheets can be accessed free and anywhere. Go ahead and click on the links above to download free CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Worksheets PDF.

You can download free worksheets for Class 12 Business Studies from
You can get free PDF downloadable worksheets for Grade 12 Business Studies from our website which has been developed by teachers after doing extensive research in each topic.
On our website we have provided worksheets for all subjects in Grade 12, all topic wise test sheets have been provided in a logical manner so that you can scroll through the topics and download the worksheet that you want.
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Yes all test papers for Business Studies Class 12 are available for free, no charge has been put so that the students can benefit from it. And offcourse all is available for download in PDF format and with a single click you can download all worksheets. is the best portal to download all worksheets for all classes without any charges.