Students should refer to Worksheets Class 10 Science Management of Natural Resources Chapter 16 provided below with important questions and answers. These important questions with solutions for Chapter 16 Management of Natural Resources have been prepared by expert teachers for Class 10 Science based on the expected pattern of questions in the class 10 exams. We have provided Worksheets for Class 10 Science for all chapters on our website. You should carefully learn all the important examinations questions provided below as they will help you to get better marks in your class tests and exams.
Management of Natural Resources Worksheets Class 10 Science
Question. Which of the following is a green house gas?
(a) Nitrogen dioxide
(b) Sulphur dioxide
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d) Carbon monoxide
Question. For which of following activity did Amrita Devi Bishnoi sacrificed her life with 363 people in 1731?
(a) to protect river
(b) to save trees
(c) to save crops
(d) to save wild life
Question. In which year Ganga Action Plan came about?
(a) 1980
(b) 1985
(c) 1990
(d) 1975
Question. Floods can be prevented by
(a) afforestation
(b) removing top soil
(c) deforestation
(d) agriculture
Question. The full form of UV rays is
(a) Ultra violet
(b) Ultra violent
(c) Ultra valve
(d) Ultimate violet
Question. When combustion of coal/petrol takes place in insufficient air (oxygen) which gas is released?
(a) CO2
(b) Carbon monoxide
(c) Nitrogen and CO2
(d) All of above
Question. Synthetic material/chemical which depleted Ozone layer is
(a) CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbon)
(b) CFL’s
(c) CO2
(d) None of above
Question. What is coliform?
(a) group of bacteria
(b) group of viruses
(c) group of microorganisms
(d) group of diseases
Question. Which of the following resource need to be used in a sustainable manner?
(a) Solar energy
(b) Petroleum
(c) Water
(d) Bio gas
Question. How is water harvested in hilly areas?
(a) by rooftop reharvesting
(b) by guls/kuls
(c) by building tanks
(d) none of the above
Question. What is the name given for replenishment of forest?
(a) afforestation
(b) silviculture
(c) deforestation
(d) sericulture
Question. Which of the following Dam is built on Ganga?
(a) Bhakra nagal Dam
(b) Sardar Sarovar
(c) Tehri Dam
(d) Krishna Sagar
Question. In which village Chipko Movement was started?
(a) Khurja village
(b) Reni village
(c) Kaithal village
(d) Siraspur
Question. Why should we conserve forest and wild life?
(a) To protect biodiversity
(b) To maintain ecosystem
(c) To maintain balance
(d) To continue food chain
Question. Water harvesting is a method which
(a) Increase ground water level
(b) Not practiced in modern days
(c) Has no relation with ground water
(d) Decrease ground water level
Question. The movement that focuses on ecological conservation is
(a) Chipko movement
(b) Silent valley project
(c) Green revolution
(d) Operation flood
Question. Narmada bachao andolan was to
(a) Clean Narmada
(b) Expand Narmada
(c) Save Narmada
(d) None of above
Question. Which of the following is a renewable resource?
(a) Petrol
(b) CNG
(c) LPG
(d) Water
Question. Which of the following is best method from environment point of view?
(a) Reduce
(b) Recycle
(c) Reuse
(d) all of above
Question. Which of the following resource is used in thermal power plant?
(a) Coal
(b) Kerosene
(c) charcoal
(d) Petroleum
Question. Tehri dam is build over which of the following river?
(a) Kaveri
(b) Narmada
(c) ganga
(d) Mahanadi
Question. Opposition to the construction of large dams is due to :
(a) Social reasons
(b) Environmental reasons
(c) economic reasons
(d) All of the above
Question. Khadins, Bundhis, Ahars and Kattas are ancient structures that are examples for:
(a) Grain storage
(b) Water harvesting
(c) wood storage
(d) soil conservation
Question. Pick the right combination of terms which has no fossil fuel
(a)wood, ocean and coal
(b) wind, wood and sun
(c) Kerosene, wind, and tide
(d) Petroleum, wood and sun
Question. Expand GAP:
(a)Government Agency for Pollution control
b) Gross Assimilation by Photosynthesis
c) Ganga Action Plan
d) Governmental Agency for Animal Protection
Question. Assertion (A) – Forest cover balances the temperature level of the area.
Reason (R) – Forests reduce atmospheric pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A) – Natural resources need to be used carefully.
Reason (R) – Resources are finite in supply and human population is tremendously increasing
(a) Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true
Short Answer Type Questions :
Question. Why is an equitable distribution of resources essential in a society? List two forces which are against such distribution.
Answer: Equitable distribution of natural resources is necessary so that all and not just a handful of rich and powerful people use them. Two forces against equitable distribution of resources are :
(i) Industrialisation
(ii) Profit makers who want to make profit from these resources.
Question. List four measures that can be taken to conserve forests.
Answer: Measures to conserve forests are :
(i) Afforestation – Plantation of trees to meet basic needs.
(ii) Instead of cutting trees for fuel wood we should use alternative sources of energy such as biogas.
(iii) By adopting agro and urban forestry methods.
(iv) By limiting human interference such as settlement, cropping, recreation, etc.
Question. Why are forests considered ‘‘biodiversity hot spots’’? List two ways in which an individual can contribute effectively to the management of forests and wildlife.
Answer: Two ways in which individuals can contribute effectively to the management of forests and wildlife are:
(i) By protecting the natural habitats of wild animals by identification, breeding, nursing habitats of each species.
(ii) By planting trees and by maintaining the wildlife protected areas.
Question. “Burning of fossil fuels results in global warming”. Give reasons to justify this statement.
Answer: Burning of fossil fuels releases gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and sulphur. Of these gases, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, because it traps Sun’s heat and keeps Earth warm and hospitable. Excess of this gas results in enhanced greenhouse effect causing increase in mean annual temperature of Earth (global warming).
Question. List two products of combustion of fossil fuels other than carbon dioxide. What happens when combustion takes place in insuficient air? Name a greenhouse gas.
Answer: Two products of combustion of fossil fuels other than carbon dioxide are sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. In insuficient air, combustion of fossil fuel produces carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.
Question. What is water harvesting? How can this technique help in the conservation of water?
Answer: Water harvesting is the technique used to capture and store rainwater for future use by making special water harvesting structures. Properly stored rainwater can be used for human consumption, irrigation and can be used to raise the water table.
Hence, it helps in the conservation of water.
Question. The construction of large dams leads to social and environmental problems. List two problems of each category.
Answer: Social and environmental problems that arise due to building of dams are:
(a) Social problems :
(i) People residing in the area where dam is being built are rendered homeless.
(ii) Unequal distribution of water is another social problem.
(b) Environmental problems :
(i) Deforestation (ii) Loss of biodiversity
Question. List two main causes of the pollution of water of the river Ganga. State how pollution and contamination of the river water prove harmful for the health of the people of neighbouring areas.
Answer: Two main causes of pollution of water of river Ganga are:
(i) Human activities like bathing, washing clothes and cleaning of animals in the river water makes the water dirty.
(ii) Dumping of materials used in religious rituals like objects of worship (idols, sticks, flowers, sweets, plates made of banana leaves, etc.) as well as dumping ashes generated after cremation of dead bodies also pollutes river water.
Such contaminated and polluted river water poses various health hazards to the people living nearby.
It contains various pathogenic microbes that cause diseases like typhoid, cholera, jaundice, etc., in the people who consume it. Bathing in such water can cause various skin diseases in humans.
Question. List four advantages of water stored in the ground as “ground water”.
Answer: Four advantages of conserving water in the form of ground water are :
(i) It does not evaporate hence can be used for longer time.
(ii) It provides moisture for vegetation over a large area.
(iii) It remains protected from contamination and hence is fit for human consumption.
(iv) Ground water does not become a breeding sitefor mosquitoes.
Question. Building of big dams gives rise to some problems. List three main problems that may arise. Suggest a solution to any one of these problems.
Answer: The three problems which arise due to construction of big dams are :
(i) Social problems : Building of dams cause displacement of large number of local people without sufficient compensation and rehabilitation.
(ii) Economic problems : Large amount of money is used for construction of dams.
(iii) Environmental problems : Construction of dams leads to enormous deforestation and loss of biodiversity.
A proper compensation must be given to the local people who are rendered homeless due to building of the dam.
Question. What is water harvesting? Mention any two water harvesting structures.
Answer: Rainwater harvesting is the technique used to capture and store rain water for future use by making special water harvesting structures. Kulhs and Khadins are two ancient water harvesting structures which are still in use today.
Question. (a) Water is an elixir of life, a very important natural resource. Your science teacher wants you to prepare a plan for a formative assessment activity. “How to save water, the vital natural resource?” Write any two ways that you will suggest to bring awareness in your neighbourhood on ‘how to save water’.
(b) Name and explain any one way by which the underground water table does not go down further.
Answer: (a) Water is an important vital natural resource. Fresh water constitutes only a small proportion of total quantity of water present on Earth. However, proper management can lead to conservation of this important renewable resource.
It can be preserved by the following ways :
(i) Taps must be closed after use.
(ii) Water used for washing clothes, etc., can be reused to wash car and for other purposes.
(iii) Water discarded from RO purifier can be used to wash vegetables.
(b) By use of water harvesting technique, underground water can be recharged. It includes digging small pits and lakes, building small earthen dams, constructing sand and limestone reservoirs and setting up roof top water collecting units. The water from trenches and pits seeps into deeper layer recharging ground water levels.
Question. Explain two main advantages associated with water harvesting at the community level.
Answer: Two advantages of water harvesting at community level are:
(i) Water can be used for irrigation
(ii) Water can be used to recharge wells and to raise the water table.
Question. List the products of combustion of fossil fuels. What are their adverse effects on the environment?
Answer: The products of combustion of fossil fuels are carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Following are their adverse effects on the environment :
(i) Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides combine with rain water and make it acidic. It falls on Earth as acid rain and damages trees, plants, buildings and metal structures.
(ii) Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Increase in amount of carbon dioxide in atmosphere causes enhanced greenhouse effect that leads to global warming.
Question. State any four personal choices you would like to make to reduce energy consumption without affecting the quality of life or work explaining how each one of them would help you to do so.
Answer: The personal choices that we would like to make to reduce energy consumption include :
(i) Avoiding wastage of non-renewable sources by using most ecient fuels in a judicious manner.
(ii) Changes in lifestyle to avoid wastage of energy because energy saved is energy produced.
(iii) Use of alternative and renewable resources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, etc., for our energy requirements instead of fossil
(iv) Using most efficient heating devices for burning fuels.
Question. While discussing about coal and petroleum a teacher told his students about PCRA’s (Petroleum Conservation Research Association) guidelines to save the fossil fuels while driving vehicles. Deepa was going to her school with her mother who was driving car.
At the traffic signal, when the light was red, Deepa suggested her mother to switch of the engine.
After reading the above passage, answer the following questions :
(a) Fossil fuels are natural resources, then why do we need to conserve them?
(b) List any two ways of saving the fossil fuels.
(c) State two values exhibited by Deepa.
Answer: (a) Fossil fuels are natural non-renewable sources of energy. They cannot be replenished with time. Hence, we need to conserve them as their supply is limited.
(b) Two ways of saving fossil fuels are:
(i) Judicious and efficient management of nonrenewable sources of energy.
(ii) Development of alternative and renewable resources of energy.
(c) Two values exhibited by Deepa are awareness and concern for nature and the society.
Question. List four advantages of properly managed watershed management.
41. Four advantages of properly managed watershed management are :
(i) It increases the crop production.
(ii) It increases the income of the watershed community.
(iii) It reduces the menace of drought and foods.
(iv) It enhances the life of downstream dams and reservoirs.
Question. Find out the source of water in your region/locality. Is water from this source available to all people living in that area?
Answer. The source of water in our region is ground water. Water from the source is available to all the people living in that area.
Question. What would be the advantages of exploiting resources with short-term aims?
Answer. There should be a judicious use of natural resources as they are limited in nature. We should not exploit resources for our short term gains as this would only lead to depletion of natural resources for the present generation as well as generations to come. Hence, we can say that there are hardly any advantages of exploiting natural resources for short term gains.
Question. How would these advantages differ from the advantages of using a long-term perspective in managing our resources?
Answer. In the case of a long-time perspective in managing our resources, these resources will last for the generations to come. This management ensures uniform distribution among the people. It conserves the natural resources for many years and not just for a few years, as in the case of a short-term perspective in conserving natural resources.
Question. Why should we conserve forests and wildlife?
Answer. We should conserve forests and wildlife to preserve the biodiversity (range of different life-forms) so as to avoid the loss of ecological stability. A large number of tribes are the habitants in and around the forests. If the forests are not conserved, then it may affect these habitants. Without proper management of forest and wildlife, the quality of soil, the water sources, and even the amount of rainfall may be affected. Without forest and wildlife, life would become impossible for human beings.
Question. We saw in this chapter that there are four main stakeholders when it comes to forests and wildlife. Which among these should have the authority to decide the management of forest produce? Why do you think so?
Answer. The forest department of the government should have the authority to decide the management of forest produces. This is because the forest department is the care taker of the forest land and is responsible for any damage to the forest.
Question.Find out about the traditional systems of water harvesting/management in your region.
Answer. One of the traditional systems of water harvesting used in our region is tanks.
Question. Compare the above system with the probable systems in hilly/mountainous areas or plains or plateau regions.
Answer. In plains, the water harvesting structures are crescent-shaped earthen embankments. These are low, straight, and concrete. In hilly regions, the system of canal irrigation called Kulhs is used for water harvesting. This involves a collection of rain water in a stream, which is then diverted into manmade channels down the hill sides.
Question. Can you suggest some changes in your school which would make it environmentfriendly?
Answer. Changes that can be undertaken in our schools to make it environment friendly are listed below:
1. Electricity can be saved by switching off lights and fans when not required.
2. Turn the taps off when not in use.
3. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes should be thrown into separate bins.
Question. Why do you think there should be equitable distribution of resources? What forces would be working against an equitable distribution of our resources?
Answer. Natural resources of the Earth must be distributed among the people uniformly so that each and every one gets his share of the resource.Human greed, corruption, and the lobby of the rich and powerful are the forces working against an equitable distribution of resources.
Question. Suggest some approaches towards the conservation of forests.
Answer. Some approaches towards the conservation of forests are as follows:
1. People should show their participation in saving the forest by protesting against the cutting of trees. For example, Chipko Andolan
2. Planting of trees should be increased. Rate of afforestation must be more than that of deforestation.
3. Some people cut precious trees such as Chandan to earn money. Government should take legal steps to catch these wood smugglers.
4. Habitants of forests must not be bothered by the forest officials. Otherwise, this would result in the clash between tribal people and the government officials, thereby enhancing the naxal activities in forests.
Question. How can you as an individual contribute or make a difference to the management of
(a) forests and wildlife,
(b) water resources and
(c) coal and petroleum?
(a) Forest and wildlife:
1. We should protest against the cutting of trees (deforestation).
2. We should protest against the poaching of wild animals.
3. We should stop the annexation of forest land for our use.
(b) Water resources:
1. Turn the taps off while brushing or bathing and repair leaking taps.
2. We should practice rainwater harvesting.
3. We should avoid the discharge of sewage and other wastes into rivers and other water resources.
(c) Coal and petroleum:
1. We should take a bus or practice car pooling to avoid excessive use of petroleum.
2. We should stop using coal as a fuel (angithis).
3.We should use alternative sources of energy such as hydro-energy and solar energy instead of depending largely on coal and petroleum.
Question. What can you as an individual do to reduce your consumption of the various natural resources?
Answer. Natural resources such as water, forests, coal and petroleum, etc. are important for the survival of human beings. The ways in which we can reduce the consumption of various natural resources are as follows:
1. We should stop the cutting of trees (deforestation).
2. We should use recycled paper to reduce the cutting down of trees.
3. We should not waste water.
4. We should practice rainwater harvesting.
5. We should practice car pooling to avoid the excessive use of petroleum.
6. We should use alternative sources of energy such as hydro-energy and solar energy.
Question. What changes would you suggest in your home in order to be environment-friendly?
Answer. Changes that can be undertaken in our homes to be environment-friendly are listed below:
1. Switch off the electrical appliances when not in use.
2. Turn the taps off while brushing or bathing and repair the leaking taps.
3. Throw biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste into separate bins.
4. Construct composting pits.
5. Food items such as jam, pickles, etc., come packed in plastic bottles. These bottles can later be used for storing things in the kitchen.
Question. What changes can you make in your habits to become more environment-friendly?
Answer. We should switch off the electrical appliances when not in use. Water and food should not be wasted. Close the tap when not in use. Dump the objects made of plastic and glass in designated recycling boxes. Plastic, paper, or glass must be recycled or reused and not dumped with other wastes. This is because objects made of plastic do not get decomposed easily. Besides soil fertility, they badly affect our environment. We should dispose the wastes safely and not disperse in public places. These are a few things that can be done to become more environment- friendly.
Question. List five things you have done over the last one week to −
(a) conserve our natural resources
(b) increase the pressure on our natural resources
Answer. (a) To conserve our natural resources:
1. Travel by a CNG bus for long distances and walk for short distances.
2. Use recycled paper
3. Throw biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste into separate bins
4. Plant trees
5. Harvest rainwater
(b) To increase the pressure on our natural resources:
1. Use non-renewable resources of energy
2. Waste water
3. Waste electricity
4. Use plastics and polythene bags for carrying goods
5. Use escalators
Question. On the basis of the issues raised in this chapter, what changes would you incorporate in your life-style in a move towards a sustainable use of our resources?
Answer. One should incorporate the following changes in life-style in a move towards a sustainable use of our resources:
1. Stop cutting trees and practice plantation of trees.
2. Stop using plastic and polythene bags for carrying goods.
3. Use recycled paper.
4. Throw biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste into separate bins.
5. Waste minimum amount of water while using and repair leaking taps.
6. Practice rainwater harvesting.
6. Avoid using vehicles for short distances. Instead, one can walk or cycle to cover short distances. To cover long distances, one should take a bus instead of using personal vehicles.
7. Switch off electrical appliances when not in use.
8. Use fluorescent tubes in place of bulbs to save electricity.
9. Take stairs and avoid using lifts.
10. During winters, wear an extra sweater to avoid using heaters.
