Worksheets Class 10 Social Science Forest and Wildlife Resources

Worksheets for Class 10

Students should refer to Worksheets Class 10 Social Science Forest and Wildlife Resources Chapter 2 provided below with important questions and answers. These important questions with solutions for Chapter 2 Forest and Wildlife Resources have been prepared by expert teachers for Class 10 Social Science based on the expected pattern of questions in the class 10 exams. We have provided Worksheets for Class 10 Social Science for all chapters on our website. You should carefully learn all the important examinations questions provided below as they will help you to get better marks in your class tests and exams.

Forest and Wildlife Resources Worksheets Class 10 Social Science

Very Short Answer Type Questions

Question. Write any one cause of damage to the Indian forests during colonial period?
Ans. Expansion of the railways/ mining/ agriculture/ scinetific forestry.

Question. Name a bird, disaapeared from Delhi in recent years.
Ans. Sparrow (Gauraiya)

Question. Name any one vulnerable species of animal in India.
Ans. Asiatic elephant / Gangetic dolphins / Blue sheep

Question. Write any one use of forests and wildlife to us?
Ans. Wood, backs, leaves, rubber, medicines, dyes, food, fuel, fodder, manure, etc.

Question. The term is used to denote plants of a particular region or period ………………
Ans. Flora

Question. Which is afforestation?
Ans. Growing trees

Question. What is IUCN?
Ans. International union for conservation of nature and natural resources.

Question. Name the nearest rivers to you place? Why it is not clean?
Ans. River yamuna (due to pollution)

Question. By which plant or tree the rich Himalayan oak was replaced during colonial period?
Ans. Chir, pine

Question. Species whose population levels are considered to be normal for their survival are known as ……………..
Ans. Normal

Question. Name a medicinal plants found in India.
Ans. Jamun, Arjun, Neem, Babool, Tulsi (any one)

Question. Which mineral mining is causing a serious threat to the buxa tiger reserve in west Bengal?
Ans. Dolomite (An ore)

Question. Match the following:

(i) Bishnoi of rajasthan(a) Beej Bachao
(ii) Tribals of orissa and bihar(b) Black buck
(iii) Citizens groups of tehri(c) Tarmarind and mango
(iv) Asiatic chettah(d) World’s fatest land mammal

Ans. (i) b (ii) c (iii) a (iv) d

Short/Long Answer Type Questions

Question. How mining is responsible for the loss of forests. Give reasons.
Ans. (i) Mining is important factor behind deforestation.
(ii) The buxa tiger reserve in west bengal is seriously threatened by the on going dolomite mining.
(iii) It has disturbed the natural habitat of many species and blocked the migration route of several other, including the great.

Question. How dow human beings influence the ecology of a region?
Ans. (i) They utilise the vegetation and wildlife.
(ii) They cut trees and kill animals, thereby creating an ecological imbalance.
(iii) Due to the insensitivity to our environment and lack of sustainable development.
(iv) Greed of human beings leads to overutilisation of there resources.

Question. Explain chipko movement.
Ans. The chipko movement is an ecological movement, concerned with thet preservation of forests.

Question. Write down the features of JFM (Joint Forest Management).
Ans. (i) In India JMF Program furnishes a good example for involving local communities in the management and restoration fo degraded forests.
(ii) The program has been in formal existence since 988 when the state of Odisha passed the first resolution for joint forest management.
(iii) JFM depends on the formation of local (village) institution that undertake protection activities mostly on degraded forest land managed by the forest department.
(iv) In return the members of there communities are entitled to intermediary benefits like with timber, forest produces and share in the timber larvested by successful protection.

Question. Differentiate between endangered species and extinct species with examples.

Endangered speciesExtinct species
These are species which are in danger.These are species which are not found
after searches of known or likely areas
where they may occur.
Ex: Sangai, Black buckEx: Asiatic cheetah, pink head duck

Question. Explain three types of forests and wildlife resources classified by forests department?
Ans. (i) Reserved forests
(ii) Protected forests
(iii) Unclassed forests

Question. Explain any three factors that have led to the decline in India’s biodiversity environmental degradation.
Ans. (i) Over-population
(ii) Mining, over-grazing
(iii) Un-equal access, inequitable consumption of resources.
(iv) Habitat destruction, hunting, poaching, poisoning and forest fires.
(v) Environmental pollution
(vi) River valley projects, fuel wood collection.

Question. Write a short note on beej bachao andolan in Tehri.
Ans. (i) Beej Bachao Andolan in Tehri and Navdahya Save the need movement varches, reintroduces, collect, tests, distributes and popularizes every indigenous variety of mountain crops available.
(ii) It advocates the discontinuation of the use of chemical dependent needs and synthetic chemicals.
(iii) These measures, they argue are also economically viable as diversified crop production in adequate quantities have been achieved.
(iv) It has also been able to successfully review the free exchange of needs within the coomunity and has proved to be a lifeline of traditional mountain agriculture.

Question. What is wildlife sanctuary? How is it different from national park?
Ans. (i) A wildlife sanctuary is like a national park but the difference is that in a sanctuary certain types of activities might be permitted. Livestock grazing and collection of forest produce, for instance may be allowed.
(ii) In a national park, conservation of species is mostly left to nature with the least human activities, but in a sanctuary conservation of species is affected by manipulative management.

Source Based Questions

Question. The Himalayan Yew (Taxus Wallachiana) is a medicinal plant found in various parts of Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh. A chemical compound called ‘taxol’ is extracted from the bark, needles, twings and root of this tree and it has been successfully used to treat some cancers — He drug is now the biggest selling anti-cancer drug in the world. The species is under threat due to over- exploitation.

1. Where is Himalyan Yew found?
Ans. Himanchal Pradesh & Arunachal Pradesh.

2. What is the use of Taxus Wallachina?
Ans. It is used as a medicinal plant

3. Name the biggest selling anti-cancer drug in the world.
Ans. Taxol

4. Why Himalyan Yew is in threat?
Ans. Due to over— exploitation.

Question. The world’s fastest land mammal, the cheetah (Ainonyx jubantus) is a unique and specialised member of the cat family and can move at the speed of 112 km/hr. The cheetah is often mistaken for a leopard. Its distinugish marks are the long teardrop shaped lines on each side of the nose from he corner of its eyes to its mouth. Prior to the 20th century, cheetahs were widely distributed througout Africa and Asia. Today, the Asian cheetah is nearly extinct due to a decline of available habitat and prey. This species was declared extinct in India long back in 1952.

1. Name of the world’s fastest land mammal.
Ans. Asiatic cheetah.

2. How one can distinguish a cheetah from a leopard?
Ans. Its distinguishing maks are the long tear drop shaped lines on each side of the nose from the corner of its eyes to its mouth.

3. In which year, Asian cheetal was declared extinct in India?
Ans. 1952

4. At what speed Asiatic cheetah can move?
Ans. 112 km/hr

Worksheets Class 10 Social Science Forest and Wildlife Resources