Students should refer to Worksheets Class 10 Social Science The Making of a Global World Chapter 3 provided below with important questions and answers. These important questions with solutions for Chapter 3 The Making of a Global World have been prepared by expert teachers for Class 10 Social Science based on the expected pattern of questions in the class 10 exams. We have provided Worksheets for Class 10 Social Science for all chapters on our website. You should carefully learn all the important examinations questions provided below as they will help you to get better marks in your class tests and exams.
The Making of a Global World Worksheets Class 10 Social Science
Question. How did dependency on potatoes kill the poorest peasants of Ireland ?
Ans : The poor peasants of Ireland became so dependent on potatoes that when potato blight occurred in the mid 1840s, hundreds of thousands of people died of starvation.
Question. What was Paper Partition ?
Ans : In 1885, the major European powers assembled in Berlin to divide the countries of Africa between them. This event was called Paper Partition.
Question. Why did big European powers meet in Berlin in 1885?
Ans : The big European powers met in Berlin for completing the carving up of the territories in Africa among them in the year 1885.
Question. What kind of silk routes have been identified by historians ?
Ans : Historians have identified several silk routes, over land and by sea, interlacing wider regions of Asia and connecting Asia with Europe and Northern Africa.
Question. Why did the Big European Powers meet in Berlin in 1885 ?
Ans : On account of the Partition of Africa, the Big European powers met in Berlin at a conference in 1884-85.
Question. Which important inventions transformed nineteenth century world ?
Ans : The railways, steamships and the telegraph were the significant inventions that transformed the nineteenth century world.
Question. How did Rinderpest reach Africa ?
Ans : Rinderpest was borne by infected cattle imported from British Asia to feed the Italian soldiers in East Africa.
Question. How did food like ‘Noodles’ travel to various parts of the world and got adopted by different names ?
Ans : The food like ‘Noodles’ travelled west from China to become Spaghetti and Pasta in Italy. It is also believed that Arab traders took pasta to fifth century Sicily, an island in Italy.
Question. Who forced the government to abolish Corn Laws ?
Ans : Industrialists and urban dwellers compelled the government to abolish Com Laws.
Question. The First World War (1914-18) was mainly fought in …… (continent)
Ans. European.
Question. Reason for decline of cotton textile export from India to Britain in the early 19th century:
(a) imposition of tariff on cotton import into Britain.
(b) quality of cotton textile was poor.
(c) shortage of raw cotton in India.
(d) cotton producers had found other buyers.
Ans. (a) imposition of tariff on cotton import into Britain.
Question. America was discovered by ……….
Ans. Christopher Columbus
Question. In the question given below,there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R).Mark your answer as per the codes provided below :
Assertion (A): Chutney music, popular in Trinidad and Guyana,is another creative contemporary expression of the post-indenture experience.
Reason (R): Some of the Naipaul’s early novels capture their sense of loss and alienation.
Options :
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is False.
(4) A is false but R is true.
Ans. (2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Question. Thousands of people fled Europe for America in the 19th century due to
(a) poverty and widespread deadly diseases
(b) natural calamity
(c) outbreak of a war among nations
(d) outbreak of plague
Ans. (a) poverty and widespread deadly diseases
Question. Mention one example of vibrant pre-modem trade and cultural link between distant parts of the world.
Ans. The silk routes are a good example
Question. Who was V.S.Naipaul?
Ans. V.S.Naipaul was a writer, whose forefather migrated as indentured worker.
Question. Assertion (A): Over the nineteenth century,British manufactures flooded the Indian market.
Reason (R): The value of Indian exports to Britain was much higher than the value of British imports to India.
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is False.
(4) A is false but R is true.
Ans. (3) A is true but R is False.
Question. Which of the following did not take part in the First World War?
(a) Portugal
(b) Germany
(c) France
(d) England
Ans. (a) Portugal
Question. Assertion (A): The Portuguese and Spanish conquest and colonisation of America was decisively under way by the mid-sixteenth century.
Reason (R): The most powerful weapon of the Spanish conquerors was atom bombs.
Options :
(1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(2) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(3) A is true but R is False.
(4) A is false but R is true.
Ans. (3) A is true but R is False.
Question. “The relocation of industry to low-wage countries stimulated world trade and capital flows.” Justify the statement.
Ans : It is true to say that the relocation of industry to low wage countries stimulated the world trade and capital flows. From the 1970s the MNCs shifted their production operations in the low wage Asian countries where they could maximize their profits. This step of the MNCs again stimulated the world trade and capital flows.
Question. Why did the household incomes decline after the First World War? Give two reasons.
Ans : The various reasons for the decline in the family income after the First World War were:
a. The large scale deaths and injuries in the First World War reduced the working age people in Europe, declined the family income and the women had to undertake jobs to run the family.
b. The First World War led to an economic boom which means large increase in demand, production and employment but the production decreased arid the unemployment increased when the war ended. In the year 1921, there was huge job losses, almost l/5th of the British workers were out of job.
c. Again after the War, Eastern Europe revived the wheat production. Due to this there was tremendous supply of wheat in the world market which resulted in falling prices, decline of the rural income and the fanners fell in debt.
Question. Describe the canal colonies. Where and why were they introduced?
Ans : A network of irrigation canals was built in India in the Punjab region for converting the semi-arid wastelands into fertile cultivable lands. The peasants settled near the canal were from other parts of Punjab and thus the area was called the canal colonies.
Question. Describe the effects of abolishing the Corn Laws.
Ans : According to the Corn Laws in Britain, the government restricted the import of the corn which increased the prices of food items in Britain. The industrialists and the urban dwellers forced the government to abolish the Com Laws.
The abolition of Com Laws was responsible for the movement of people to the cities and overseas because the imported corn was much cheaper which the British farmers were unable to compete as a result they either left the cultivation or were thrown out of the farm.
Question. Explain any three types of flows within the international economy in exchanges.
Ans : There were three types of movements or flows noticed by the economist in the international market.
a. Flow of trade in which there was large scale trade of goods such as clothes and food stuffs.
b. Flow of labour in which the people migrated from one place to another in large numbers in search of employment.
c. Flow of capital in which capital moved over long distances for short term or long term investments.
Question. How did technology help to solve hardship of food availability throughout the world in the late-nineteenth century? Explain with example.
What was the impact of technology on food availability?
Ans : Railways, ports, harbours and settlements were developed in America and Australia for the smooth supply of food stuffs and for the industrial raw materials.
Now the food was grown by the low paid agricultural workers and transported from thousands of miles through railways and ships.
To solve the problems of this meat trade, refrigerated ships were developed for carrying these for a longer distance. The animals were slaughtered at the starting point and then transported as frozen meat to Europe which solved the problems of space, shipping cost and the price of the meat in the European market.
As the price of the meat reduced in the market, the European poor could also consume butter, eggs and meat which helped in better living conditions and social peace in the country.
Question. Before the arrival of outsiders, most of the Africans had a little reason to work for a wage. Explain three reasons.
Ans : a. Earlier, Africa had vast land resources and minerals which attracted the European powers to establish plantations and mines which could be exported to Europe. But there was shortage of labour because the African people rarely worked for a wage because they had abundant land and enough livestock for the livelihood of the small population.
b. To solve the problem of labour shortage, recruitment and retaining the labour, heavy taxes were imposed, inheritance laws were changed and confined the mineworkers in the compound itself.
c. To pay the heavy taxes, the Africans were bound to work for wages on plantations and mines. According to the new inheritance law, only one member in the family was allowed to inherit the land and thus the other members of the family were displaced from the land and pushed into the labour market. The mine workers also did not have the freedom of movement.
Question. Explain three effects of the abolition of Corn Laws.
Ans : The three effects of the abolition of the Corn Laws were:
a. It led to the movement of people to the cities and overseas.
b. The imported corn was much cheaper which the British farmers were unable to compete.
c. As a result they either left the cultivation or were thrown out of the farm.
Question. When was the Brettonwoods conference convened? State the main aim of the conference.
Ans : The framework for preserving the economic stability and full employment was agreed upon at the UN monetary and financial conference which was held in 1944 July, at Brettonwoods in New Hampshire (USA). The Brettonwoods twins or the Brettonwoods institutions are – the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank which commenced its financial operations in the year 1947.
Though these two institutions are controlled by the western industrial powers, the US has right of veto over the key decisions.
The IMF was established at the Bretton¬woods Conference for dealing with the external surpluses and deficits of its member Countries whereas the World Bank was setup to finance the post war reconstruction.
The Brettonwoods system was based on fixed exchange rates in which the national currencies were pegged to the dollar at a fixed rate of exchange.
Question. Define trade surplus. Why did Britain have a trade surplus with India?
Ans : Trade surplus is a condition in which the value of export exceeds the value of import. Earlier, India was the main exporter of fine cotton to Britain but when the British cotton industries began to expand after the industrialisation they put pressure on the government to restrict the import of cotton to Britain.
As a result, tariffs were imposed on the import of cotton cloth from India which protected the local manufacturers in Britain and thus the inflow of the fine cotton from India declined.
Even though Britain had a trade surplus with India which means that the value of British exports to India was more than the value of British imports from India.
Question. How did technology help to solve hardship of food availability throughout the world in the late-nineteenth century? Explain with example.
Ans. (a) Because of improvements in transport, like faster railways with lighter wagons and large ships, food moved quickly and cheaply from farms to final markets.
(b) Now perishable food could travel long distances easily through refrigerated ships.
(c) Animals could be slaughtered and easily packed for long distances. Cost of transportation also reduced.
(d) The poor could now consume more varied diet including meat as it was available in plenty and at reduced costs.
Question. What is Globalization? Explain the three types of movements or flows within international economic exchange.
Ans. Globalization is an economic system with the free movement of goods, capital, services, technology and people across the globe.
(a) Flow of capital-investment of capital
(b) Flow of goods- trade in goods
(c) Flow of labour- migration of people to new areas in search of work.
Question. When was the Bretton Woods Conference convened? State the main aim of the conference.
Ans. (a) In July 1944 , New Hampshire, US.
(b) To preserve the economic stability of Europe and ensure full employment in the industrial world.
(c) To control the influence of the outer world on flow of capital, goods and labour.
Question. Why is it said that there was no other war earlier like first world war? State in three points.
Ans. (a) Involved almost all countries in one or the other way.
(b) Weapons used had a deadly potential to kill and destroy whatever came in their way.
(c) There was an immense loss of young and productive population.
(d) Economies of the countries round the world crashed beyond the level of recovery.
Question. How did the global transfer of disease in pre-modern world helped in colonisation of the Americas?
Ans. (a) Due to the long isolation from the world, American inhabitants had no knowledge and immunity against diseases of Europe.
(b) The Spanish conquerors used their instance to introduce germs of smallpox through their smallpox-infected person.
(c) It spread deep into the continent and killed and decimated whole communities.
Question. How did the withdrawals of US loans during the phase of the Great Depression affect the rest of the world? Explain in three points.
Ans. a) It led to some major banks crashing and the collapse of currencies.
(b) It led to a fall in agricultural productivity and raw material prices in Latin America.
(c) Unemployment became rampant as no jobs could be generated.
Question. What were the causes of Economic Depression?
Ans. (a) Agricultural overproduction
(b) Falling agricultural prices
(c) Agricultural income declined
(d) Countries that depended on US loans now faced an acute crisis.
(e) The withdrawal of US loans affected much of the rest of the world
(f) Thousands of banks became bankrupt
Question. The Spanish conquest and colonization of America was decisively underway by the mid sixteenth century. Explain with examples.
How did the global transfer of disease in pre-modern world helped in colonisation of the Americas?
Ans : The Portuguese and the Spanish conquered America not just with the conventional military weapons but also with the germs such as the small pox.
The small pox was carried on their person (Spanish invaders were immune to this disease) to America for which the American Indians were not immune to and proved a deadly weapon as it killed the whole community there.
These diseases could not be bought or captured and turned against the European invaders unlike the guns and other conventional weapons.
Question. “Trade and cultural exchange always went hand in hand.” Explain the statement in the light of Silk Route.
Ans : There were several silk routes over land and sea which helped in trade and cultural links between the different countries of the world especially Asia, North Africa and Europe.
The silk routes got its name due to the Chinese silk cargoes along these routes which were actively functional before the Christian era and upto the 15th century. Chinese pottery, Indian spices and precious metals like gold and silver from Europe had travelled through these silk routes.
These silk routes were also used for the cultural exchange by the Christian missionaries, Muslim preachers arid the Buddhist.
Question. How did rinderpest become instrumental in subjugating the Africans?
Describe briefly the effects of rinderpest in Africa in the 1890s.
Describe the impact of ‘Rinderpest’ on people’s livelihoods and local economy in Africa in the 1890s.
Ans : Rinderpest was a disease of cattle plague spreading fastly in Africa in the 1880s. It had terrible impact on the livelihood and the local economy in Africa.
This disease was carried by the infected cattle which were imported from the British Asia in order to feed the Italian soldiers who were deputed for invading Eritrea in the east Africa.
Rinderpest spread from the east Africa to the West Africa and reached the Atlantic coast of Africa in the year 1892 and the southernmost tip of Africa (the Cape) in 1897.
Along the way from East to West Africa this rinderpest killed 90% of the cattle which destroyed the livelihoods of the Africans.
Now the leftover or scarce cattle was monopolized by the planters, mine owners and the colonial governments. This incident helped the European powers to conquer and subdue Africa and easily forced the Africans into the labour market.
Question. Explain giving examples, the role played by technological inventions in transforming 19th century world.
Ans : Railways, ports, harbours and settlements were developed in America and Australia for the smooth supply of food stuffs and for the industrial raw materials.A network of irrigation canals was built in India in the Punjab region for converting the semi-arid wastelands into fertile cultivable lands.
All these developments throughout the world was possible due to the development in technologies such as railways, steamships, telegraph etc. which were the results of socio-economic and political factors.
Improvement in faster means of transport for the quicker delivery of goods and people from the supply areas to the demand areas. To solve the problems of meat trade, refrigerated ships were developed for carrying these for a longer distance. The animals were slaughtered at the starting point and then transported as frozen meat to Europe which solved the problems of space, shipping cost and the price of the meat in the European market.
Question. Read the following passage and answer the questions.
All through history, human societies have become steadily more interlinked. From ancient times, travellers, traders, priests and pilgrims travelled vast distances for knowledge, opportunity and spiritual fulfilment, or to escape persecution. They carried goods, money, values, skills, ideas, inventions, and even germs and diseases. As early as 3000 BCE an active coastal trade linked the Indus valley civilisations with present-day West Asia. For more than a millennia, cowries (the Hindi cowdi or seashells, used as a form of currency) from the Maldives found their way to China and East Africa. The long distance spread of disease-carrying germs may be traced as far back as the seventh century. By the thirteenth century it had become an unmistakable link.
(a) In ancient times,Why people travelled vast distances?
Ans. For knowledge, opportunity and spiritual fulfilment, or to escape persecution
(b) What was cowries?
Ans. Seashells, used as a form of currency.
(c) What was the negative impact of travel?
Ans. They carried germs with them.
