Students should refer to Worksheets Class 12 Biology Reproduction in Organisms Chapter 1 provided below with important questions and answers. These important questions with solutions for Chapter 1 Reproduction in Organisms have been prepared by expert teachers for Class 12 Biology based on the expected pattern of questions in the class 12 exams. We have provided Worksheets for Class 12 Biology for all chapters on our website. You should carefully learn all the important examinations questions provided below as they will help you to get better marks in your class tests and exams.
Reproduction in Organisms Worksheets Class 12 Biology
Question. Which of the following situations correctly describe the similarity between an angiosperm egg and a human egg?
(i) Eggs of both are formed only once in a lifetime
(ii) Both the angiosperm egg and human egg are stationary
(iii) Both the angiosperm egg and human egg are mobile
(iv) Syngamy in both results in the formation of zygote
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
(a) (ii) and (iv)
(b) (iv) only
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)
Question. During formation of zygote
(a) fertilisation of male gamete occurs
(b) fertilisation of both gametes occurs
(c) fertilisation of female gamete occurs
(d) either (a) or (c)
Question. The term ‘clone’ cannot be applied to offspring formed by sexual reproduction because
(a) offspring do not possess exact copies of parental DNA
(b) DNA of only one parent is copied and passed on to the offspring
(c) offspring are formed at different times
(d) DNA of parent and offspring are completely different.
Question. A gamete from a diploid parent is haploid, then from a haploid parent will be
(a) Ooploid
(b) Haploid
(c) 1/4n
(d) Tetraploid
Question. A few statements with regard to sexual reproduction are given below.
(i) Sexual reproduction does not always require two individuals
(ii) Sexual reproduction generally involves gametic fusion
(iii) Meiosis never occurs during sexual reproduction
(iv) External fertilisation is a rule during sexual reproduction
Choose the correct statements from the options below.
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (i) and (ii)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (i) and (iv)
Question. Meiosis takes place in
(a) gemmule
(b) megaspore
(c) meiocyte
(d) conidia
Question. A few statements describing certain features of reproduction are given below.
(i) Gametic fusion takes place
(ii) Transfer of genetic material takes place
(iii) Reduction division takes place
(iv) Progeny have some resemblance with parents
Select the options that are true for both asexual and sexual reproduction from the options given below:
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iii)
Question. Vegetative propagation in mint occurs by
(a) stolon
(b) offset
(c) runner
(d) sucker
Question. In Bryophyllum adventitious buds arise from
(a) leaves
(b) root
(c) stems
(d) flowers
Question. Given below are a few statements related to external fertilisation. Choose the correct statements.
(i) The male and female gametes are formed and released simultaneously.
(ii) Only a few gametes are released into the medium.
(iii) Water is the medium in a majority of organisms exhibiting external fertilisation.
(iv) Offspring formed as a result of external fertilisation have better chance of survival than those formed inside an organism.
(a) (iii) and (iv)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i) and (iv)
Question. The statements given below describe certain features that are observed in the pistil of flowers.
(i) Pistil may have many carpels
(ii) Each carpel may have more than one ovule
(iii) Each carpel has only one ovule
(iv) Pistil have only one carpel
Choose the statements that are true from the options below.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (iii) and (iv)
Question. There is no natural death in single celled organisms like Amoeba and bacteria because
(a) they cannot reproduce sexually
(b) they reproduce by binary fission
(c) parental body is distributed among the offspring
(d) they are microscopic
Question. Homothallism represents
(a) asexual condition
(b) unisexual condition
(c) bisexual condition
(d) none of these
Question. Which of the following is a post-fertilisation event in flowering plants?
(a) Transfer of pollen grains
(b) Embryo development
(c) Formation of flower
(d) Formation of pollen grains
Question. Offspring formed by sexual reproduction exhibit more variation than those formed by asexual reproduction because
(a) sexual reproduction is a lengthy process
(b) gametes of parents have qualitatively different genetic composition
(c) genetic material comes from parents of two different species
(d) greater amount of DNA is involved in sexual reproduction.
Question. Appearance of vegetative propagules from the nodes of plants such as sugarcane and ginger is mainly because.
(a) nodes are shorter than internodes
(b) nodes have meristematic cells
(c) nodes are located near the soil
(d) nodes have non-photosynthetic cells
Question. The most common asexual reproductive structure of algae and fungi are
(a) agygospore
(b) zoospore
(c) buds
(d) conidia
Question. Amoeba and yeast reproduce asexually by fission and budding respectively, because they are
(a) microscopic organisms
(b) heterotrophic organisms
(c) unicellular organisms
(d) uninucleate organisms
Question. The period of growth from birth till attainment of sexual maturity is called
(a) Asexual phase
(b) Immature phase
(c) Maturation phase
(d) Juvenile phase
Question. Which of the following statements, support the view that elaborate sexual reproductive process appeared much later in the organic evolution.
(i) Lower groups of organisms have simpler body design
(ii) Asexual reproduction is common in lower groups
(iii) Asexual reproduction is common in higher groups of organisms
(iv) The high incidence of sexual reproduction in angiosperms and vertebrates
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iii)
Question. Identify the incorrect statement.
(a) In asexual reproduction, the offspring produced are morphologically and genetically identical to the parent
(b) Zoospores are sexual reproductive structures
(c) In asexual reproduction, a single parent produces offspring with or without the formation of gametes
(d) Conidia are asexual structures in Penicillium
Question. Choose the correct statement from amongst the following.
(a) Dioecious (hermaphrodite) organisms are seen only in animals
(b) Dioecious organisms are seen only in plants
(c) Dioecious organisms are seen in both plants and animals
(d) Dioecious organisms are seen only in vertebrates
Question. There are various types of reproduction. The type of reproduction adopted by an organism depends on
(a) the habitat and morphology of the organism
(b) morphology of the organism
(c) morphology and physiology of the organism
(d) the organism’s habitat, physiology and genetic makeup
Question. A multicellular, filamentous alga exhibits a type of sexual life cycle in which the meiotic division occurs after the formation of zygote. The adult filament of this alga has
(a) haploid vegetative cells and diploid gametangia
(b) diploid vegetative cells and diploid gametangia
(c) diploid vegetative cells and haploid gametangia
(d) haploid vegetative cells and haploid gametangia.
Question. The male gametes of rice plant have 12 chromosomes in their nucleus. The chromosome number in the female gamete, zygote and the cells of the seedling will be, respectively
(a) 12, 24, 12
(b) 24, 12, 12
(c) 12, 24, 24
(d) 24, 12, 24.
Question. The period from birth to the natural death of an organism represents
(a) gametophytic phase
(b) sporophytic phase
(c) life span
(d) life cycle
Question. In all the methods of asexual reproduction
(a) offsprings produced are genetically identical to the parents.
(b) offsprings produced are genetically different from the parents.
(c) offsprings produced may or may not be identical to the parents.
(d) None of the above
Question. The term clone is used to describe such ___________and ________ similar individual.
(a) chemically, genetically
(b) physiologically, chemically
(c) morphologically, genetically
(d) morphologically, metabolically
Question. In protists and monerans, asexual reproduction occurs by
(a) budding
(b) binary fission
(c) conidia
(d) multiple fission
Question. Fleshy buds produced in the axil of leaves, which grow toform new plants when shed and fall on ground are called
(a) Bulbs
(b) Bulbils
(c) Tubers
(d) Offset
Question. In which of the following pairs the plants can be vegetative propagated by leaf buds?
(a) Bryophyllum and Kalanchoe
(b) Chrysanthemum and Agave
(c) Agave and Kalanchoe
(d) Asparagus and Bryophyllum
Question. Oestrus cycle is seen in
(a) cows and sheep
(b) rats and deers
(c) dogs and tiger
(d) all of the above
Question. Sexual reproduction can be grouped into _______ distinct states.
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) five
Question. The terms homothallic and monoecious are used to denote
(a) bisexual condition
(b) unisexual condition
(c) staminate flowers
(d) pistillate flowers
Question. Development of an egg without fertilization is called
(a) gametogenesis
(b) metagenesis
(c) oogenesis
(d) parthenogenesis
Answer D
Question. Viviparity is found in
(a) whale
(b) lizards
(c) frogs
(d) birds
Question. Which of the following statements about animals that utilize external fertilization is incorrect ?
(a) They are divided equally between terrestrial and aquatic species.
(b) Many produce large numbers of gametes to ensure successful reproduction.
(c) The behaviours associated with mating are often highly synchronized.
(d) The probability of any one egg being fertilized and developing into an adult can be low.
Question. Which of the following definitions about oviparity is incorrect ?
(a) Only birds and reptiles are oviparous.
(b) The large amount of yolk provides the nutrients for the developing embryo.
(c) The shell protects the egg from dehydration.
(d) Both oxygen and carbon dioxide can diffuse through the shell.
Question. Select the incorrect statements.
(a) Cucurbits and coconuts are monoecious plants.
(b) Papayas and date palms are dioecious plants.
(c) Leeches and tapeworms are bisexual animals.
(d) Sponges and coelenterates are unisexual animals.
Question Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect about internal fertilization?
(i) Male gametes are motile.
(ii) Male gametes are non-motile.
(iii) Male gametes are produced in large number.
(iv) Male gametes are produced in small number.
(v) There is a significant reduction in the number of eggs produced.
(a) (i), (iii) and (v)
(b) (iii) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iv)
(d) Only (v)
Question. Which of these statement(s) is/are correct ?
(i) Stamens are male reproductive part whereas carpels are female reproductive parts.
(ii) In Spirogyra, asexual reproduction takes place by fragmentation.
(iii) Vegetative propagation by leaves occurs in sweet potato.
(a) (i) and (ii)
(b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (i) and (iii)
(d) All are correct
Question. Read the following statements and select the correct ones.
(i) Conidia are the asexual propagules restricted to kingdom Fungi.
(ii) A piece of potato tuber having at least one eye (or node) is capable of giving rise to a new plant.
(iii) Ginger propagates vegetatively with the help of its underground roots.
(iv) Fleshy buds which takes part in vegetative propagation are called bulbils, present in Dioscorea, Agave, etc.
(a) (ii) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv)
(d) (i), (ii) and (iii)
Question. Which of the following statements regarding the given terms are correct?
Runners, Tubers, Offsets
(a) These all are incapable of giving rise to new individuals and formation of these structures does not involve two parents.
(b) These all are capable of giving rise to new individuals and formation of these structures does not involve two parents.
(c) These all are capable of giving rise to new individuals but formation of these structures involves two
parents for reproduction.
(d) These are all incapable of giving rise to new individuals but formation of these structures involves two parents for reproduction.
Assertion/Reason Type Questions for Class 12 Biology Reproduction in Organisms
In the following questions, a statement of Assertion is followed by a statement of Reason.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the Assertion.
(c) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(d) If both Assertion and Reason are false.
Question. Assertion: A plant can be retained and multiplied indefinitely without any change or variation through asexual reproduction.
Reason: Asexual Reproduction does not involve meiosis and syngamy.
Question. Assertion: Zygote is a single cell.
Reason : Two haploid cell fused to form two diploid cell.
Question. Assertion: Embryogenesis refers to the development of embryo from the zygote.
Reason: During Embryogenesis zygote undergoes cell division (mitosis) and cell differentiation.
Matching Type Questions for Class 12 Biology Reproduction in Organisms
Question. Match the terms given in column-I with their examples in column-II and choose the correct option.
Column-I (Terms) | Column-II (Examples) |
A. Binary fission | I. Algae |
B. Zoospore | II. Amoeba |
C. Conidium | III. Hydra |
D. Budding | IV. Penicillium |
E. Gemmule | V. Sponge |
(a) A – I; B – IV; C – V; D – III; E – II
(b) A – II; B – I; C – IV; D – III; E – V
(c) A – II; B – IV; C – III; D – V; E – I
(d) A – I; B – IV; C – III; D – II; E – V
Question. Match the organisms (given in column I) with their approximate life span (given in column II) and choose the correct combination from the options given below.
Column-I (Organism) | Column-II (Approximate life span) |
A. Butterfly | I. 60 years |
B. Crow | II. 140 years |
C. Parrot | III. 15 years |
D. Crocodile | IV. 1 – 2 weeks |
(a) A – IV; B – III; C – I; D – II
(b) A – II; B – III; C – IV; D – I
(c) A – III; B – II; C – I; D – IV
(d) A – IV; B – III; C – II; D – I
Question. Match the organisms given in column-I with their reproductive structure/mode of reproduction given in column-II and select the correct option from the codes given below :
Column – I | Column – II |
A. Sponge | I. Tuber |
B. Yeast | II. Offset |
C. Potato | III. Gemmules |
D. Water hyacinth | IV. Budding |
(a) A – IV; B – I; C – II; D – III
(b) A – III; B – I; C – IV; D – II
(c) A – III; B – IV; C – I; D – II
(d) A – III; B – IV; C – II; D – I
Question. Which one of the following pair is correctly matched?
(a) Onion – Bulb
(b) Ginger – Sucker
(c) Chlamydomonas – Conidia
(d) Yeast – Zoospores
Question. Match the column I contain structures of male reproductive system and column II contains its feature.
Select the correct option.
Column-I | Column-II |
A. Gamete | I. Result of fusion of male and female gametes |
B. Budding | II. Division of body into two equal halves |
C. Fission | III. Germ cells |
D. Fertilization | IV. The fusion of male and female gametes |
E. Zygote | V. An unequal division of organisms in which individual arises as an outgrowth from the parent |
(a) A – I; B – II; C – III; D – IV; E – V
(b) A – III; B – V; C – II; D – IV; E – I
(c) A – III; B – I; C – V; D – II; E – IV
(d) A – V; B – IV; C – III; D – I; E – II
Diagram Type Questions for Class 12 Biology Reproduction in Organisms
Question. The given figures show some examples of angiosperms as A, B, C and D. All these are capable of giving rise to new offsprings with the help of vegetative propagules.
Identify the correct unit of vegetative propagules present in these angiosperms.

Question. The given figure refers to which type of reproduction in yeast?

(a) Binary fission
(b) Budding
(c) Layering
(d) Fusion
Question. The given figures (i to v) represent the process of binary fission in Amoeba.

Arrange the figures in the correct sequence and choose the correct option.
(a) (iv) → (iii) → (i) → (ii) → (v)
(b) (iii) → (iv) → (i) → (ii) → (v)
(c) (iii) → (v) → (ii) → (iv) → (i)
(d) (iv) → (iii) → (ii) → (v) → (i)
Question. The given figures P (plant Chara) and Q (earthworm) have label A, B, C and D as their reproductive organs. Select the option which correctly identifies male reproductive organs of the two organisms.

(a) A and B
(b) B and C
(c) A and C
(d) B and D
Critical Thinking Diagram Type Questions for Class 12 Biology Reproduction in Organisms
Question. If basal half of an onion bulb is removed and upper half is sown in the ground then the new plant will
(a) emerge normally.
(b) not emerge.
(c) be without leaves.
(d) be without flowers.
Question. The site of origin of the new plantlets in potato, dahlia, ginger and banana is
(a) floral buds present on stem.
(b) internodes of modified stem.
(c) nodes of modified stem.
(d) adventitious buds present on root.
Question. A feature of reproduction that is common to Amoeba, Spirogyra and yeast is that
(a) they reproduce asexually.
(b) they are all unicellular.
(c) they reproduce only sexually.
(d) they are all multicellular.
Question. Some organisms are capable of asexual or sexual reproduction. Under favourable conditions, reproduction proceeds asexually. When conditions become more stressful reproduction switches to a sexual mode. Why?
(a) Sexual reproduction is simple and more rapid allowing larger numbers of offspring to be produced.
(b) Sexual reproduction requires two separate individuals, who can mutually provide nutrient
support during stress.
(c) Sexual reproduction produces individuals with new combinations of recombined chromosomes
increasing diversity.
(d) Asexual reproduction requires more energy.
Question. After culturing the anther of a plant, a few diploid plants were found along with haploid plants. The diploid plants could have arisen from
(a) generative cell of pollen.
(b) cells of anther wall.
(c) vegetative cell of pollen.
(d) exine of pollen wall.
Question. Which of the following has to occur if a diploid body has to produce haploid gametes?
(a) Meiosis
(b) Mitosis
(c) Fertilization
(d) Embryo transfer
Question. Meiocytes is observed in all except
(a) human egg
(b) blue-green algae
(c) equisetum
(d) dicot plant
Question. Which of the followings sequences are correct for plants and animals?
(i) animals Juvenile phase → Senescent phase →Reproductive phase
(ii) animals Juvenile phase →Reproductive phase → Senescent phase
(iii) plants Reproductive phase →Juvenile phase → Senescent phase
(iv) plants animals Vegetative phase → Reproductive phase → Senescent phase
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (i) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii)
(d) (ii) and (iv)