Please refer to the Class 12 Informatics Practices Sample Paper for the current academic year given below. We have provided the latest CBSE Sample Papers for Term 1 and Term 2 for Informatics Practices Class 12. All guess sample papers have been prepared based on the latest blueprint and examination pattern for the current year. All sample papers for Informatics Practices Class 12 Term 1 and 2 have been given with solutions. Students can access the multiple guess papers given below. Practicing more Class 12 Informatics Practices Sample Papers will help you to get more marks in upcoming exams.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices
Term 2 Sample Papers for Class 12 Informatics Practices
Class 12 Informatics Practices Sample Paper Term 1 Set A |
Class 12 Informatics Practices Sample Paper Term 1 Set B |
Class 12 Informatics Practices Sample Paper Term 2 Set A |
Class 12 Informatics Practices Sample Paper Term 2 Set A
Section –A
1.Name any two services provided by a server.
Answer: centralized file saving for data sharing 2) Equipment /Resource sharing
Aditya, a Web Developer wants to design webpages for a electronics showroom. He wants to add latest updates in the site.
Help Aditya to choose between static and dynamic web page. Also explain him the difference between these two.
Answer: Differentiation between static and dynamic web pages:

2.(i) Shubham wants to play a video in his browser but he is not able to do so. A message on the screen instructs him to install the Adobe Flash Player plugin. Help him to add it in his browser.
(ii) Rashmi asked Anuj a puzzle. Can you solve?
I am available on websites. Everytime you will get a different data because I love change. Along with HTML code I have scripts also.
Who am I??
Answer: (i) He must see to the settings/ extension option in the browser & then allow add ons and plugins from it to activate its working.
(ii) Dynamic web page
3. Predict the output of the following queries:
i. Select pow(5,3);
ii. Select mod(17,3);
Answer: Output:
i. 125
ii. 2
Explain the use of following SQL functions:
i. sign()
ii. sqrt()
Answer: i. Sign():- It tells about the sign of the given numeric , it gives -1 for negative , o for 0 and 1 for positive number.
ii. sqrt(): It returns the square root of any number.
Eg select sqrt(25) will return 5
4. Anima needs to share the resources of her department among many users in her office. She is confused between web server and server. Help her to make the right decision by clearing the concept.
Answer: She should use server as only resources needs to be shared among the neighbouring computers.
There is not a requirement of sharing of internet resources A web server has a computer program that distributes web pages as they are requisitioned.
5. Predict the output of the following queries:
i) select round(243.72,-1);
ii) select truncate(432.5,-1);
Answer: 5. Output:
i) 240
ii) 430
6. Anurag, the Cultural Head of an institution has records of students in database.
He want to know the data of students belonging to 4 different cultural houses. Also he want to know the data separately for boys and girls.
Help him to use the clauses for house wise details and also the query to get the data separately for boys and girls. Explain the usage by writing sample query.
Answer: Group by clause should be used for finding the data of students belonging to 4 different cultural houses. Having clause is used to further filter those groups of records for girls which will be generated through group by clause.
For example:
Select * from institution group by cul_house having gender= ‘G’; Above given query will arrange records in groups according to the classes. Further filtering on these groups will happen through having clause .
7. The table Emp is created by Mr. Ranjeet to store the details of employees in a multinational company infopower:-

He has written following queries:
i) select min(year(DOB)) from infopower;
ii) select emplname, department from infopower where
Predict the output.
Answer: Table: Emp
i) 02/05/1968
ii) Ankit Admin
Based on the table given above, help Mr. Ranjeet writing queries for the following task:
i) To display the name of eldest employee and his/her date of birth.
ii) To display the month name of the date of birth of employees of HR department.
Answer: Queries:
i) select ENAME,min(year(DOB)) from infopower;
ii) select month(dob) from infopower where department =’HR’;
8. Predict the output of the following queries:
i. select instr(‘fees#union bank of india’,’#’);
ii. select mid(‘fees#union bank of india’,7,4);
iii. select right(‘fees#union bank of india’,5);
Answer: 8. Output:
i. 5
ii. nion
iii. india
Ms. Sarkar is working on a MySQL table named ‘Resort’ having following structure:

She needs to perform following task on the table:
i. To display the 2nd and 3rd characters from the user_id column.
ii. To display the total no of characters in each city.
iii. To display last 3 digits extracted from the mobile numbers of users.
Suggest suitable SQL function for the same. Also write the query to achieve the desired task.
Answer: i. mid()/substr()/substring()
select mid(user_id,2,2) from resort;
ii. length()
select city, length(city) from resort;
iii. right()
Select right(user_id,3) from resort;
9. Shivani want to get varieties of outputs using SQL functions. Help her to know about the following:
i. What is the purpose of substr() function?
ii. Which alternative function can be used in place of substr ?
iii. What are the different arguments in substr()?
Answer: i. It returns the part of string as specified by the user.
ii. Mid(), substring() function.
iii. Different arguments used in substr are in three parts the string, starting index and no of characters for extraction.
10. While dealing with string data type in MySQL, its observed that sometimes unnecessary space character comes in between which hampers the successful execution of a string manipulation module.
Name the suitable MySQL function (s) to remove leading, trailing and both type of space characters from a string.
Also give MySQL queries to depict the same.
Answer: 10. i. To remove leading space characters: ltrim()
ii. To remove trailing space characters: rtrim()
iii. To remove both type of space characters: trim()
MySQL Queries:
Select ltrim(‘ Hello ’);
Select rtrim(‘ Hello ’);
Select trim(‘ Hello ’);
Section C
11. Carefully observe the following table named ‘STATIONARY’:

Write SQL queries for the following:
(a) To display the records in decreasing order of price.
(b) To display category and category wise total quantities of products.
(c) To display the quantity and its average quantity.
(d) To display category and category wise lowest price of the products
Answer: (a) select * from Stationary order by price desc;
(b) select category, sum(qty) from Stationary group by category;
(c) select qty,avg(qty) from Stationary;
(d) select category, min(price) from Stationary group by category;
12. Satyam, a database analyst has created the following table worker:-

He has written following queries:
( a) select sum(salary) from worker where department=’admin’ and firstname like ‘%a’;
(b) select max(salary)*12 as Annual salary from worker where department= ’account’;
(c) select min (joining_date) from worker where salary>80000;
(d) select length(FIRST_NAME) from worker where DEPARTMENT is NULL;
Help him in predicting the output of the above given queries.
Answer: Output:
(a) 170000
(c) 2014-02-20
(d) 7
Based on the above given table named ‘worker’, Satyam has executed following queries:
Select count(*) from worker;
Select count(salary) from worker;
Predict the output of the above given queries.
Also give proper justifications of the output generated through each query
Answer: First query will produce the output 8.
Justification: count (*) will count and display total number of rows (irrespective of any null value present in any of the column).
Second query will produce the output 7.
Justification: count (col_name) will count and display total number of not null values in the specified column.
13 ABC Pvt. Ltd. Is setting up the network in the Bengaluru. There are four departments named as Market, Finance, Legal and Sales. Distance
between various Departments building is as follows :

Based on the above specifications, answer the following questions:
(i) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the departments building and specify the topology.
(ii) Suggest the most suitable building to place server by iving suitable reason.
(iii) Suggest the placement of (i) modem (ii) hub/switch in the network.
(iv) The organization is planning to link its sales counter situated in various part of the same city, which type of network out of LAN, WAN, MAN will be formed? Justify your answer.
Answer: Cable Layout:

(i) Star topology should be used.
(ii) Sales is the most suitable building to place the server because it has maximum number of computers.
(iii) Each Building should have hub/switch and modem in case internal connection is required.
(iv) MAN (Metropolian Area Network) as this network can be carried out in a city network.