Please refer to the Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper for the current academic year given below. We have provided the latest CBSE Sample Papers for Term 1 and Term 2 for Physical Education Class 11. All guess sample papers have been prepared based on the latest blueprint and examination pattern for the current year. All sample papers for Physical Education Class 11 Term 1 and 2 have been given with solutions. Students can access the multiple guess papers given below. Practicing more Class 11 Physical Education Sample Papers will help you to get more marks in upcoming exams.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education
Term 1 Sample Papers for Class 11 Physical Education |
Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 1 Set A |
Class 11 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 1 Set A
Question. It provides protection to vital organs of the body
a. Respiratory system
b. Skeletal system
c. Cardiovascular system
d. Muscular system
Question. The Paralympic Games are organized after the completion of:
a. Olympic Games
b. SAF Games
c. Common wealth Games
d. Asian Games
Question. Which of the following body type like a pear shape?
a. None of these
b. Ectomorph
c. Mesomorph
d. Endomorph
Question. IOC was formed in
a. 1886
b. 1894
c. 1880
d. 1892
Question. What is the meaning of development?
a. Change in size
b. All of these
c. Change in structure of body organ
d. Change in maturity
Question. How many components does physical fitness have?
a. Three
b. Four
c. Six
d. Five
Question. What is the another name of synchronisation?
a. Strength
b. Coordination
c. Speed
d. Endurance
Question. The headquarter of Paralympics is at
a. Denmark
b. Paris
c. Germany
d. New york
Deaf Lympics started in
a. 2001
b. 1960
c. 1924
d. 1947
Question. Cochlear implant is not allowed in
a. Asian games
b. Olympic games
c. Special Olympics
d. Deaflympics
Question. Physical Education is the sum of changes in an individual caused by experience centering motor activity Who said this?
a. Prince martin
b. Charls A.Butchar
c. Millions
d. Cassidy
Question. Who is the writer of yoga sutra?
a. Maharshi Patanjali
b. Swami Vivekananda
c. Baba Ramdev
d. Vedyas
Question. The components of yoga are
a. Six
b. Two
c. Eight
d. Four
Question. Which of the following is not a physical activity?
a. Dancing
b. Gardening
c. Domestic work
d. Reading a book
Question. National sports day in India is celebrated on:
a. 29th September
b. 21st August
c. 29th August
d. 26th January
Question. Which of the following is not a quality of a good leader?
a. Attractive personality
b. Richness
c. Cooperative
d. Organisational ability
Another name of adventurous sports is
a. Adventure related game
b. All of these
c. Thrilling game
d. Risk-taking game
Question. Which of the following body type like a round shape?
a. Mesomorph
b. None of these
c. Endomorph
d. Ectomorph
Question. Physical Education is the sum of men’s physical activities selected as to kind and conducted as to outcomes who said this?
a. J.B. Nash
b. Charls A Butcha
c. C.C.Covel
d. Williams
Question. Anatomy is the study of
a. Application of the Principles
b. All systems of human body and their mutual relationship
c. Study of movement
d. Structure, shape, sire and weight of all the organs of the body
Question. What is the meaning of Psyche?
a. Science
b. Soul
c. Behaviour
d. Environment
What is not come undergrowth?
a. Increase in Weight
b. Increase in Height
c. Increase in size
d. Increase in obesity
Question. Which substance is help in increasing strength of the muscles in the human body?
a. Autologous doping
b. Blood doping
c. Gene doping
d. Homologous doping
Question. What do you mean by BMI? Write down the scale of BMI.
Explain in brief the procedure of Anthropometric measurement of height?
Answer. BMI is a statistical measurement that let us know whether the person is underweight,normal weight or overweight.
BMI is categorized as below-

Answer.The child or adult should remove socks, shoes, jackets or any other heavy clothing.
The floor surface should be plane and hard. The height should be measured using a stadiometer.
Procedure for height measurement –
i. The subject should stand with his feet flat and together on the floor. Arms should be by the sides and knees and back should be straight. The back of head, buttocks,calves, heels and shoulder blades should touch the measuring surface.
ii. After that the horizontal sliding part of the stadiometers lowered gently so that hairs get pressed flat and subject should be asked to stand still. Height of the subject should be read to the nearest half in centimetre and recorded.
iii. Height of the subject should be read to the nearest half in centimetre and recorded.
Question. Describe the developmental characteristics during early childhood.
Answer.Physical characteristics:
i. It is a period of slow but steady growth in height. Bones are soft.
ii. Weight increase is steady
iii. Pulse rate is higher than adults
iv. The heart size is smaller in comparison to the body
v. Strength is not well developed
Question. What is trekking and explain the types of trekking?
Answer.Trekking: Trekking means going on a long and difficult journey, especially on foot. Its course often includes over mountainous regions and woods.
i. a. Easy trekking: The individuals specially the beginners are offered easy treaks.
b. Moderates trekking: Moderates trekking are slightly difficult and challenging than easy treks.
ii. Strenuous trekking: Strenuous trekking a lot of physical effort, energy and determination is required.
iii. Difficult trekking: Such type of trekking is suitable only for real adventure seekers.
Question.24. Explain structure of the muscle with the help of a diagram.
Answer.There are about 600 voluntary muscles in the body. Each muscle is made up of thousands of long and narrow muscle cells called muscle fibers. These muscle fibers are arranged in bundles and enclosed within a tough layer of connective tissue called epimysium (sarcolemma). Every muscle fiber is made up of very large number of microscopic threads called myofibril. Myofibril consists of protein molecules called actin and myosin.

Question. It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver. Comment.
Answer.i. Good health keeps us always happy and gives no feeling to complete physical, mental, social and intellectual well being.
ii. A good health keeps us away from the diseases and health disorder.
iii. The loss of good health causes loss of all the happiness.
Question. How to get ready for a Yoga Nidra?
Explain in detail the steps, benefits and precautions during Sukhasana.
Answer.i. The stomach has to be empty or light before the practice It is not recommended to practice Yoga asanas or Yoga Nidra after a full meal.
ii. A comfortable clutter-free space A yogi’s home is calm, comfortable.
Answer.Steps of Sukhasana: Sit on the floor with legs stretched out. Always use a yoga mat or a cushion or a carpet while sitting on the floor. Fold the left leg and tug it inside the right thigh. Then fold the right leg and tug it inside the left thigh. Keep the hands on the knees. Jnana mudra or Chin mudra can be used if you are using this posture for meditation. Sit erect with spine straight. Relax your whole body and breathe normally. Maintain this position for as long a comfortable.
Benefits To Body Part: There are many physical, emotional and mental benefits associated with this pose, some of which include-Amplifying your state of serenity and tranquillity Broadens your collarbones and chest Calming your brain
i. Don’t do sukhasana in inflammation in the knee or hip, spinal disc problems and chronic knee injuries.
ii. Perform this asana under the guidance and supervision of a certified Yoga guru at least until you master it.
Question. Briefly explain the development of values through Olympic movement?
Answer.The aim of Olympic games is to create peace and co-operation amongst the nations with the spirit of sports competition, Olympic games plays a significant role to develop the following values:-
i. Friendship:- The value of friendship is steeped in the tradition of the ancient Olympic. The athletes express this value of forming life long bonds with their
teammates as well as their opponents.
ii. Solidarity:- The Olympic movement is committed to developing programmes that,together creates a meaningful and comprehensive social response.
iii. Fair Play:- Olympic movement ensures fair play. Athletes participate in the Games in Loyal competition with respecting the regulation. Fair play means without using any doping aid to enhance the performance for winning medal and not using and wrong method for winning medal.
iv. Freedom from discrimination:- Main aim of Olympic is that there should be no racial discrimination of the athletes all are equal. They have equal right to participate in every event to show their performance.
Question. Discuss the teaching career in physical education.
Answer.Physical education has traditional been declared as a professional field. Appropriate career offers many rewards to the teachers whether they are engaged in elementary school middle schools. High school, senior secondary schools. College or universities.
This career is usually considered to have many benefits. The teacher in the field of physical education has deep respect among the students because he make a good contribution to society this career provides internal satisfaction
i. Elementary School
ii. Middle School
iii. High Secondary School
iv. College and university
These are teaching opportunities in the field of physical education at different rules.
Question. What is the contribution for special education teacher in developing education plans for special need children?
Write a short note on the origin of Para Olympic Games.
Answer.i. Assess student’s skills to determine their needs and to develop teaching plans.
ii. Adapt lessons to meet the needs of students.
iii. Develop Individualised education programs (IEPs) for students.
iv. Plan, organize and assign activities that are specific to each student’s ability.
v. Implement IEPs, assess students.
vi. Update IEPs throughout the school year to reflect student’s progress and goals.
Answer.In the second world war majority of people suffered. They lost their will power and kept remembering the horrors of wars all the time. In 1960 Rome Olympic, Sir Ludwig Collected 400 disabled Athletes and organized games and it was named Para- Olympics. Shooting was the first game to be introduced in Para Olympic games, the
international Para Olympic committee is responsible for organizing summer and winter Olympic game. The head quarter IPC is situated in Bonn (Germany). The symbol of Para Olympic Games is three colours red, Blue and green flag and the motto of Para Olympic is ‘Spirit in Motion’ 2014 winter para Olympic games was successfully hosted by Russia.
Question. Explain in detail the procedure, precautions and benefits of Shashan-kasana.
i. First, assume vajrasana. Both your arms should be placed on your knees.
ii. Keep your neck and spinal cord straight.
iii. Shut your eyes and begin focussing on your breathing and your body.
iv. Take a deep breath and without allowing the elbow to bend, bring your hands above your shoulders.
v. Slowly exhale and reach down to touch the ground while your head and both your hands.
vi. Let your upper torso relax and remain in this position for a while. The neck should be kept straight between the arms.
vii. To finish, you should exhale and place your palms on your knees.
Precautions: Avoid the practice of this pose if you suffer from vertigo, slipped disc, high blood pressure and heart-related problems.
i. It strengthens the muscles.
ii. It helps in the extension of the neck, arms and spine.
Question. Explain any four problems of adolescents.
Answer.i. Aggressive and Violent Behaviour: Adolescent has aggressive behaviour and often becomes violent very fast. They easily become, imitated and repulsive when work is not of their interest.
ii. Problems related to physiological growth: The physiological changes associated with adolescence present conditions and problems that the adolescence has not met upto this time and in many cases is ill-prepared to meet them when they appear.
iii. Confusion between adolescent’s role and status: unfortunately neither the adolescent’s role nor his status is clear cut in the society. A boy may be treated as a man in many situations outside but like a child in his own home.
iv. Problems related to the future: The adolescence is a period when the individual is not a child, he has emerged from the safe and protected life of childhood. He has now to decide to what course of life he has to follow.
Question. Explain in detail the principle of stability and its uses in sports.
Answer.i. Broad base of support: for greater stability increases the area of the base and lower the centre of gravity as much as is consistent with the activity involved.
a. a basketball player stops, spreads his feet wide as shoulder line and lowers his CG to dodge the opponent.
b. Defense position of the player in volleyball.
c. Wide stance of a golfer.
d. Tackling the position of a player in football.
ii. Stability is directly proportional to the weight of the body the object or a person with heavyweight will have greater stability as compared to a person with less weight. Example: it is difficult to move a heavier person as compared to less heavy person. On the basis of this principle, wrestling, boxing, judo, etc. are organized according to different age groups.
iii. Direction of an acting force: to start quickly in one direction, keep the-CG as high as possible and as near as possible to the edge of the base nearest to the direction of intended motion.
Examples: The crouched position in starting a race, the CG is kept high by not bending the knees extremely and by keeping the hips high, also the lean of the body is towards the hands so that the weight rests on the hands. From this position, the movement hands are raised from the ground; motion starts by reason of the pull gravity. This pull is added to the force exerted against the starting block by the feet and thus aids in speed.
iv. When the body is free in the air, if the head and feet move down, the hips move up and vice versa.
a. This principle is applied in the high jump in western or valley roll technique at the take of, the head and one foot is thrust up as high as possible. As the head and one leg clear the bar, they are dropped which raises the hips to clear the bar. As the hips are lowered, the opposite leg is raised to clear the bar.
b. This is also used in pole vault, hurdles and jacknife, dive in swimming.
Question. Explain the procedure of skinfold measurements in detail.
Answer.Skinfold measurements are also called “fat fold thickness”. These measurements provide the information or data of the thickness of double folds of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue at specific sites of the body.ln simple words skinfold provides information about the general fatness of the body.
The procedure of skinfold measurements is as underi.
Triceps Skinfold-
The arm of the subject or child should be hung loosely. Stand behind the subject and pull the vertical skinfold about 1/2 inch from the spot already marked. Keep the skinfold caliper perpendicular to the length of the fold centring the mark.Record the measurement to the nearest millimeter.
ii. Sub scapula skinfold-
After locating the marked point on the subscapular region, pull a skin fold for about 34 inches above and keep the skin fold caliper perpendicular to the length of skinfold. Release the caliper and note the measurement to the nearest millimeter.
iii. Suprailiac skinfold-
The subject should stand straight with his feet together and arms relaxed. Pull a skinfold 34 inch above the marked point with the thumb and index finger. The skinfold caliper should be kept perpendicular to the length of the skin fold.Release the caliper and note the reading on the dial to the nearest of a millimeter and record it.
iv. Abdomen skinfold –
After locating the already marked point, pull a horizontal skinfold to about 34 inches. Place the skinfold caliper perpendicular to the length of skinfold. Release the caliper and note the reading to the nearest of a millimeter and record it.
v. Thigh skinfold –
The person is made to stand with his weight on the left leg and right leg forward with the knee slightly bent. Grip a skinfold on the already marked area on the mid-thigh. Place the skinfold
Question. Write down the method of warming up in detail.
What are the physical methods of doping? Define methods prohibited in sports.
Answer.The following are the methods of warming-up which are generally used:-
i. General Method
a. Jogging:- Every athlete should perform jogging or slow running for 5 to 10 minutes to increase the body temperature.
b. Simple exercise:- This is also a way of warming up. The exercise should be performed from simple to complex.
c. Striding:- It means running the distance with long strides. The distance of running should not be more then 50 meters.
d. Stretching exercise:- Stretching is one of the most critical part which is stronger and healthier.
ii. Warm-up with water:- Warm-up with lukewarm water gives relaxation to the muscles, which is usually followed in developed countries. Before a competition, a hot bath helps to raise the body temperature and thus activate muscles by
increasing blood circulation in muscles.
iii. Warm-up Through Massage:- The massage of muscles helps the muscles to tone up and is, therefore considered as a means of warming up.
iv. Through Sun Bath:- The body can be warmed up through sunbath up to some extent, but in most of the sports this method of warming-up is not usually applied.
v. Through steam both:- The body can be warmed up through steam bath. Energy can be saved through steam bath but this method of warming-up is also not used frequently.
The physical method of Doping:
Answer.I. Blood Doping:- Blood doping is a method to increase the count of red blood cells, which is done by the use of wrong banned substances. There are two methods under this.
i. Autologous blood doping:- Two units of bloods are taken some weeks prior to competition. Then the blood is frozen until one or two days before competition when it is injected into the athlete. This is called autologous blood doping.
ii. Homologous blood doping:- The injection of fresh blood, taken from a second person, straight into the athlete is called homologous blood doping. This improves the oxygen-carrying capacity to the muscles by increasing the count of red blood cells (RBC) so the muscle endurance is increased which improves
the aerobic capacity and sports performance.
II. Gene Doping:- Gene doping is the manipulation of cells or genes to enhance the body’s sports performance. It can be used to improve the work function of normal healthy cells. Gene therapy plays an important role in growth and development of muscles and bones. It also speeds up the person to repair of the injured muscle tendons and ligaments.
III. Chemical and Physical Manipulation:- Any tampering with the samples during doping control during or after any competition is prohibited.