Please refer to the Class 12 Physical Education Sample Paper for the current academic year given below. We have provided the latest CBSE Sample Papers for Term 1 and Term 2 for Physical Education Class 12. All guess sample papers have been prepared based on the latest blueprint and examination pattern for the current year. All sample papers for Physical Education Class 12 Term 1 and 2 have been given with solutions. Students can access the multiple guess papers given below. Practicing more Class 12 Physical Education Sample Papers will help you to get more marks in upcoming exams.
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education
Term 1 Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education |
Class 12 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 1 Set A |
Class 12 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 1 Set B |
Term 2 Sample Papers for Class 12 Physical Education |
Class 12 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 2 Set A |
Class 12 Physical Education Sample Paper Term 2 Set A
1. Which type of sports injury is known as “Strain”?
Ans. Strain is an injury to muscle or tendon. Tendons are fibrous cords of tissue that attach muscles to the bone. Strains often occur in foot, leg (typically the hamstring) or back. It is a type of soft tissue injury.
2. Define active flexibility.
Ans. Active flexibility focuses on improving soft tissue extensibility and increasing neuromuscular control. It includes foam rolling (self- myofascial release) as well as active – isolated stretching.
3. Suggest any two isometric exercises for shoulder region.
Ans. Two isometric exercises for shoulder region are:
(i) Pushing against the wall.
(ii) Holding push up position.
4. What do you mean by the term ‘Aggression’ in sports?
Ans. In sports, aggression means an intention to harm or injure a player outside the rules of game so as to gain a competitive advantage or late tackling to stop an opponent from scoring.
5. What is first aid?
Ans. It is an immediate care given to an injured or ill person. It does not take the place of proper medical treatment. It is a temporary assistance before actual medical care is obtained.
6. What type of sports injury can be termed as ‘Laceration’ in sports?
Ans. Laceration is an irregular cut on the skin with a sharp object or sharp edged sports equipment.
7. What is ADHD?
Ans. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a group of behavioural symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. It is medical condition that affects how well can someone sit still, focus and pay attention. The individual with ADHD has some problems focusing in some activities. This type of disorder is found more common in boys than in girls.
8. What do you mean by Intellectual Disability?
Ans. It is a disability characterised by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem solving) and in adaptive behaviour, which covers a range of everyday social and practical skills. Usually it occurs before the age of 18. It involves problems with general mental abilities that affect functioning in two areas:
(i) Intellectual functioning (such as learning, problem solving, judgement).
(ii) Adaptive functioning (activities of daily life such as communication and independent living).
9. What is Hypertension?
Ans. Hypertension means the increased blood pressure. It may eventually cause health problems such as heart diseases.
10. What is meant by ‘motivation’? Explain the different techniques of motivation to achieve high goals in sports.
Ans. Motivation means to be inspired to do something. Indeed, motivation is the inner condition of an individual that directs his behaviour towards a goal. The force of motivation incites individuals to perform some activities. It also determines individual’s direction of action and his intensity of action.
There are two types of motivation:
(i) Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation is internal. It occurs when people are compelled to do something out of pleasure, importance or desire. Motivation is always intrinsic when the force comes from within oneself. For example, when a person indulges in any sport to have mastery, to display superiority or to gain social approval, it is an intrinsic motivation.
(ii) Extrinsic Motivation: Extrinsic motivation is external. It occurs when external factors compel the person to do something. Motivation is always extrinsic, when external forces, positive or negative, produce a behavioural change. Reward, punishment, praise, blame or cash prize are example of extrinsic motivation. It has been found that such devices motivate some persons more strongly than others. Infact extrinsic motivation includes factors that motivate individual in achieving the goal.
11. What are the types of disability? Explain briefly.
Ans. Types of disability are:
(i) Cognitive Disability: Cognitive disability generally refers to anyone with lower than average intellectual functioning. A person who has a cognitive disability has trouble in performing mental tasks that the average person would be able to do.
(ii) Intellectual Disability: Intellectual disability is a disability characterised by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning (such as learning, problem solving, and judgement) and in adaptive behaviour (activities of daily life such as communication). This disability originates before the age of 18.
(iii) Physical Disability: A physical disability is a long term loss or impairment of part of body’s physical function. It can involve difficulties in walking and mobility, sitting and standing, use of hands and arms, sight, hearing, speech, muscle control etc.
12. Maintaining physical activities for a longer period, brings desirous changes in circulatory system. Justify your answer by highlighting three benefits of exercise.
Ans. Benefits of exercises are:
(i) Heart size increases: The size of heart and strength of the cardiac muscles increase due to regular exercises as to the maximum extent the left ventricle adapts. The walls of the heart develop into stronger and thicker as shown in recent studies and the thickness of myocardial wall increases as well.
(ii) Resting heart rate decreases: The resting heart rate decreases due to regular exercises. After duration of 10 week training programme, the resting heart rate may reduce up to 30 beats per minute from the normal of 72 beats per minute. The heart becomes more efficient due to regular exercises. ln highly conditioned athletes the resting heart rate decreases to 30 beats/minute.
(iii) Stroke volume increases at resting conditions: The stroke volume increases at resting conditions due to regular exercises. The stroke volume at rest remains up to 50–70 ml/beat in untrained individuals; in trained individuals it ranges from 70–90 ml/beat and in the elite endurance athletes it ranges from 90–110 ml/beat.
13. What do you understand by ‘First-Aid’? How will you manage joint injuries? Explain.
Ans. It is the immediate care given to an injured or ill person. It does not take the place of proper medical treatment. It is a temporary assistance before actual medical care is obtained.
Management of joint injuries:
(i) Cold compression should be used immediately. The application of ice or cold water should not be used for more than 40 minutes persistently.
(ii) The cold compression should be performed 5 to 6 times daily.
(iii) If there is more swelling at the sight of contusion, the anti-inflammatory medicine should be given.
(iv) If the swelling persists, consult the doctor immediately.
(v) For the purpose of rehabilitation, the flexibility exercises should be performed carefully.
14. Dynamic strength is divided into three parts. Write in brief about each.
Ans. Dynamic strength is of following types:
(i) Maximum Strength: In a single muscular contraction it is the ability of muscle to contract over resistance of utmost intensity of stimulus. The most excellent examples are weight lifting and throwing events in track and field.
(ii) Explosive Strength: It can be stated as the ability to prevail over resistance by means of high speed. It combines strength and speed abilities and based on the nature of the blend of strength and speed, the explosive strength can be sub-divided further into start strength, power and speed strength.
(iii) Strength Endurance: Similar to explosive strength, it is a result of two motor abilities as well. Under conditions of fatigue, it is the ability to work against resistance. Depending on the actuality whether the movement is static or dynamic, strength endurance can be in form of static or dynamic strength. The strength endurance can be divided further into proper strength endurance and strength endurance depending on the kind of the blend of strength and endurance.
15. What are the benefits and contraindications of Vajrasana?
Ans. As this pose is easy and can be practiced at any time of the day and by anyone, it has many benefits to the extent of healing ailments. This pose is used out of habit by yogis for meditative purposes.
Benefits of Vajrasana are:
(i) Heals body: The end of the spinal column (meru danda) is so beautifully placed on the heels giving the body a great looking posture and helps in transporting the prana smoothly to the entire body. This flow of prana is the first stage to heal the body from within.
(ii) Increases flexibility in ankles: The ankles are bent so well giving room for greater flexibility right up to the tips of the toes.
(iii) Improves blood circulation: The folding of the knees and the thighs stretches these muscles and improves blood circulation and improves flexibility.
(iv) Strengthens pelvic muscles: In this pose as the spine is elevated away from the floor, the flow of blood is altered along with the nervous impulses in the pelvic region and pelvic muscles are strengthened.
(v) Improves digestion: As this is one of the few yoga poses which can be practiced even after a meal, it is considered as a good way to help in digestion and increases the efficiency of the digestive system.
Contrainications of Vajrasana are:
(i) Injured ankles or knees ligaments: This pose can be hard on the knees and the ankles if one is not flexible with these muscles and joints. This pose should not be practiced if one is suffering from injured ligaments at the ankles or at the knees.
(ii) Hernia or Ulcers: Those suffering from hernia or intestinal ulcers should take medical advice and guidance before practicing this and should perform this pose with a trained yoga teacher. The pressure on the anus in this pose may bring unwanted pressure to the intestine.
(iii) Runners with hamstring or calf injury: Runners should avoid this if they have injury in their hamstrings or the calves.
(iv) Arthritis in knees: Not to be practiced by people who have severe arthritis of the knees.
16. Explain in detail Goal setting and Reinforcement as technique of motivation.
Ans. Goal setting and Reinforcement as technique of motivation are:
(i) Goal Setting: Achieving performance goals is a symbol of competency that affects motivation positively, hence it is essential to set realistic goals based on individual’s own abilities. The level of the motivation gets adversely affected when goals are set up too high or too low. The goal should be realistic, precise and within reach but should at the same time be a difficult one. Goal settings have been acknowledged as an influential motivational technique as it mobilises an athlete’s hard work and extends his determination.
(ii) Reinforcement: Reinforcement is a vital motivational means. It refers to some kind of occurrence that increases or decreases the possibility of a similar reaction taking place in future. Positive reinforcements enlighten the athlete at what time he is doing something accurate and support the continuance of the activity in the precise direction. Negative reinforcement is in general, of slight importance since it simply indicates that the actions are inaccurate devoid of providing information with respect to the accurate reaction or behaviour. It has been established that positive reinforcement to a large extent, has more motivational value than negative reinforcement.
17. Differentiate between 1 : 1 and 1 : 2 ratio interval training, with suitable examples.
Ans. 1 : 1 means load and the rest are equal. e.g., 1 minute exercise followed by 1 minute of rest. Similarly 1 : 2 means that the period of rest is double that of the load. e.g., 1 minute exercise followed by 2 minutes of rest.
The slow and extensive interval training methods can be given by using 1 : 1 and 1 : 2. Fast or intensive interval training methods are also given by using 1 : 1 and 1 : 2.
Example: Most of the games and sports are based on the principle of load and rest, again load and rest. The rest period during training work load should not exceed five minutes.
Another example can be of a sprinter:
100 m sprint 100 m walk 1 : 1
100 m sprint 200 m walk 1 : 2
18. What do you understand by coordinative ability? Discuss about different types of coordinative abilities.
Ans. Coordination is the ability to integrate separate motor systems with varying sensory modalities into efficient movements. These are those abilities which enable an individual to do various related activities accurately and efficiently. Coordinative abilities mainly depend on the Central Nervous System. The harmonious working together of the synchrony, rhythm, and sequencing aspect of one’s movements is crucial to coordinate movement. Various parts of the body may be involved, such as eye-foot coordination, as in kicking a ball or walking upstairs. Eye-hand coordination is evident in fine motor activities such as bead stringing, tracing and clay modelling or in gross motor activities such as catching, striking or volleying a ball.
Following are different types of coordinative abilities:
(i) Coupling Ability: Coupling ability is to synchronize movements and direction efficiently and to let different parts to cooperate in order to achieve a desired and smooth movement. Coupling ability of the body is considered as capacity of an individual to perform better coordination of different parts of the body. For example, while dribbling a basketball, the coordination of both the limbs is required.
(ii) Reaction Ability: Reaction ability is a skill to react quickly to a stimulus. For example, chaser in Kho-Kho runs quickly after Kho is given.
(iii) Balance Ability: Balance ability is known as capability of an individual to maintain balance while the body is in motion. Even during distributed balance regaining the lost balance is known as balance ability.
(iv) Orientation Ability: The orientation ability is a skill to determine and change the position in omplex situations. For example, defending an opponent in football, the position is changed according to the movement of opponent.
(v) Adaptation Ability: Adaptation ability is the capability of a person to change the movement on the basis of predicted changes. This ability is achieved after mastering the skills.
(vi) Rhythm Ability: Rhythm ability is to make out motor actions on a well- defined rhythm. Rhythm ability enables to grasp and express rhythm which is externally determined or contained in the motor activity itself.