Please see Analysis of Financial Statements Exam Questions Class 12 Accountancy below. These important questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest examination guidelines and syllabus issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. We have provided Class 12 Accountancy Questions and answers for all chapters in your NCERT Book for Class 12 Accountancy. These solved problems for Analysis of Financial Statements in Class 12 Accountancy will help you to score more marks in upcoming examinations.
Exam Questions Analysis of Financial Statements Class 12 Accountancy
Question. Prepare Common Size statement of profit and loss from the following Information:


Question. Prepare Common Size Balance Sheet from the given Balance Sheet


Question. Reserve and surplus of current year is ₹24,00,000 and ₹12,00,000 for previous year. What will be the Absolute change?
Solution: Absolute change = 24,00,000-12,00,000=12,00,000
Question. Prepare common size Balance sheet from the following information


Question. In a company other income is ₹ 2,00,000 and Revenue from operation is ₹8,00,000. What will be the percentage to revenue from operation?
Solution: 200000/800000 ×100=25%
Question. From the following Information, Prepare comparative statement of Profit and loss:


Question. Prepare Common Size Balance Sheet from the given Balance Sheet


Question. Prepare comparative Balance sheet of Gama Ltd. following Balance sheet from the balance sheet as at 31st March 2018 and 2017:


Question. Under which headings and subheadings will the following items be shown in the balance sheet of the company as per schedule III part I of the companies Act.2013:
(a) Cheque in hand (b) Stock of work In progress (c) Copy right (d) Loose tools (e) Provision for bad debts (f) Negative balance shown by the profit and loss (g) Bonds (h) Unpaid Dividend

Question. Prepare Comparative Statement of Profit and Loss from the Given Statement of Profit and Loss


Question. Prepare Common size Statement of profit and loss as of 31st March,2019 and 31st March,2020 from the given Statement of profit and loss


Question. Reserve and surplus of current year is ₹24,00,000 and ₹12,00,000 for previous year. What will be the percentage change?
Solution: (24,00,000−12,00,000)× 100/12,00,000 =100%
Question. From the following Information Prepare comparative Statement of profit and Loss
