Please refer to On the face of It (Susan Hill) MCQ Questions Class 12 English below. These MCQ questions for Class 12 English with answers have been designed as per the latest NCERT, CBSE books and syllabus issued for the current academic year. These objective questions for On the face of It (Susan Hill) will help you to prepare for the exams and get more marks.
On the face of It (Susan Hill) MCQ Questions Class 12 English
Please see solved MCQ Questions for On the face of It (Susan Hill) in Class 12 English. All questions and answers have been prepared by expert faculty of standard 12 based on latest examination guidelines.
Question. Who is Mr. Lamb?
A) a young man
B) a middleaged man
C) an old man
D) none
Question. What specific things about Mr. Lamb does Derry notice?
A) A man of firm resolution
B) always remains happy inspite of his deformitu
C) had a positive outlook
D) All these
Question. What were Derry and Mr. Lamb victims of?
A) vision impairment
B) Physical impairment
C) war
D) none
Question. Why did Derry always find a vacant place to live?
A) he liked to be alone
B) was scared of people
C) because of inferioritu complex as he had a burnt face
D) All these
Question. Why did Derry go to Mr. Lamb’s garden?
A) to steal apples
B) to speak to Mr. Lamb
C) to feel that place
D) to help the old man
Question. How did Mr. Lamb help Derry?
A) by giving him a positive outlook towards life
B) by talking to him
C) by helping his mother
D) by giving him apples
Question. In what sense was friendship between Lamb and Derry was fruitful?
A) both were good companions and Lamb’s mature experiences and words helped Derry to have a positive view of life
B) his maturity
C) he gave him fruit to eat
D) none
Question. How did Derry enter the garden?
A) from the front gate
B) from the side gate
C) from back gate
D) by climbing the garden wall
Question. What unites Mr. Lamb and Derry?
A) their age
B) their physical impairment
C) their life stories
D) their woes
Question. Why did Mr. Lamb keep the door of his garden open?
A) to keep an eye over his garden
B) to be safe
C) to chat with the people and the children who come there to take fruit
D) none
Question. Why did Derry share his fear with Mr. Lamb?
A) because he had a garden
B) because he was old
C) because he understood him and was friendly
D) none
Question. Where was Mr. Lamb’s house?
A) inside the garden
B) on the road
C) oin a street
D) on atree
Question. Why did children call Mr. Lamb Lamey Lamb?
A) because he stopped them from taking apples
B) he spoke rudely
C) they didn’t like him
D) because of his broken leg in a bomb exploison
Question. What is this play featuring?
A) an old man and a small boy meeting in old man’s garden
B) gossip of old man
C) old man’s woes
D) brave acts of a small boy
Question. What does Mr. Lamb grow in his garden?
A) cherry
B) apples
C) pomegranate
D) peach
Question. Why was Derry startled entering the garden?
A) because of trees
B) because of apples
C) because he expected no one else but seeing Mr.Lamb
D) none
Question. Who has written On The Face Of It?
A) Susan Hill
B) William Sydne
C) Salman Rushdie
D) Chetan Bhagat
Question. Why did Mr. Lamb help Derry?
A) because both were victims of war
B) both were sad
C) both were victims of physical impairment
D) because he wanted Derry to change his view of life.
Question. How did Derry burn his face?
A) in a fire
B) with a gas stove
C) acid burnt his face
D) hot water
Question. What draws Derry towards Lamb?
A) his appearance
B) his grief
C) his positive outlook
D) All these
Question. What did Mr. Lamb tell about himself?
A) he had a tin leg
B) still he was happy
C) he never mind even if children teased him
D) All these
Question. Why even inspite of physical disability Mr. Lamb did not feel lonely?
A) because he was busy
B) because he never let himself to be alone and keep himself busy
C) he had servants
D) because he had a garden
Question. How did Mr. Lamb pick apples?
A) bending down
B) with the help of his servant
C) using a ladder and a stick
D) with the help of children
Question. Why didn’t Mr. Lamb feel hurt by chidren’s comments?
A) because he thought that it suits him
B) he loves children
C) he likes them
D) he want them to play in his garden
Question. How was Mr. Lamb happy inspite of his disability?
A) because of his acceptance of it
B) because he was wise
C) because he had grown old
D) All these
Question. Who is Derry?
A) Derek. a boy of 14 and has acid burnt on his face
B) a small boy
C) a boy
D) a young boy
Question. How does Mr. Lamb keep himself busy?
A) by reading books
B) by chatting with people
C) by pulling down the ripe crab apples of his garden
D) All these
Question. Why did Mr. Lamb not have curtains in his house?
A) it’s difficult to wash
B) too expensive
C) because he wanted visitors in his house
D) none
Question. Why did Mr. Lamb keep the door of his garden open?
A) to let the people come in
B) to get fresh air
C) to avoid opening the door again and again
D) to have fine contact with the outer world and enjoy
Question. Why did Derry develop an inferiority complex?
A) he didn’t have a big house
B) he didn’t have much money
C) because of his burnt face
D) none
Question. How did Mr. Lamb use the apples?
A) made jam
B) made pickle
C) earned money
D) he used to make jelly with them
Question. Why did Mr. Lamb call Derry blessed?
A) because he was young
B) because he had a mother
C) because except a burnt face he had a perfectly healthy body
D) because he had friends
Question. Why did Derry like to be alone?
A) because of burnt face
B) because he couldn’t bear with people’s comments
C) because of inferiority complex
D) All these
Question. What complex does Derry suffer from?
A) Superiority
B) oedipus
C) inferiority
D) All these
Question. What did Derry learn from the fairy tale?
A) how to look beautiful
B) how to make friends
C) learnt to love and appreciate himself
D) All these
Question. What kind of a garden did Mr. Lamb have ?
A) cherry
B) plum
C) peach
D) Apple garden
Question. Why did Derry go to Mr. Lamb at the end?
A) because of his wish to live a free life
B) he wanted apples
C) he wanted to play in the garden
D) none
Question. Which story did Mr. Lamb narrate to Derry?
A) Cindrella
B) the beauty of the beast
C) The Dwarfman
D) The snowman
Question. How the meeting With Mr. Lamb became a turning point for Derry?
A) h encouraged Derry to be friends with everyone and not to be bothered by their comments
B) he taught him to look at everything positively
C) he taught him to admire everything
D) All these
Question. Why did Derry’s mother stop him to stay with Mr. Lamb?
A) because he was not well
B) because he would scold him
C) because he talked too much
D) because she didn’t want him to stay with a stranger
Question. Derry liked to be alone:
(A) because of burnt face.
(B) because he couldn’t bear with people’s comments.
(C) because of inferiority complex.
(D) All of these.
Question. “Ah, but do you care if you never kiss them.” What does Mr. Lamb aim to do with such a statement?
(A) Empower Derry to take charge.
(B) Inspire Derry to have dreams.
(C) Comfort Derry by distracting him.
(D) Question Derry about his desires.
Question. Derry was scared that if he didn’t go back to Mr Lamb, ______________________________________.
(A) Mr Lamb would not let him in.
(B) Mr Lamb would make other friends
(C) he wouldn’t be able to pick crab-apples
(D) he’d never go anywhere in the world again
Question. What was Mr Lamb’s attitude towards life?
(A) He wanted to survive with the problems.
(B) He wanted to struggle with disability.
(C) He wanted to live life to the fullest.
(D) He wanted to look for sympathy.
Question. Choose the option that best constitutes a message from the play:
(A) People’s attitude should not stop one from experiencing life.
(B) What people say has no bearing upon how one feels about things.
(C) People cannot be changed. One can and should only change oneself.
(D) One’s opinions cannot be based on what people say behind one’s back.
Question. How did Mr Lamb relate Beauty and the Beast?
(A) They were relative to each other.
(B) They were indifferent to each other.
(C) They were God’s Grace.
(D) They were part of destiny.
Question. Based on the slogans and tag lines, for which of the following brands might Mr. Lamb be a suitable brand ambassador?

(A) Options (i), (ii), (iii)
(B) Options (ii), (iii), (iv)
(C) Options (iii), (iv), (v)
(D) Options (iv), (v), (i)
Question. Mr. Lamb kept the door of his garden open:
(A) to let the animals come in.
(B) to get fresh air.
(C) to avoid opening the door again and again.
(D) to have fine contact with the outer world and enjoy.
Question. Mr. Lamb called Derry blessed:
(A) because he was young.
(B) because he had a mother.
(C) because he had friends.
(D) because except a burnt face, he had a perfectly healthy body.
Question. If Derry were in a library at the beginning of the play, which of the following sections of books would he NOT explore?
(i) Science fiction
(ii) Fantasy
(iii) Self-help
(iv) Non-fiction
(A) Options (i) and (ii)
(B) Options (ii) and (iii)
(C) Options (iii) and (iv)
(D) Options (i) and (iv)
Extract Based MCQs :
Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow:
MR LAMB: Look, boy, look…. what do you see?
DERRY: Just….grass and stuff. Weeds.
MR LAMB: Some call them weeds. If you like, then…. a weed garden, that. There’s fruit and there are flowers, and trees and herbs. All sorts. But over there…. weeds. I grow weeds there. Why one green, growing plant is called a weed and another ‘flower’? Where’s the difference. It’s all life…. growing. Same as you and me.
DERRY: We’re not the same.
MR LAMB: I’m old. You’re young. You’ve got a burned face, I’ve got a tin leg. Not important. You’re standing there…. I’m sitting here. Where’s the difference?
Question. Like the play, the given extract is a study in contrasts. What does Mr. Lamb seek to do by bringing up distinctions?
(A) To explain that weeds are important and should be valued and cared for as much as flowers.
(B) To emphasize that distinctions are made by man to serve specific purposes and uses.
(C) To highlight that labels are arbitrary and essentially reflect a common life experience.
(D) To remind Derry that the only difference that matters is that of attitude and experience.
Question. Look at the given images of books. In which of the following are you NOT likely to find Mr. Lamb’s words as given in the extract?

(A) Options (i) and (iii)
(B) Options (i) and (iv)
(C) Options (ii) and (iv)
(D) Options (ii) and (iii)
Question. Which of the following represents Mr. Lamb’s analysis of flowers and weeds?
(A) Comparison is an act of violence against the self.
(B) If you have a garden in your library, everything will be complete.
(C) One man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.
(D) The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff.
Question. How would you describe Derry’s tone when he says – “We’re not the same”?
(A) Angry
(B) Perplexed
(C) Gloomy
(D) Practical
Assertion Reason Question
Question. Assertion: Both Derry and Mr. Lamb are physically disabled
Reason: Mr. Lamb provoked Derry not to go home and to live in his empty house.
A) Assertion and reason both are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Wounds get healed but bitter comments are never forgotten.
Reason: Derry did not react to the words of the woman who commented on his face.
A) Assertion and reason both are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Mr. Lamb was either sorry or frightened of Derry.
Reason: Derry face had a burnt face due to acid
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Derry is afraid of himself.
Reason: Others are afraid of Derry.
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Mr. Lamb prepares jelly during the month of September.
Reason: Kids hate to come to the garden.
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true
Question. Assertion: Derry was lonely.
Reason: He was scared of rejection.
A). Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion: Mr. Lamb does not force Derry to accept him as his friend
Reason: Friendship should be unconditional according to Mr. Lamb
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true, but R is false.
D) A is false, but R is true.
Question. Assertion: Derry is heartbroken to see Mr. Lamb on the floor when he returns.
Reason: He wanted to prove the latter wrong by showing that he returned
A) A is true but R is false
B) Both A and R are false
C) A is true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
D) A is true and R is the correct explanation of A
Question. Assertion: Mr. Lamb grew weeds in one part of his garden.
Reason: He liked gardening and loved his plants.
A) A is true and R is not the correct explanation of A
B) A is true and R is correct explanation of A
C) Both A and R are False.
D) A is False but R is true.
Question. Assertion: The garden was open to everybody.
Reason: Derry came to the garden because everybody was welcome there.
A) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion: Derry eventually decided to come out his shell.
Reason: Mr. Lamb talked to Derry in a totally different angle.
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Derry defies his mother to return to Mr. Lamb’s garden.
Reason: His burnt face has made him unhappy.
A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of
C) A is true, but R is false.
D) A is false, but R is true.
Question. Assertion: Mr. Lamb told Derry about the man who dies with the painting falling on his heaD)
Reason: Mr. Lamb wanted to tell Derry that he should not stand under paintings
A) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion: Derry was a pessimistiC)
Reason: He was arguing with a gentle soul like Mr. Lamb
A) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion: Mr. Lamb had a tin leg.
Reason: The real leg got blown off in a bomb blast.
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Everything is the same, but everything is different.
Reason: Derry has arms and legs.
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Mother forced Derry to stay at home.
Reason: She had heard things about Mr. Lamb
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Mr Lamb was lamenting the loss of his leg.
Reason: Physical disabilities cause pain only once in lifetime, but cause mental agony throughout the life.
A) Assertion and reason both are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true and reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Mr. Lamb who lives alone teaches Derry the beauty of solitude.
Reason: Derry decides to return to Mr. Lamb’s garden to vex his mother.
A) A is true and R is correct explanation of A
B) A is true but R is not correct explanation of A
C) Both A and R are False.
D) A is False but R is true.
Question. Assertion: Derry did not care for friends.
Reason: Everyone, even his mother, hated his burnt face.
A) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion: Derry lived in seclusion.
Reason: He was scared of rejection.
A) Both A & R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B) Both A & R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion: Disabled people often tend to lead a withdrawn life.
Reason: Society always looks for shortcomings of people.
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.
Question. Assertion: Derry entered Mr. Lamb’s garden.
Reason: He wanted to steal the apple.
A) Both Assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.
B) Assertion and reason both are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
C) Assertion is true, reason is false.
D) Assertion is false, reason is true.