Worksheet for Class 11 English Letter to Editor

Worksheets for Class 11

Question. Write a letter to the Editor-in-chief, Times of India, G.T.

Road, New Delhi, raising concern about the spread of mosquito borne diseases in your area. Suggest preventive measures for the diseases.

121, Sarojini Nagar,
29th December, 20XX
The Times of India,
G.T. Road,
New Delhi.

Subject : Regarding the spread of chikungunya and dengue and prevention thereof.


This is to bring to your kind notice, the rising number of deaths being caused due to chikungunya and dengue. With an outbreak of dengue and chikungunya in many parts of India, we’re losing hundreds of lives each day. The deadly outbreaks with such frightening regularity show that nothing much has been done by the health authorities to ensure the safety of the common man. The government, in the name of exterminating mosquito-larvae, adopts some routine measures but nothing comes of them. The negligence on the part of health official’s is unpardonable. As a concerned citizen, I would like to suggest that regular camps should be organised to warn people about the symptoms and causes of this disease. All the potholes on the roads must be filled to avoid accumulation of water. All other sources where waste-water is accumulated and a breeding ground has been created for the mosquitoes should be immediately checked and taken care of. The news channels should display ways to eradicate this disease. People should be advised to wear full covered clothes.

I hope my letter will find a space in your esteemed newspaper and the authorities will look into the matter and take immediate steps for every citizen of this country. It is very important and should definitely not be a subject of ignorance or negligence on the part of the authorities.

Thanking you,
Yours truly

Question. Complete the letter to the editor of a local newspaper on the importance of education in the holistic personality development and nation building. You are Rohini/Rishabh of 11, Preet Vihar, Jaipur.

11, Preet Vihar
11 September 20××
The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: Importance of education in nation building

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my views regarding the role of education in (i) ……………………………………………………………………………… .
The students are the architects of a free and modern nation. Education (ii) …………………………………………………………………………….. as well as responsible citizens.Education restricts all the malpractices followed by the citizens. A pool of educated and empowered citizens can drive a nation towards (iii) ……………………………………… ……………………………………… . It is the responsibility (iv) ……………………………………………………………………………… to contribute to the development of a nation by fulfilling their respective duties.
I am sure educated people can contribute a lot to the nation’s prosperity. Education alone can dispel darkness and (v) ……………………………………………………………………………
……………………. .

Yours faithfully

Question. Write a letter to the Editor-in-chief, Hindustan Times, New Delhi, regarding rampant chain-snatching incidents in your area.

School Captain,
RWA Anand Niketan,
2nd June, 20XX
The Editor,
The Hindustan Times,
New Delhi.

Subject : Regarding the rampant chain-snatching incidents

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to express my deep concern over the nuisance of increasing crime rate in our locality, RWA Anand Niketan, and the police’s lackadaisical approach to the gravity of the situation. The incidents of picketing of pockets, purse and jewellery have been on the increase in our area. Residents live in a constant fear of these antisocial elements in the entire locality. No resident dares to travel even during the broad daylight. Most of these crimes are being carried out by the teenagers. These crimes are the fallout of their unregulated and unmonitored overexposure to the internet and their skewed upbringing. It really pains me to see young teenagers being caught by police.

Being aware citizens, it is our moral responsibility to prevent these youngsters from going astray. The schools, the parents and the government will have to come together to solve this problem. I hope the concerned authorities will look into the matter and take immediate measures to nip this evil in the bud. I am hopeful that you will help me in sensitising the concerned authorities, people and organisations by publishing this letter in your reputed daily.

Thanking you,
Yours truly
Shweta Kapoor
Secretary, RWA Anand Niketan

Question. You are Ashish/Astha, a resident of 254, Vigyan Vihar, Amla, Madhya Pradesh. You are worried to see your younger brother’s frequent habit of using the Internet as a homework tool. Write a letter to the editor of a popular newspaper, expressing your opinion on the advantages, and disadvantages of the dependence of youth of today on the Internet.
254, Vigyan Vihar
Madhya Pradesh
Date: 7 April 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: Expressing concern about the (a) ________________________________________


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to highlight the problem of growing dependence of today’s youth on the Internet.
The Internet is a store of knowledge, which is available to us with just a click of the button.However, often, the information on the Internet is (b) _____________________________. Also,the Internet sometimes exposes the youth to information and opinions that are inappropriate.Very often, there are videos posted on the Internet. These just pop up on their own. They contain information which is misleading and any non-discerning person can set swayed by what the video is trying to propagate.
I hope that today’s youth understand (c) __________________________ as a tool to empower themselves and not let it make them go astray.

Yours truly

Question. Complete the letter to the editor of a national daily to express your views against the blatant misuse of loudspeakers and the noise created by them. You are Ravi/ Rashmi of 23, Lok Nagar, Bhopal.

23, Lok Nagar
8 August 20××
The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: (i) …………………………………………………………….


Through the columns of your esteemed daily, (ii) ……………………………………………… by the barefaced misuse of loudspeakers and their exasperating noise that is the leading cause of noise pollution.
Nowadays, a private party or birthday celebration is incomplete without music and dance. To ensure their own entertainment, people allow (iii) …………………………………………………………….. . Noise pollution is one of the greatest problems that people living in the cities have to face. It not only affects the students but also the old and the children. (iv) ……………………………………………………………. can help in reducing noise levels.
I hope my words will reach (v) ……………………………………………………………. .

Yours truly
Rashmi Verma

Question. It is a matter of concern as the number of girl child is steadily shrinking in India. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, expressing your worry on the skewing ratio in the nation.
A-12, ABC Road
October 21, 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India

Subject: Shrinking number of girl child


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the skewing sex ratio in the nation.
It should be a belief beyond doubt that (a) ________________________ and that they should be welcomed in the family in order to (b) _________________________. They are, in fact, not being provided with the basic rights and are deprived of (c) ______________________________.Torture and reports of domestic violence against them has become regular headlines that appear in the newspaper. The rate of crime like sexual harassment, rape, female foeticide and dowry death is increasing rapidly, which must be fixed.
Therefore, I request you to kindly publish this article, so that their rights could be acknowledged and they could get a chance to succeed in their life.

Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Question. Complete the letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views on corruption in public life. You are M S Dutta of E-1/286, Model Town, Delhi-110009.

E-1/286, Model Town
16th August, 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject: (i) …………………………………………………………….


(ii) ……………………………………………………………., I, Dr M S Dutta, want to express my views on corruption in public life.
The menace of corruption in public life has totally destroyed the moral fabric of our society and (iii) ……………………………………………………………. . Scams, kickbacks and pay-offs have assumed such a gigantic proportions that there is hardly any sphere of social, political, economic and even religious activity free from some sort of deception and corruption. No one is realizing that (iv) …………………………………………………………………………….. . What we need is some serious introspection and a firm resolve not to be a party to corruption.
It’s high time that we reform ourselves, (v) …………………………………………………………………………………………. .

Yours faithfully
M S Dutta

Question. You are Saurabh Srivastava, a resident of Defense Colony Bagdogra, Siliguri. Your colony is facing the severe problem of inadequate and contaminated water supply. You decide to express your views and make the authorities aware of the situation by writing a letter to the Editor of The Siliguri Times, Siliguri. Write your letter in about 100-120 words.

Defense Colony
15th April 2019
The Editor
The Siliguri Times

Subject: Inadequate and contaminated water supply.

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the civic authorities to the contaminated and inadequate supply of water in our locality.
It is unfortunate that the local civic authorities do not take care to provide the citizens with even the basic amenities such as proper and adequate water supply. In our locality, water is supplied only for three hours in the morning.For the rest of the day the taps remain dry. Also, the supplied water is impure.It is unhygienic and inadequate. There have been cases of water borne diseases. The water borne diseases may break out in the form of epidemic, if the problem is not properly addressed to.

It is expected that instead of ignoring the issue, the authorities concerned will take immediate steps to ensure supply of adequate and potable water in our locality so that we residents are able to live a disease free and healthy life.

Yours truly

Question. Your locality has witnessed a number of cases of theft in recent weeks. The local law and order authorities were approached but you find no change in the situation. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper drawing the attention of the higher authorities to the problem. You are Ram/Rama 4, Gobind Road, Meerut. 
4, Gobind Road
March 15, 20××
The Editor
Amar Ujala

Subject : Increasing Cases of Theft

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the alarming situation in our area. Number of thefts and burglaries are increasing in the locality because the absence of law and order here has become an added advantage to the unsocial elements.It has become very difficult to go out even after locking the house. Thieves sense it immediately and a little absence cost a lot to the owner. And the most dangerous situation is that they make damage not only to the property but also to life. If these unsocial beings find anyone tracing them, they don’t hesitate to attack them. All that has made the condition very miserable. Old people are the soft target for the burglars.
Repetitive complaints have been lodged to the local law and order authorities but there is no positive change in the situation. Rather the indifferent attitude of the police has encouraged the anti-social elements. Through this letter of mine, I, on the behalf of the residents of our locality, request the higher authorities to take necessary action at the earliest so that we can lead a safe life.

Thanking you.
Yours sincerely

Question. You are Prabhu Kumar/Parvati of 17E, Ravi Dass Road, Kochi. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a newspaper about the nuisance caused by loudspeakers in the city during examination days, drawing attention of the concerned authorities to the problem. 

17E, Ravi Dass Road
02 December, 20××
The Editor
The Times of India

Subject : Nuisance caused by loud speakers during examination

Through your esteemed daily, I want to draw the attention of the concerned authorities towards the nuisance caused by loud speaker during examinations. The Annual Examinations are approaching near. The loud speakers keep blaring throughout the night due to which we are unable to prepare ourselves for the examinations, since the noise interferes in our studies and we are unable to concentrate on our studies.
It is, therefore, earnestly requested to stop blaring loud speakers during the examination days. I hope that the concerned authorities will pay attention to solve this problem of the students.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Prabhu Kumar

Question. You are Varun. You attended “Art of Living for Students” workshop organized by your school’s Yoga Club. Write a letter in about 100-120 words to the editor of the local daily expressing your views about the same. You can use the hints given below.

82, Civil Lines
New Delhi
9 March 20××
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject : “Art of Living for Students”

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my views about the benefits of “Art of living for Students”. This programme is very beneficial for students. I got the opportunity to attend one of the programmes, which was organized by the school’s yoga club. I realised that teaches the techniques of time management. Moreover, how students can cope up with academic pressure, was also taught.In a nutshell, in my view every student should attend this workshop. Students should be made aware of such programmes and information should be provided by the authorities. I hope you would do the needful in the interest of students.

Thanking you
Yours truly

Question. In about 100-120 words, write a letter to the Editor of a local daily, expressing your views on the subject“Value system is the backbone of an individual’s character”. 

Answer. A-45, Triveni Enclave
5 December 20××
The Editor
The Indian Express
New Delhi

Subject : “Value system is the backbone of an individual’s character”

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I wish to put forward my views regarding value systems, since values are being absent in modern society. This would be possible if importance is given in the education system. There is no stress in the educational institutions to uplift the students morally. Ethical values have gone with the wind in the modern, complex and fast competitive era. We should realize the real aim of education, which is not confined to mere cramming of literary pieces or facts of science.
A dedicated individual is a boon to the society and the nation. Our education should lay stress on cultivating human values. Value Education can help in removing all social and cultural evils. Hope you will help me in bringing my views forward.

Thanking you
Yours truly

Question. You are Shubham/Surabhi, a resident of ‘R’ Block, Shivaji Nagar, Mumbai. For the past few days you have been noticing that garbage is not being removed from your area. People cannot bear the stinking smell and unhygienic condition caused by this garbage. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a newspaper

to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to take necessary action. 
‘R’ Block
Shivaji Nagar
27 December 20××
The Editor
The Hindu
New Delhi

Subject : Garbage Heaps on Roads.

Through the columns of your reputed newspaper I wish to draw your kind attention to the filthy sight created by heaps of garbage on the main road of our area. The pile goes on increasing day by day. It emits a foul stench. It has become difficult to pass by that way. We have to cover our noses. This garbage is also breeding insects which are dangerous to human health.
I therefore request you to publish my letter in your newspaper so as to draw the attention of the concerned authorities who are still in deep slumber.
Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully

Question. Owing to the MCD employees’ strike, the roads in your area are littered with garbage. Not only the place is stinking but also is a health hazard. As Miki/Manish of 112, Laxmi Nagar, write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local newspaper informing the concerned authorities of the unhygienic conditions and requesting them to take appropriate and necessary action in the matter.

112, Laxmi Nagar
New Delhi
March 5, 20××
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject : Littered Roads : A Health Hazard

Owing to the MCD employees’ strike, the roads in our area are littering with garbage. If garbage heaps around in a residential area, they not only present an unpleasant sight but also pose a great health hazard. This is precisely the problem in this part of the capital which I seek to bring to the notice of the concerned authorities through the columns of your reputed newspaper.
Since Rajendra Nagar is a relatively new locality, there are numerous vacant plots, that are being invariably and insensitively used by the public to dump their garbage. The stench in the air is unbearable, not to mention the peril of an outbreak of infectious diseases.
Attempts to counsel the people on the importance of community hygiene are being counter-argued, i.e., that in the absence of proper dumping sites or dustbins, vacant spots are their only option.
It is important that both the public as well as the authorities should take up a collective responsibility to maintain a clean environment and contribute towards the common good.
I hope this letter of mine will awaken the concerned authorities, who, in turn, will take necessary action at the earliest to protect the residents from any epidemic.

Thanking you.
Yours faithfully

Question. Your school has decided to take part in half marathon organised by an NGO in New Delhi. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Area Manager of the NGO requesting permission to participate in the half marathon on 28 April 2016 starting from National Stadium. Request the NGO to provide your school with 200 T-shirts for boys and girls aged 15-17 years. You are School Captain, Manish Mehta, Sarvodaya Vidyalaya, Saket.
Sarvodaya Vidhyalaya
April 18, 20××
The Area Manager
Karol Bagh
New Delhi

Subject : Permission to Participate in Half-Marathon

It is matter of great pleasure that authorities of our school has decided to take part in the half-marathon organised by your reputed NGO. As the noble purpose of this marathon is to create awareness for ‘Clean City, Green City’, it will be our honour if you grant us permission to be a part of this noble cause.
Further I’d make a request to provide us 200 T-shirts for the boys and girls of our school, who are aged 15-17 years. I hope, we’ll receive the above mentioned consignment, along with the permission letter within this week so that the students may reach the National Stadium on April 25, 20××, at 5:30 a.m. sharp to join the marathon. We shall be highly obliged.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely
Manish Mehta
(School Captain)

Question. The recent increase in crimes against people of the North-East, especially in the cities, has highlighted the growing problem faced by the community. Fear of violence continues to worry them. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the Editor of Times of India expressing your concern over the recent death of a young student resulting from a racial comment against people from North-East. Suggest what steps the government should take to solve this problem. You are Aanchal/Aryan, resident of A-12, East of Kailash, N. Delhi.
A-12, East of Kailash,
New Delhi
June 5, 20××
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi

Subject : Racial Discrimination

‘Incredible India’, as it is popular all over the world is well-known for its culture and heritage. But the current situation, especially the recent increase in crimes against people of the North-East, in the advanced cities has proved that humanity and moral values—the qualities which Indians are proud of, seem to have become an outdated concept.
Today the condition is that one would prefer only familiar people. People who migrate from other communities face the problem of violence. It is a matter of great concern that a young student had to lose his life due to a racial comment against people from the North-East. Such an attitude not only causes disharmony among fellow human beings but also dents the image of our country all over the world. The need of the hour is that we should understand that this is a myopic viewpoint. It is important to pause and think that human relationships should not be sacrificed at the alter of racial discrimination. Humans without humanity are not humans at all. I hope this letter of mine will be published in your esteemed newspaper for the sake of a noble cause.

Thank you.
Yours sincerely

Question. Increase in the number of private vehicles coupled with lack of civic sense has led to several road accidents in your city. Write a letter in 100-120 words to the editor of a local daily urging people to use public transport and to have patience while driving. You are Ram/Rama, 4 Raja Road, Karnal. 

4, Raja Road,
July 5, 20××
The Editor
The Hindustan

Subject : Use of Public Transport

Kindly allow me to make an appeal to public through the columns of your esteemed newspaper about the advantage of public transport usage.
Everybody can observe easily that the increase in the number of private vehicles on the road is the major cause of air pollution as well as noise pollution. More vehicles mean more congestion and traffic jams because public has become devoid of civic sense. Everybody tries to move first and fast which not only increases the chance of accidents but also causes a lot of noise pollution because people continuously blow horn during the waiting moments.

An easy and quick solution of the problem is that we should make more use of public transport. It’ll prove more comfortable as it will save both our energy and time and we can use that energy at our work place. Moreover, I want to make an appeal to the vehicle-owners to practice patience while driving because our life is very precious. It is better to reach late than never.
This is a matter of great concern and I hope you’ll publish my opinion in your esteemed newspaper.

Yours truly

Question. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily, giving your views about rising cases of obesity among young 
children. You are Lavanya/Lavesh living at 20, Shanti Enclave, Delhi. 
20, Shanti Enclave
March 20, 20××
The Editor
The Hindustan
New Delhi

Subject : Obesity Among Young Children

It is sad but true that more and more school children are getting obese. It is all due to their sedentary lifestyle.They don’t want to involve themselves in any outdoor activity. They just cling on to T.V., internet or video games.The major cause is their fondness for junk and fried food. Home-cooked food is looked down upon because of their love for tinned and canned food. Most of them prefer pizzas and burgers over green vegetables, fruits and milk. The result is that these young students are losing their youth and beauty.

School authorities should take immediate steps to replace fast food items with healthy food, snacks and fruit juices. Physical exercise and outdoor activities should be made compulsory. Parents should also avoid giving fast foods in lunch box. Students must be taught that obesity is an invitation to fatal diseases such as hypertension,heart ailments, cancer and arthritis. This is a matter of great concern. So I request you to publish my opinion in your esteemed newspaper.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely