Colonial Cities Exam Questions Class 12 History

Exam Questions Class 12

Please see Chapter 12 Colonial Cities Exam Questions Class 12 History below. These important questions with solutions have been prepared based on the latest examination guidelines and syllabus issued by CBSE, NCERT, and KVS. We have provided Class 12 History  Questions and answers for all chapters in your NCERT Book for Class 12 History. These solved problems for Colonial Cities in Class 12 History will help you to score more marks in upcoming examinations.

Exam Questions Chapter 12 Colonial Cities Class 12 History

Very Short Answer Questions :

Question. Why were Hill stations set up?
Ans. Hill stations were set up as they were strategic places to billet troops guard.

Question. Mention town planning in Bengal.
Ans. Concern for defense- they needed defense against local rulers.

Question. What is difference between cities and villages?
Ans. (1) In villages’ people made a living by agriculture and domesticating animals.
(2) In cities people belong to various professions such as services, trade, shop keeping, industries.

Question. What is Neo classical style of Architecture?
Ans. Neo classical style- it had geometrical structure, lofty pillars, similar to buildings in ancient Rome

Question. What is Indo – saracenic style of Architecture?
Ans. Indo-saracenic style- indo meant Hindu and Saracen used to name Muslim. The inspiration for this style was medieval building in India

Short Answer Questions :

Question. Describe the social changes brought in the new colonial cities.
Ans. a) Within the new cities new social groups were formed and the old identities of people were no longer important. All classes of people were migrating to the big cities. There was an increasing demand for clerks, teachers, lawyers and accountants-resulting in the increase of middle class. 
b) Another new class within the cities was the labouring poor or the working class. Paupers from rural areas flocked to the cities in the hope of employment These were known for religious festivals and fairs.

Question. What do the terms white and black towns signify?
Ans. White town-
(1) In a colonial city the fortified area where the Europeans lived was white town.
(2) Colour and religion was the main basis of it.
(3) Dutch and Portuguese were European and Christian so they could live in white town.
Black town-
(1) the area outside the fortified area where the Indians lived was black town.
(2) The Indians who had economic relations with British lived there.

Long Answer Questions :

Question. Architectural features of the city of Bombay during the British period.
Ans. Buildings in cities could include forts, government offices, educational institutions, religious structures, commercial towns etc. Initially Bombay was a state of seven islands. A number of new buildings were constructed at this time. The architectural style of these buildings were of usually European origin.
Then British adopted some of the Indian style to suit their needs, one of its example is bunglows which were made for government officers. It had traditional pitched roof and surrounding verandah to keep the bunglow cool.
The three architectural styles were
1. Neo classical style- it had geometrical structure, lofty pillars, similar to buildings to the building in ancient Rome
2 New gothic style- its roots in buildings specially churches built in northern Europe during the medieval period. University of Bombay and High court.
3. Indo-saracenic style- indo meant Hindu and Saracen used to name Muslim. The insipiration for this style was medieval building in India with their domes, chhatri, jail, arches. Example-The gateway of India Another traditional style was unique to Bombay, the chawl. Multi storeyed single room apartment.

Question. What are different colonial architectural styles?
Ans. (1) Neo classical style – Derived from ancient Rome, geometrical structures fronted with lofty pillars, Town Hall, Elphinston circle.
(2) Neo Gothic style – Originate from medieval churches, high pitched roofs, pointed arches, detailed decoration. Bombay secretariat, University of Bombay, Bombay High Court.
(3) Indo saracenic style – Mixture of Indian and European style Dome, Chhatris, Jalis, Arches, Gateway of India, and Taj Mahal hotel.

Passage based Question :

A rural city?

Read this excerpt on Madras from the Imperial Gazetteer, 1908: …
The better European residences are built in the midst of compounds which almost attain the dignity of parks; and rice-fields frequently wind in and out between these in almost rural fashion. Even in the most thickly peopled native quarters such as Black Town and Triplicane, there is little of the crowding found in many other towns … Statements in reports often express the ideas of the reporter.

Question. What kind of an urban space is the reporter celebrating in the statement? And how?
Ans. Better European residences; dignity of parks;

Question. What kind is he demeaning? Would you agree with these ideas?
Ans. Crowd and unhygienic condition of Black towns in other colonial cities than Madras. Students can express their ideas.

Question How did colour and religion determine who would live within the fort (Madras)?
Ans. The Company did not permit any marriages with Indians. Other than the English, the Dutch and Portuguese were allowed to stay here because they were European and Christian.

Colonial Cities Exam Questions Class 12 History