Please refer to The Third Level (Jack Finney) MCQ Questions Class 12 English below. These MCQ questions for Class 12 English with answers have been designed as per the latest NCERT, CBSE books and syllabus issued for the current academic year. These objective questions for The Third Level (Jack Finney) will help you to prepare for the exams and get more marks.
The Third Level (Jack Finney) MCQ Questions Class 12 English
Please see solved MCQ Questions for The Third Level (Jack Finney) in Class 12 English. All questions and answers have been prepared by expert faculty of standard 12 based on latest examination guidelines.
Question. Who was sam in The Third Level?
A) a doctor
B) a friend
C) a psychiatrist and a friend of Charley
D) None
Question. How does the story begin?
A) in a jovial manner
B) in an aggressive manner
C) on a happy note
D) in a serious manner
Question. What does the Third level signify?
A) a human tendency to escape from the harsh realities of the present to past happy times
B) A third way on Grand Central station
C) A third gate on Grand Central Station
D) None
Question. Why did Charley visit Sam?
A) To consult the incident of Third level incident at Grand Central Station
B) To invite him
C) to invite him to accompany at Galesberg
D) To guide him in Galesberg
Question. What are the author’s best known works?
A) English and Science fiction
B) Science and history fiction
C) Science fiction and nature
D) Science fiction and thrillers
Question. What was Jack’s full name?
A) Walter Braden Jack Finey
B) Stephen Jone Jack
C) Ray Douglas Bradbury
D) None
Question. What convinced Charly that he had reached the Third Level Grand Central Station and not the second level?
A) A different world of gas lights and brass spittoons
B) beards and mustaches of 1894
C) newspaper with a date June11, 1894
D) All of these
Question. What is ‘Waking dream wish fulfillment” according to the psychiatrist in the lesson?
A) Charles finding of a Third level at Grand Central Stationand realization of his wish to visit Galesberg Illinois
B) Charles escapism
C) Charles escapism from realities
D) None
Question. What is the theme of the lesson?
A) time travelling
B) human tendency of escapism because of the harsh realities of the present
C) theory of escapism
D) a dialogue between a patient and a psychiatrist
Question. What is Sam’s letter to Charles represent?
A) A blend
B) an acceptance to visit
C) a blend of reality with fantasy
D) a proof of his fantasy
Question. What is the meaning of ‘Waking dream wish fulfillment”?
A) a pleasant wish that makes one forget the present
B) a pleasant wish that takes one to the future
C) A pleasant wish which inspires to work
D) a pleasant wish that makes one forget the present
Question. In what way do we try to overcome the insecurities of the present harsh times
A) by engaging ourselves in practical activities
B) by talking to friends and family
C) reading good books
D) All these
Question. How did Charlie reach the Third Level?
A) In his fantasy he takes a subway or a corridor faster than a bus
B) in a superfast train
C) in jetways
D) in an escalator
Question. What is Sam’s letter testimony to in the lesson proving?
A) his acceptance to travel
B) Charles’ tendency of escapism from the realities
C) Sam accompanying Charles
D) his refusal to travel
Question. What happens when Charley enters the Grand Central Station?
A) He finds a huge tree like Station
B) new staircases,corridors and tunnels
C) tree keeps spreading its roots throwing rooms and windows
D) All of these
Question. Whose signatures were there on the letter?
A) Charle’s teacher
B) Charle’s friend
C) Sam
D) None
Question. Why was the narrator seeing this Third Level?
A) As a result of stress and anxiety in his mind
B) wanted to meet his friends
C) wanted to take a break from office
D) as a wish to visit Galesberg
Question. What is the significance of 1894 in the lesson?
A) it was past
B) representing a peaceful , romantic living time
C) Author’s childhood time
D) Authors’ parents were alive
Question. Who had sent that ‘First Day cover and when?
A) Sam’s father
B) Sam a psychiatrist in 1894
C) Sam’s friend
D) Sam’s uncle
Question. Why was Louisa,Charley’s wife worried?
A) Knowing the incident of Third Level
B) for not getting tickets
C) tickets were delayed
D) Sam was scaring
Question. Who was Charles’ wife?
A) a woman
B) a woman with bright top
C) A woman at The Third Level
D) Louisa
Question. What was the Third Level?
A) a third tier on the station
B) a third storey on the station
C) an imaginary discovery of the narrator’s mind
D) none
Question. What kind of appearances people had at Third level and why did the clerk refuse to accept money?
A) funny and clerk refused to accept money because it was currency of modern times
B) weird and notes were big
C) weird and notes were torn
D) weird and notes were wet
Question. Does the Third Level really exist at Grand Station?
A) Yes
B) yes, there were 3 levels
C) No, there were only two levels at the station
D) None
Question. Why do you think the Third Level was an escape for Charley?
A) Because it existed at the third storey
B) Because Sam knew about it
C) Because he shared it with Sam
D) Because it existed only in his fantasy and not in reality
Question. Who is the author of The Third Level?
A) George Orwell
B) Agatha Christie
C) James Joyce
D) Jack Finney
Question. Where was Charley often lost?
A) from a train
B) from the footpath
C) from a subway faster than bus at The Central Station
D) from an escalator
Question. What is First Day Cover?
A) A gift wrapper
B) A gift
C) A new stamp gets the Postmark and date
D) A gift wrapped in a beautiful wrapper
Question. What did Charley see at the Third Level?
A) flickering gas lights and people with funny mustaches
B) brass spittoons
C) men wearing a tan gabardine suit and a straw
D) All these
Question. Why does Charley want to visit Galesberg?
A) to escape from the troublesome world
B) to enjoy
C) to see the beautiful landscape
D) to meet his old friends
Question. What unusual thing the narrator sees at the Grand Central Sation?
A) Trees
B) Third Level
C) motorcars
D) All these
Question. What did Charley find in his stamp collection?
A) First day cover
B) hair styles
C) old letters
D) old addresses
Question. How does the story interweave fantasy and reality?
A) For Charle’s tendency to treat harsh realities with his imaginary Third Level
B) It presents imagination
C) imagination happens on Central Station
D) None
Question. Why was the author renamed?
A) to change his name
B) Priest’s suggestion
C) to honor his mother
D) as an honor to his father
Question. What was Sam invited for according to the letter?
A) for a party
B) for a tea party
C) for a bachelor’s party
D) for a lemonade party
Question. What was the strangest thing at The Third Level?
A) Beards
B) The corridor that led him into the past.
C) dresses
D) Mustaches
Question. What did the letter state?
A) That everything is okay
B) that Sam is joining them
C) Third level do exist and Charle was advised to keep looking at this worthseeing place
D) None
Question. What does the Psychiatrist explain to Charlie?
A) Third level is a beautiful place
B) Third level is worthseeing
C) Third level is well maintained
D) That it was the result of stress and anxiety of his mind
Question. What specific difference did Charley notice at the Third Level of Central Station?
A) Everything was weird
B) Everything was old styled and smaller in size
C) everything was too big
D) everything was shining
Question. Where was Charley ducked on Central Station?
A) into a room
B) into an office
C) into an arched door heading for subway
D) into a store
True False Questions
Question. A first day cover is never opened because a blank paper is put in the envelope.
Question. Charley had never seen so many beards, sideburns and fancy mustaches in his life, before he experienced the third level.
Question. The man in the booth wore green goggles and short black sleeve protectors.
Question. Visiting the Psychiatrist was charley’s Obvious step.
Question. Stamp collecting wasn’t Charley’s ‘Temporary refuge from reality’.
Question. Charley caught a glimpse of a locomotive with a funnel shaped stack at the Third Level.
Question. The hobby of collecting stamp is called as philately.
Question. The newspaper which charley found on the third level which hasn’t been published for years was The Word.
Question. Charley’s three hundred dollars bought him less than two hundred in old-style bills.
Question. The letter sent by Sam to charley’s grandfather on July 18, 1894 had a six cent stamp with dull brown picture of president Garfield.
Question. According to Charley President Cleveland used to collect stamps too.
Question. As per Charley, Sam Weiner who was his Psychiatrist went to 1894 and started a hay, feed and grain business;
Question. To celebrate Louisa’s birthday Charley took the subway from Grand Central to reach home.
Question. At the third level, Charley observed bronze spittoons.
Question. According to the letter, Charley was invited for a dinner party.
Question. Charley visited the library to confirm the main story of the newspaper.
Question. One night Charley worked late at the office and was in a hurry to get downtown to his apartment.
Question. According to psychiatrist charley’s grand central station situation was his waking dream wish fulfilment and he was also unhappy.
Assertion Reason Question
Question. Assertion (A): Charley experienced third level in the Grand Central Station.
Reason (R): He wanted to escape from the world of insecurity, fear, war & worry.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false.
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A): Sam said that Charley’s stamp collecting was a ‘temporary refuge from realty.’
Reason (R): Charley had strong desire to imitate his grandfather and even President Roosevelt.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false.
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A):Charley was a psychiatrist and he had entered the third level in reality.
Reason (R): Through third level Charley reached 1894 and he thought he would be able to go to Galesburg, a peaceful place.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false.
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A): The third level does not exist in the Grand Central Station. It was a ‘waking dream wish fulfilment’ for Charley.
Reason (R): People try to overcome the insecurities of the present harsh times by any means.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false
D) .A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A): Sam, the psychiatrist friend of Charley, had written a letter to him from Galesburg.
Reason(R): ‘Third Level’ is a blend of reality and fantasy.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A): Sam continued his hay, feed and grain business even in Galesburg.
Reason (R): As a city boy, Sam was able to outsmart Charley in making money wherever he was.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A): The Clerk refused to take money from Charley.
Reason (R): The currency Charley had was not in use in 1894.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A): Charley noticed that lights at the station were dim and flickering.
Reason(R): In 1894, open gaslights were used at the railway station.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A): Charley looked at the newspaper. It was The WorlD) He realized he was in a different worlD)
Reason(R): Charley knew that The World is no longer published in the world he came from.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A): Sam cannot start his psychiatric practice.
Reason (R): There life is peaceful and no one needs a psychiatrist.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Question. Assertion (A): At the stamp and coin store I go to, I found out that Sam bought eight hundred dollars’ worth of old-style currency.
Reason (R): That ought to set him up in a nice little hay, feed and grain business; he always said that’s what Sam really wished he could do.
A) Both, A and R, are true and R is the correct explanation of A)
B) Both, A and R, are true but R is not the correct explanation of A)
C) A is true but R is false
D) A is false but R is true
Source Based Question
Then I looked around and saw that everyone in the station was dressed like eighteenninety- something; I never saw so many beards, sideburns and fancy mustaches in my life. A woman walked in through the train gate; she wore a dress with leg-of-mutton sleeves and skirts to the top of her high-buttoned shoes. Back of her, out on the tracks, I caught a glimpse of a locomotive, a very small Currier & Ives locomotive with a funnel-shaped stack. And then I knew. To make sure, I walked over to a newsboy and glanced at the stack of papers at his feet. It was The World; and The World hasn’t been published for years. The lead story said something about President ClevelanD) I’ve found that front page since, in the Public Library files, and it was printed June 11, 1894.
Question. Where did Charley find himself?
(A) In Galesburg, a peaceful world
(B) At New Haven and Hartford railroads
(C) At New York Central
(D) At the Third Level of Grand Central Station
Question. How was Charley sure that he was in another level, not in the second level?
(A) He noticed differences in the dress of the people there
(B) He saw an old-fashioned engine
(C) He found everything in the station like of eighteen-ninety- something
(D) All of the above
Question. What is a locomotive?
(A) An old-fashioned train
(B) A Ticket Counter
(C) An engine that pulls the train
(D) All of the above
Question. How did Charley make sure that he had gone to the time of 1894?
(A) He went to Public Library to confirm his time travel
(B) He noticed the date on the Newspaper, The World
(C) He confirmed it by asking a newsboy
(D) Both A & C are correct.
4. Next day, during lunch hour, I drew three hundred dollars out of the bank, nearly all we had, and bought old-style currency (that really worried my psychiatrist friend). You can buy old money at almost any coin dealer’s, but you have to pay a premium. My three hundred dollars bought less than two hundred in old-style bills, but I didn’t care; eggs were thirteen cents a dozen in 1894. But I’ve never again found the
corridor that leads to the third level at Grand Central Station, although I’ve tried often enough.
Question. Why did Charley buy old – style currency?
A) It was his hobby to collect old style bills
B) He did not want to keep his money in the bank
C) He did not want to pay any more premium for money exchange
D) He wished to go to Galesburg to lead a peaceful life
Question. Why was Charley’s psychiatrist friend worried?
A) He feared that Charley has developed some psychological problem
B) Because Charley had withdrawn all his savings from bank
C) Because he was contented with less than 200 exchanging 300 dollars
D) All of the above
Question. Why did Charley not care for getting less amount in exchanging his entire savings?
A) Things would be cheaper in 1894 Galesburg
B) He had the intention to lead a peaceful life in Galesburg
C) Only A is correct, B is wrong
D) Both A & B are correct
Question. How much premium did Charley pay while exchanging 300 dollars?
A) Almost hundred dollars
B) Less than two hundred dollars
C) Almost all the money he had
D) All of the above
Have you ever been there? It’s a wonderful town still, with big old frame houses,
huge lawns, and tremendous trees whose branches meet overhead and roof the streets.
And in 1894, summer evenings were twice as long, and people sat out on their lawns,
the men smoking cigars and talking quietly, the women waving palm-leaf fans, with
the fire-flies all around, in a peaceful worlD) To be back there with the First World
War still twenty years off, and World War II over forty years in the future… I wanted
two tickets for that.
Question. Who do ‘you’ refer to?
A) Sam
B) Louisa
C) Nobody in particular
D) the reader
Question. Choose the option that best describes the society that is presented in the above extract:
A) content and peace loving
B) leisurely and sentimental
C) orthodox and upper class
D) comfortable and ancient
Question. “tremendous trees whose branches meet overhead and roof the streets” is NOT an example of:
1. imagery
2. metaphor
3. alliteration
4. anachronism
A) option 1 and 2
B) option 1 and 3
C) option 2 and 3
D) option 2 and 4
Question. Charley wanted two tickets as he wanted
A) to go and come back
B) to travel along with his wife
C) to travel along with Sam
D) to send Sam and Louisa off