Please refer to Thermal Properties of Matter MCQ Questions Class 11 Physics below. These MCQ questions for Class 11 Physics with answers have been designed as per the latest NCERT, CBSE books, and syllabus issued for the current academic year. These objective questions for Thermal Properties of Matter will help you to prepare for the exams and get more marks.
Thermal Properties of Matter MCQ Questions Class 11 Physics
Please see solved MCQ Questions for Thermal Properties of Matter in Class 11 Physics. All questions and answers have been prepared by expert faculty of standard 11 based on the latest examination guidelines.
MCQ Questions Class 11 Physics Thermal Properties of Matter
Question. A vessel completely filled with a liquid is heated. If a and g represent coefficient of linear expansion of material of vessel and coefficient of cubical expansion of liquid respectively, then the liquid will not overflow if
(a) Υ = 3 a
(b) Υ > 3 a
(c) Υ < 3 a
(d) Υ < 3 a
Question. The fastest mode of transfer of heat is
(a) conduction
(b) convection
(c) radiation
(d) None of these
Question. In order that the heat flows from one part of a solid to another part, what is required?
(a) Uniform density
(b) Temperature gradient
(c) Density gradient
(d) Uniform temperature
Question. The sprinkling of water slightly reduces the temperature of a closed room because
(a) temperature of water is less than that of the room
(b) specific heat of water is high
(c) water has large latent heat of vaporisation
(d) water is a bad conductor of heat
Question. Which of the following is not close to a black body?
(a) Black board paint
(b) Green leaves
(c) Black holes
(d) Red roses
Question. According to Newton’s law of cooling, the rate of cooling of a body is proportional to (Δθ)n, where Δθ is the difference of the temperature of the body and the surroundings, and n is equal to
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) one
Question. A metallic rod l cm long, A square cm in cross-section is heated through tºC. If Young’s modulus of elasticity of the metal is E and the mean coefficient of linear expansion is a per degree celsius, then the compressional force required to prevent the rod from expanding along its length is
(a) E A a t
(b) E A a t/(1 + at)
(c) E A a t/(1 – a t)
(d) E l a t
Question. Two solid spheres, of radii R1 and R2 are made of the same material and have similar surfaces. The spheres are raised to the same temperature and then allowed to cool under identical conditions. Assuming spheres to be perfect conductors of heat, their initial rates of loss of heat are
(a) R21/R22
(b) R1/R2
(c) R2/R1
(d) R22/R21
Question. A radiation of energy E falls normally on a perfectly reflecting surface. The momentum transferred to the surface is
(a) Ec
(b) 2E/c
(c) E/c
(d) E/c2
Question. Which of the following graph correctly represents the relation between ln E and lnT where E is the amount of radiation emitted per unit time from unit area of body and T is the absolute temperature

Question. The temperature of the Sun is measured with
(a) platinum thermometer
(b) gas thermometer
(c) pyrometer
(d) vapour pressure thermometer.
Question. Which of the following circular rods, (given radius r and length l) each made of the same material and whose ends are maintained at the same temperature will conduct most heat?
(a) r = 2r0; l = 2l0
(b) r = 2r0; l = l0
(c) r = r0; l = 2l0
(d) r = r0; l = l0
Question. The rate of heat flow through the cross-section of the rod shown in figure is (T2 > T1 and thermal conductivity of the material of the rod is K)

Question. When a body is heated, which colour corresponds to high temperature
(a) red
(b) yellow
(c) white
(d) orange
Question. The two ends of a rod of length L and a uniform cross sectional area A are kept at two temperatures T1 and T2 (T1 > T2). The rate of heat transfer, dQ/dt through the rod in a steady state is given by

Question. Two rods of the same length and areas of cross-section A1 and A2 have their ends at the same temperature. K1 and K2 are the thremal conductivities of the two rods. The rate of flow of heat is same in both rods if

Question. A pendulum clock is 5 seconds fast at temperature of 15ºC and 10 seconds slow at a temperature of 30ºC. At what temperature does it give the correct time? (take time interval = 24 hours)
(a) 18ºC
(b) 20ºC
(c) 22ºC
(d) 25ºC
Question. If a bar is made of copper whose coefficient of linear expansion is one and a half times that of iron, the ratio of force developed in the copper bar to the iron bar of identical lengths and cross-sections, when heated through the same temperature range (Young’s modulus of copper may be taken to be equal to that of iron) is
(a) 3/2
(b) 2/3
(c) 9/4
(d) 4/9
Question. A metallic bar is heated from 0ºC to 100ºC. The coeficient of linear expansion is 10–5 K–1. What will be the percentage increase in length?
(a) 0.01%
(b) 0.1%
(c) 1%
(d) 10%
Question. Steam is passed into 22 gm of water at 20ºC. The mass of water that will be present when the water acquires a temperatue of 90ºC (Latent heat of steam is 540 cal/g) is
(a) 24.83 gm
(b) 24 gm
(c) 36.6 gm
(d) 30 gm
Question. The rate of radiation of a black body at 0ºC is E joule per sec. Then the rate of radiation of this black body at 273ºc will be
(a) 16 E
(b) 8 E
(c) 4 E
(d) E
Question. Solar radiation emitted by sun resembles that emitted by a black body at a temperature of 6000 K. Maximum intensity is emitted at wavelength of about 4800 Å. If the sun were to cool down from 6000 K to 3000 K, then the peak intensity would occur at a wavelength
(a) 4800 Å
(b) 9600 Å
(c) 2400 Å
(d) 19200 Å
Question. A bucket full of hot water is kept in a room and it cools from 75ºC to 70ºC in T1 minutes, from 70ºC to 65ºC in T2 minutes and from 65ºC to 60ºC in T3 minutes. Then
(a) T1 = T2 = T3
(b) T1 < T2 < T3
(c) T1 > T2 > T3
(d) T1 < T2 > T3
Question. A mountain climber finds that water boils at 80ºC. The temperature of this boiling water is…… Fahrenheit
(a) 50º
(b) 150º
(c) 176º
(d) 200º
Question. A metal cube of length 10.0 mm at 0°C (273K) is heated to 200°C (473K). Given : its coefficient of linear expansion is 2 × 10–5 K–1. The percent change of its volume is
(a) 0.1
(b) 0.2
(c) 0.4
(d) 1.2
Question. No other thermometer is suitable as a platinum resistance thermometer to measure temperatures in the entire range of
(a) –50ºC to + 350ºC
(b) –200ºC to + 600ºC
(c) 0ºC to 100ºC
(b) 100ºC to 1500ºC
Question. In a surrounding medium of temperature 10°C, a body takes 7 min for a fall of temperature from 60°C to 40°C. In what time the temperature of the body will fall from 40°C to 28°C?
(a) 7 min
(b) 11 min
(c) 14 min
(d) 21 min
Question. Two rods P and Q of same length and same diameter having thermal conductivity ratio 2 : 3 joined end to end. If temperature at one end of P is 100°C and at one and of Q 0°C, then the temperature of the interface is
(a) 40°C
(b) 50°C
(c) 60°C
(d) 70°C
Question. 100 g of ice is mixed with 100 g of water at 100ºC. What will be the final temperature of the mixture ?
(a) 13.33ºC
(b) 20ºC
(c) 23.33ºC
(d) 40ºC
Question. A rectangular block is heated from 0ºC to 100ºC. The percentage increase in its length is 0.10%. What will be the percentage increase in its volume?
(a) 0.03%
(b) 0.10%
(c) 0.30%
(d) None of these
Question. The coefficient of apparent expansion of mercury in a glass vessel is 153 × 10–6/ºC and in a steel vessel is 144 × 10–6/ºC. If a for steel is 12 × 10–6/ºC, then, that of glass is
(a) 9 × 10–6/ºC
(b) 6 × 10–6/ºC
(c) 36 × 10–6/ºC
(d) 27 × 10–6/ºC
Question. A beaker contains 200 gm of water. The heat capacity of the beaker is equal to that of 20 gm of water. The initial temperatue of water in the beaker is 20ºC. If 440 gm of hot water at 92ºC is poured in it, the final temperature, neglecting radiation loss, will be nearest to
(a) 58ºC
(b) 68ºC
(c) 73ºC
(d) 78ºC
Question. Steam at 100ºC is passed into 1.1 kg of water contained in a calorimeter of water equivalent 0.02 kg at 15ºC till the temperature of the calorimeter and its contents rises to 80ºC.The mass of the steam condensed in kg is
(a) 0.130
(b) 0.065
(c) 0.260
(d) 0.135
Question. A body of mass 5 kg falls from a height of 20 metres on the ground and it rebounds to a height of 0.2 m. If the loss in potential energy is used up by the body, then what will be the temperature rise? (specific heat of material = 0.09 cal gm–1 ºC–1)
(a) 0ºC
(b) 4ºC
(c) 8ºC
(d) None of these
Question. Two identical rods of copper and iron are coated with wax uniformly. When one end of each is kept at temperature of boiling water, the length upto which wax melts are 8.4 cm amd 4.2 cm, respectively. If thermal conductivity of copper is 0.92, then thermal conductivity of iron is
(a) 0.23
(b) 0.46
(c) 0.115
(d) 0.69
Question. Two vessels of different materials are similar in size in every respect. The same quantity of ice filled in them gets melted in 20 min and 35 min, respectivley. The ratio of coefficients of thermal conduction of the metals is
(a) 4 : 7
(b) 7 : 4
(c) 25 : 16
(d) 16 : 25
Question. A partition wall has two layers A and B, in contact, each made of a different material. They have the same thickness but the thermal conductivity of layer A is twice that of layer B. If the steady state temperature difference across the wall is 60 K, then the corresponding difference across the layer A is
(a) 10 K
(b) 20 K
(c) 30 K
(d) 40 K
Question. The spectral energy distribution of the sun (temperature 6050 K) is maximum at 4753 Å. The temperature of a star for which this maximum is at 9506 Å is
(a) 6050 K
(b) 3025 K
(c) 12100 K
(d) 24200 K
Question. Two bodies A and B are placed in an evacuated vessel maintained at a temperature of 27ºC. The temperature of A is 327ºC and that of B is 227ºC. The ratio of heat loss from A and B is about
(a) 2 : 1
(b) 1 : 2
(c) 4 : 1
(d) 1 : 4
Question. 5 kg of water at 10°C is added to 10 kg of water at 40°C. Neglecting heat capacity of vessel and other losses, the equilibrium temperature will be
(a) 30°C
(b) 25°C
(c) 35°C
(d) 33°C
Question. A beaker contains 200 g of water. The heat capacity of beaker is equal to that 20 g of water. The initial temperature of water in the beaker is 20°C . If 440 g of hot water at 92°C is poured in, the final temperature, neglecting radiation loss, will be
(a) 58°C
(b) 68°C
(c) 73°C
(d) 78°C
Question. The rectangular surface of area 8 cm × 4 cm of a black body at temperature 127°C emits energy E per second. If the length and breadth are reduced to half of the initial value and the temperature is raised to 327°C, the rate of emission of energy becomes

Question. Two rods of same length and transfer a given amount of heat 12 second, when they are joined as shown in figure (i). But when they are joined as shwon in figure (ii), then they will transfer same heat in same conditions in

(a) 24 s
(b) 13 s
(c) 15 s
(d) 48 s
Question. A slab consists of two parallel layers of copper and brass of the same thickness and having thermal conductivities in the ratio 1 : 4. If the free face of brass is at 100°C and that of copper at 0°C, the temperature of interface is
(a) 80°C
(b) 20°C
(c) 60°C
(d) 40°C
Question. 540 g of ice at 0°C is mixed with 540 g of water at 80°C. The final temperature of mixture is
(a) 0°C
(b) 40°C
(c) 80°C
(d) less than 0°C
Question. Which one of the following graphs best represents the ways in which the total power P radiated by a black body depends upon the thermodynamic temperature T of the body?

Question. A black body at 227°C radiates heat at the rate of 7 cals/ cm2s. At a temperature of 727°C, the rate of heat radiated in the same units will be
(a) 50
(b) 112
(c) 80
(d) 60
Question. The top of an insulated cylindrical container is covered by a disc having emissivity 0.6 and conductivity 0.167 WK–1m–1 and thickness 1 cm. The temperature is maintained by circulating oil as shown in figure. Find the radiation loss to the surrounding in Jm–2s–1 if temperature of the upper surface of the disc is 27°C and temperature of the surrounding is 27°C.

(a) 595 Jm–2s–1
(b) 545 Jm–2s–1
(c) 495 Jm–2s–1
(d) None of these
Question. The graph between two temperature scales A and B is shown in figure between upper fixed point and lower fixed point there are 150 equal division on scale A and 100 on scale B. The relationship for conversion between the two scales is given by
