Students should refer to Worksheets Class 10 Social Science The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Chapter 1 provided below with important questions and answers. These important questions with solutions for Chapter 1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe have been prepared by expert teachers for Class 10 Social Science based on the expected pattern of questions in the class 10 exams. We have provided Worksheets for Class 10 Social Science for all chapters on our website. You should carefully learn all the important examinations questions provided below as they will help you to get better marks in your class tests and exams.
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Worksheets Class 10 Social Science
Question. What was the major issue taken up by the liberal nationalists?
Ans : The liberal nationalists took the major issue of freedom of press.
Question. Name the female allegory of the German nation.
Ans : Germania was the female allegory of the German nation.
Question. Who founded the secret society, ‘Young Italy’ during the 1830s?
Ans : During the 1830s, the secret society called the Young Italy was founded by Giuseppe Mazzini.
Question. Who remarked “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold”?
Ans : “When France sneezes, the rest of Europe catches cold” was remarked by Duke Mettemich.
Question. Who was proclaimed the German emperor in the ceremony held at Versailles in January 1871?
Ans : The ceremony held at Versailles in January 1871 proclaimed Kaiser William I of Prussia as the German emperor.
Question. Name the female allegory representing the Republic of France.
Ans : Marianne was the female allegory representing the republic of France.
Question. What was the main aim of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815?
Ans : The main aim of the Treaty of Vienna of 1815 was to reestablish conservative regions in Europe.
Question. What was the strong demand of the emerging middle classes in Europe during 19th century?
Ans : The strong demand of the emerging middle classes in Europe during 19th century was constitutionalism with national unification.
Question. Rewrite the sentence after correcting the underlined word
(i) Cavour is considered as the Bismarck of Germany.
(ii) In January 1871, the Prussian king, William I, was proclaimed Italian Emperor in a ceremony held in Versailles.
(iii) Vienna Congress was organised in 1817.
(iv) Rosseau said when France Sneeze rest of the world catches cold.
Ans. (i) Italy
(ii) Germany
(iii) 1815
(iv) Metternich
Question. Which among the following statements is NOT related to the Unification of Italy?
A. Guiseppe Mazzini formed a secret society for the dissemination of his goals.
B. Chief minister Cavour led the movement to unify the regions of Italy.
C. In 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed as the king of United Italy.
D. Otto Von Bismarck, was the architect of the unification of Italy.
Ans. D. Otto Von Bismarck, was the architect of the unification of Italy.
Question. Identify this image.

Ans. Germania
Question. Fill in the Blanks-
…………….. adopted the policy of blood and iron for the unification of Germany.
Ans. Bismark
Question. State Whether True or False.
Garibaldi formed the Red Shirt army of volunteers.
Ans. True
Question. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and choose the correct option:
Assertion (A): The Bourbon dynasty removed after French Revolution was restored.
Reason (R): Treaty of Vienna was signed in 1815.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true and but R is not the correct explanation of A
C. A is correct and R is Incorrect.
D. A is wrong but R is correct.
Ans. A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
Question. In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read the statement and choose the correct option:
Assertion: (A) After 1848, nationalism in Europe moved away from its association with democracy and revolution.
Reason: (R) Nationalist feelings were widespread among middle – class family.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
B. Both A and R are true and but R is not the correct explanation of A
C. A is correct and R is Incorrect.
D. A is wrong but R is correct.
Ans. B. Both A and R are true and but R is not the correct explanation of A
Question. Describe the events of French Revolution which had influenced the people belonging to other parts of Europe.
Ans : The events of French Revolution which had influenced the people belonging to other parts of Europe were:
a. Jacobins clubs were set up by the students and the members of educated middle class after the news of the French revolution which affected the French army.
b. The idea of nationalism was spread abroad by the French army.
c. The napoleon code was introduced in the year 1804, which abolished privileges and upholded equality.
Question. How did the local people in the areas conquered by Napoleon react to French rule? Explain.
Ans : The local people in the areas conquered by Napoleon had a mixed reaction to French rule.
a. The businessman and the small producers welcomed the economic reforms introduced by Napoleon.
b. Initially, the French armies were recognized as the messenger of liberty but later on it was realised that the administrative reforms cannot go hand in hand with the political reform.
c. The increased taxation and censorship were not liked by the people.
Question. How had Britain come into existence?
Ans : a. The formation of Britain or the unification of Britain was a result of long drawn parliamentary process. Before the 18th century there was no such nation called Britain.
b. It was all comprised by the English, Welsh, Scot and Irish lived in the British Isles. All these regions had their own cultural and political traditions. Gradually, England grew in importance due to its rising wealth and power which resulted in expansion of her influence over the other countries in that region.
c. In the year 1707, the act of union between England and Scotland resulted in the formation of United Kingdom of Great Britain. Finally, the British nation had its own English culture, British flag, national anthem and English language.
Question. Explain any three beliefs of the conservatism that emerged after 1815.
Ans : The three beliefs of the conservatism that emerged after 1815 were:
a. They believed that the traditional institutions of the state and the society must be protected and preserved.
b. They held the belief that the changes brought by the Napoleon and the ^modernization would definitely strengthen the power of the state and make it much more effective.
c. They also believed that the modem army, efficient bureaucracy, dynamic economy and the abolition of the feudalism and serfdom would surely provide gain to the aristocratic monarchies of Europe.
Question. Explain any three ways in which nationalists feelings were kept alive in Poland in the 18th and 19th century.
Ans : The three ways in which nationalist feelings were kept alive in Poland in the 18th and 19th century were as follows:
a. The polish people used their culture in maintaining and upgrading their national identity.
b. For their unity and identity they had used music. For example, Karol Kurpinski was able to develop the feeling of nationalist through his operas, music and folk dances.
c. They used their language as a national resistance in church gatherings and other religious instructions.
Question. Explain in three points, how Ireland was incorporated into United Kingdom in 1801.
Ans : The following are the ways through which Ireland was incorporated into United Kingdom in the year 1801:
a. Catholics and Protestants were the two different religious followers in Ireland. The Protestants were supported by the English to establish dominance over the large catholic country.
b. The Catholics revolted under the leadership of Wolfe Tone against this dominance but were failed.
c. The distinctive culture and language was suppressed when the English nation grew in power. The English nation promoted their own British flag, national anthem and English language.
Question. Explain any three features of the ‘nation-state’ that emerged in Europe in the twentieth century.
Ans : The three features of the nation-state that emerged in Europe in the 20th century were:
a. There were intense rivalry among the nations due to expansion of trade and colonies,
b. The disintegration of the Ottoman Empire.
c. The subject countries declared themselves as an independent countries.
Question. Describe the impact of the ‘revolution of liberals’ of 1848 in Europe.
Ans : The revolution of liberals of 1848 had a great impact in Europe. These were:
a. The monarch was abdicated and a republic was formed on the basis of universal male suffrage in France.
b. Men and women of the liberal middle classes united their demands for the constitutionalism and national unification and wanted to form a nation-state on the basis of the parliamentary principles.
c. Middle class professionals, businessmen and the rich artisans went to Frankfurt city and voted for an all-German National Assembly. As a result, the Frankfurt assembly was convened and a constitution for a German nation was drafted which was headed by a monarchy subject.
Question. Explain any three causes of conflict in the Balkan area after 1871.
Ans : The three causes of conflict in the Balkan area after 1871 were:
a. The modern day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia etc. were comprised together called the Balkans. They had conflict with one another on the basis of feelings of nationalism.
b. The different Balkan regions were jealous of each other and always for their own identity.
c. They wanted to gain more territory at the expense of the others.
Question. Explain the contribution of Giuseppe Mazzini in spreading revolutionary ideas in Europe.
Ans : Giuseppe Mazzini was a great Italian revolutionary. He was born in Genoa in the year 1807. He joined a secret society of the Carbonari. He was sent to jail in the year 1831 because he was involved in a revolution in Liguria. Two underground societies were founded under him named the Young Italy in Marseilles and Young Europe in Berne.
According to Mazzini, the God had intended the nations to be the natural units of mankind. Therefore, Italy could not continue to be a patchwork of the small and fragmented states and kingdoms.
The conservatives were frightened with the Mazzini’s opposition to the monarchy system and his vision for the democracy.
Question. Explain any three features of Napoleon Code.
Ans : The three features of the Napoleon Code are:
a. It helped in restoring monarchy after destroying democracy.
b. It helped in making the administrative system more rational and efficient.
c. It abolished the privileges based on birth and helped in gaining equality before law.
Question. Name the female allegory, which was invented by artists in the 19th century to represent the nation of France. Explain any two features of it.
Ans : In France, the name of the female allegory was Marianne. The statues of Christene Marianne were erected in the public square and also marked on the coins and the stamps.
The two features of this female allegory were:
a. This reflects the ideas of the people’s nation.
b. It was the figure of liberty with the red cap, the tricolor and the cockade.
Question. ” The French Revolution left an indelible mark on the world history.” Evaluate this statement.
Ans. Impact of French Revolution-
(i) Establishment of democratic rule,
(ii) Foundation of new society based on equality, liberty and fraternity,
(iii) New code of law
(iv) Rise of middle class
(v) Growth of liberal ideas
Question. What were the steps taken by the French revolutionaries to create a feeling of collective identity among the French people?
Ans. (i) Patriarchy and Idea of Citizenship
(ii) New National symbols
(iii) Centralised Administrative system
(iv) National language
(v) Uniform weights and measurement
Question. Discuss the main provisions of the Civil Code of 1804.

Question. Discuss the role played by culture in creating the European concept of nation.
Ans. Contribution of culture in the rise of Nation
(i) Growth of nationalist feelings through art, poetry, stories, music etc.
(ii) Folklore,
(iii) Emphasis on local languages and dialect
(iv) Language
(v) Building of culture on the basis of folktales.
Question. Describe the process of unification of Germany.
Ans : In 1848, Germans tried to unite the different regions of the German confederation into a nation-state- governed by an elected parliament. But the monarchy and the military repulssed the initiative. From then, Germany’s effort was supported by the large land owners called Junkers of Prussia. Prussia took the leadership of this movement under its chief minister, Otto von Bismarck. He took the help of Prussian army and bureaucracy. For 7 years, Prussians fought 3 wars with Austria, Denmark, and France-which resulted into Prussia’s victory and it led to be unification of Germany.
The Prussian king, William I was proclaimed as the German Emperor on January 18, 1871. The nation-state building in Germany had demonstrated the dominance of Prussian state power. The unified state of Germany had modern currency, banking, legal and judicial system.
Question. Napoleon had destroyed democracy in France, but in the administrative field he had incorporated revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient. Analyse the statement with arguments.
“Napoleon had, no doubt destroyed democracy in France, but in the administrative field he had incorporated revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient”. Support the statement.
Ans : The five social and administrative reforms introduced by Napoleon in the regions under his control were :
a. He gave away with all privileges based on birth, established equality before the law.
b. He abolished the feudal system and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.
c. Equild restrictions were removed in the towns.
d. He introduced uniform and standardised weights and measures.
e. He also introduced a common national currency that would facilitate the movement and exchange of goods and capital from one region to another.
Question. “Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same nation.” Support the statement.
Ans : Nationalism spreads when people begin to believe that they are all part of the same nation.
a. The Romanticism and cultural movements focused on emotions, intuitions and mystical feelings to create a sense of a shared collective heritage, a common cultural past of a nation.
b. Folk songs, folk poetry and folk dances are true cultural spirits of a nation and these are essential to bind the people in a bond.
c. Importance of vernacular language also bind the people into a nation so that they can collectively think for their nation.
d. Music also helps in to light up the feeling of nationalism-connection to one nation.
e. The collection of local folklore was not just only to recover the national spirit, but also spread the message of nationalism among the illiterate people.
Question. Explain any four changes brought about in Europe by the Treaty of Vienna [1815].
Ans : The four changes that were brought in Europe by the Treaty ofVienna in the year ;1815 were as follows:
a. The Bourbon dynasty was restored.
b. Series of states were set up along the boundaries of France for the future prevention.
c. Prussia was given the new territories on to the west side.
d. The German federation remained as it is.
e. Monarchy was restored in Europe.
Question. Describe the process of unification of Italy.
Ans : a. Earlier Italy was divided into seven states out of which the Italian princely house ruled only in the Sardinia-Piedmont region.
b. The youth of the country were greatly influenced by the most prominent Italian leader named Mazzini. The youth were inspired for the establishment of a single united Italy. Secret societies were set up in many states.
c. In the process of unification of Italy Cavour was helped a lot by Mazzini. King Victor Emmanuel II took the charge of the unification of Italy after a series of failure of Mazzini.
d. Cavour, the then chief minister due to his tactful diplomatic alliance with France was able to defeat the Austrian forces in the year 1859.
e. Finally the Spanish were driven out when Giuseppe Garibaldi marched into south Italy in the year 1860 with the support of the local peasants. Hence, Italy was unified in the year
1961 and Victor Emmanuel II was declared the king of united Italy.
Question. ‘The 1830s were years of great economic hardship in Europe.’ Support the statement with four examples.
Ans : The decade of 1830s known as great economic hardships in Europe because of the following reasons:
a. High rise in population led to the unemployment condition and scarcity of jobs.
b. The small producers faced stiff competition due to the import of cheap machine goods from England.
c. Due to the burden of the feudal dues and taxes there was bad harvest.
d. There was rise in the prices of food grains due to the bad harvest which made the condition of the common people miserable.
Question. Read the extracts and answer the following questions.
In a lecture delivered at the University of Sorbonne in 1882, the French philosopher Ernst Renan (1823-92) outlined his understanding of what makes a nation. The lecture was subsequently published as a famous essay entitled ‘Qu’est-ce qu’une nation?’ (‘What is a Nation?’). In this essay Renan criticizes the notion suggested by others that a nation is formed by a common language, race, religion, or territory: ‘A nation is the culmination of a long past of endeavors, sacrifice and devotion. A heroic past, great men, glory, that is the social capital upon which one bases a national idea. To have common glories in the past, to have a common will in the present, to have performed great deeds together, to wish to perform still more, these arc the essential conditions of being a people. A nation is therefore a large-scale solidarity … Its existence is a daily plebiscite … A province is its inhabitants; if anyone has the right to be consulted, it is the inhabitant. A nation never has any real interest in annexing or holding on to a country against its will. The existence of nations is a good thing, a necessity even. Their existence is a guarantee of liberty, which would be lost if the world had only one law and only one master.’
(a) Who was Ernst Renan?
Ans. French Philosopher
(b) What were the key features of Nation according to Ernst Renan?
Ans. Common Language, Race, Religion
(c) Describe the role of Nation for the existence of Liberty?
Ans. Nation is a guarantee of libertiy
(d) Define the nation in your own words?
Ans. Student will define in own words.